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Archive 5

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Шановні марсіяни / Dear Martians


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Author: Misha Shchogoliev Country: Ukraine License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Діти з України Мартін і Майя ведуть міжпланетну розмову. Хлопчик запрошує шановних марсіан відвідати Землю і спробувати найкраще, що в нас є (звичайно, це картопля). Тим часом дівчинка вже опинилася на Марсі, чуєте її?   ENG Ukrainian children Martin and Maya have interplanetar conversation. Boy asks the Martians to visit Earth and to try the best we have (surely it's potato). Meanwhile the girl claims she has already stuck on Mars, do you hear her well?  
Content (Сміх) – Hear! – Шановні марсіяни, прилітайте на Землю, попробуйте чіпси з сметаною і цибулею і картопельний цей, баклажан. – I was traveling from the kids planet and I got stuck on Mars! I have a technical problem... Do you hear me well? Over   ENG (Laughter) – Hear! – Dear Martians, come to Earth, try chips with sour cream and onion and potato, well, eggplant! – I was traveling from the kids planet and I got stuck on Mars! I have a technical problem... Do you hear me well? Over

Fragilité / Fragility


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Author: Manon FEUBEL Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Vocalise lyrique   ENG Lyrical Vocalyze  
Content vocalise, sans parole   ENG Lyrical vocalizes without words

Our heart for the others / Our heart for the others.


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Author: tatiana rebuttini Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un appel du coeur des humains pour les eventuels martiens!   ENG  
Content On est pas foncierement tous intelligents, nous ne sommes pas tous foncierement doues de bon sens mais nous faisons de notre mieux pour batir un monde meilleur alors venez nous aider et rejoignant nos coeurs.   ENG

Son dernier message / His/her last message


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Author: Olivier Jacoulet Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Instrumentale réalisé par mes soins - Instruments: guitare, guitare synthétiseur, claviers   ENG Beaucoup de nostalgie dans cet instrumental, comme ses premiers hommes qui sur Terre découvraient un autre territoire, un autre continent, une autre mer en se souvenant des lieux qu'ils avaient quittés, sachant qu'ils ne reviendraient sans doute jamais.  
Content Instrumental   ENG Instrumental

Friends Request to Mars / Friends Request to Mars


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Author: Friendly Humans Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Hello, dear Space Explorers! Here is the message to Universe and especially to Mars. Do not think, that I am speaking for all humans on Earth. Under **we** I mean my close friends and maybe someone who thinks in the same way. I hope you are not looking for new resources and colonies on Mars, but friends! Wish you good luck!   ENG Hello! We are humans, and we have a very beautiful green planet to explore and to care for. To see other planets, our neighbors, without life make us unhappy and feel alone in the entire Universe. So, please, we are looking for friends!  
Content Hello! We are humans, and we have a very beautiful green planet to explore and to care for. To see other planets, our neighbors, without life make us unhappy and feel alone in the entire Universe. So, please, we are looking for friends!   ENG Hello! We are humans, and we have a very beautiful green planet to explore and to care for. To see other planets, our neighbors, without life make us unhappy and feel alone in the entire Universe. So, please, we are looking for friends!

One Love / One Love


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Author: Leslie Deschler Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Message d’amour et de paix interplanétaire. La musique est un langage universel.   ENG Interplanetary peace and love message. Musique is a universal language.  
Content Un amour, un cœur Réunissons-nous et sentons-nous bien Un amour, un cœur Réunissons-nous et sentons-nous bien Remercions et louons le Seigneur et je me sentirai bien   ENG One love, one heart Let’s get together and feel all right One love, one heart Let’s get together and feel all right Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right

Mars 1 


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Author: agnes pinardel minier Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Clochettes et voix dans un grand espace, sans caractéristique de langue.   ENG  
Content Vocalise   ENG

Mars 2 


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Author: marc pinardel Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Sons étranges, voix puissante et tellurique.   ENG  
Content Vocalise   ENG

Marte. Un sueño para muchos. / Mars! A dream for a lot.


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Author: Ashley Gavilanes Country: Ecuador License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Mi sueño de pequeña era ser astronauta.Con el tiempo decidí estudiar medicina.Grabé el audio porque es una pequeña parte de lo que siempre soñé **Viajar al espacio**. Desde que salió la publicación de enviar un audio estaba decidida en grabarlo.Espero que se encuentre entre los audios que serán enviados en el primer Rover Planetario y que la misión sea exitosa. Mi audio trata del proyecto marciano de Korolev Pavlovich y en memoria a él, Vladimir Troshin compuso una música.Saludos desde Ecuador!   ENG My dream since child was to be an astronaut. Eventually I decided to study medicine. I recorded the audio because it is a small part of what I always dreamed of **traveling to space**. Since the publication of sending an audio I was decided to record it. I hope it is among the audios that will be sent in the first Planetary Rover and that the mission is successful. My audio is about the Martian project of Korolev Pavlovich in memory of him, Vladimir Troshin composed a music. Greetings!!  
Content Hola!Hermoso planeta rojo. Un saludo a la distancia desde mi bello país,Ecuador!!! Marte, eres un objetivo de conquista. Un sueño para muchos. Vivir y creer es maravilloso. Como lo dice Vladimir Troshin. **Los astronautas y soñadores dicen: ¡Qué en Marte florecerán manzanos!** En memoria al proyecto marciano de Korolev Pavlovich. Besos desde mi querida Tierra. ¡Hasta pronto!   ENG Hello! Beautiful red planet. Greetings to the distance from my beautiful country,Ecuador!!! Mars, you are a goal of conquest. A dream for a lot.Live and believe is wonderful. As Vladimir Troshin said: **The astronauts and dreamers say: That on Mars will bloom apple trees!** In memory of the Martion Project of Korolev Pavlovich. Kisses from my dear Earth. See you later!!!

Un son pour Mars / A song for Mars


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Author: Florent Texeira Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Improvisation à la clarinette d'un ancien élève de notre collège   ENG Musical improvisation for Mars (clarinet)  
Content Instrumental   ENG Instrumental

Set fire to the rain


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Author: Rafeeq Mehran Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Adele_Set fire to the rain   ENG  
Content Set fire to the rain   ENG

Ты и есть вселенная. / You are the Universe.


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Author: КАРИНА КУЗНЕЦОВА Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion В моменты проблем, разочарований, стресса мы так часто забываем о той глобальности которую хранит в себе мир.Но насколько же мелочными кажутся эти проблемы, по сравнению с этой волшебной Вселенной!   ENG In moments of problems, disappointments, stress, we so often forget about the globality that the world holds in us. But how petty these problems seem compared to this magical Universe!  
Content Мы можем разочаровываться в людях нервничать из-за провала на экзамене, говоря что худшего моменты и быть не может. Но насколько пустыми и незначительными кажутся эти проблемы, по сравнению с этой бесконечной огромной Вселенной с миллиардами галактик. И осознание того, какая крупинка и мелочь вся наша жизнь,не говоря о таких якобы проблемах, просто сводит меня с ума, как и осознание того, что мы-люди являемся частью этой волшебной огромной вселенной.   ENG In different periods of life we feel upset because of different events, things or people. We are nervous about taking exams and get depressed if we fail; we get disappointed when people let us down; when things go wrong we get frustrated. Sometimes we feel as if we went through the worst period of our life. However, when we look up at the sky and see billions of shining stars and deep blue sky, we recollect about the Universe and a great number of Galaxies our planet moves through. All our problems seem so unimportant in comparison with the endless and eternal Universe. What really drives me mad is the fact that I am a part of the great Universe and at the same time I am so small and my life is so short and all my worries do not really matter.

اشاره / Eshareh


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Author: Rafeeq Mohammadi Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion اشاره از بانو هایده   ENG  
Content آهنگ اشاره   ENG

Gol del Pity / Pity's gol


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Author: Augusto López Castaño Country: Argentina License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion El gol de fútbol mas importante de la historia. Nunca antes un hecho generó tanta pasión humana. Se le agregó musica a la manera de los cantos Homéricos, relatos épicos que forjaron la historia de Occidente.   ENG The most important football goal in history. Never before has an event generated so much human passion. Music was added to it in the manner of Homeric songs, epic tales that forged the history of Western civilization.  
Content Va a sacar la pelota desde la esquina Pavón. 16 minutos, señoras y señores. Se va a adelantar Pavón, todo Boca buscará el empate, solo Olaya fuera del área. Atención que va el corner va. Se adelanta Pavón, se cierra, Armani, el taco, no, hace la personal y ahí se va, se va se viene Martínez para el gol, y va el tercero, y va el tercero, y va el tercero, y gol de River, gol de River...ooool....Gooooooooool. Martínez liquida el partido señoras y señores, 16 minutos y medio, River 3 Boca 1    ENG He's going to get the ball from corner, Pavónr. 16 minutes, ladies and gentlemen. It is going to advance Pavón, all Boca will look for the tie, only Olaya out of the area. Attention the corner kick goes. Pavón goes ahead, closes, Armani, the **taco**, no, he he does it to himself and there he goes, Martinez leaves for the goal, and goes the third, and goes the third, and goes the third, and River goal , River goal ... ooool .... Gooooooooool. Martinez liquidates the match ladies and gentlemen, 16 minutes and a half, River 3 Boca 1 

We are the children the earth / THE CHILDREN OF THE EARTH


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Author: OLGA KATAEVA Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Этот мир принадлежит детям и наши дети шлют свои пожелания миру !   ENG We don' t want war or troubles. We only want happyness, love and freedom. We want more people in the world. We love sweets, nature and sport. We will say ** NO** to them who drink alcohol. Our name is ** cildren of the earth. We want to live happily without war or troubles!!** Τέλος συζήτησης Γράψτε ένα μήνυμα...  
Content МЫ ДЕТИ СВОБОДНОЙ И МИРНОЙ СТРАНЫ ! МЫ НЕ ХОТИМ НИ БЕД , НИ ВОЙНЫ ! МЫ ТОЛЬКО ЗА СЧАСТЬЕ, ЛЮБОВЬ И СВОБОДУ ! ХОТИМ , ЧТОБЫ В МИРЕ БЫЛО МНОГО НАРОДУ ! МЫ ЛЮБИМ КОНФЕТЫ , ПРИРОДУ И СПОРТ ! И МЫ СКАЖЕМ НЕТ , ТЕМ , КТО ПЬЁТ АЛКОГОЛЬ ! МЫ НАЦИЯ НОВАЯ - ДЕТИ ЗЕМЛИ ! ЖИТЬ ЗДОРОВО , СЧАСТЛИВО ХОТИМ БЕЗ ВОЙНЫ !   ENG We don' t want war or troubles. We only want happyness, love and freedom. We want more people in the world. We love sweets, nature and sport. We will say ** NO** to them who drink alcohol. Our name is ** cildren of the earth. We want to live happily without war or troubles!!** Τέλος συζήτησης Γράψτε ένα μήνυμα...

Espoir ExoMars / ExoMars Hope


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Author: Etienne Colle Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Notre morceau musical avec paroles se veut un message d’espoir pour la conquête de Mars et est fait avec des sons clairs pour tous types de transmissions.   ENG Our musical piece with lyrics is a message of hope for the conquest of Mars and is made with clear sounds for all types of transmissions.  
Content Au-delà de nos horizons, nos besoins d’espoir perçoivent une satisfaction. Rouge caillou, au milieu de tout, lueur dans le noir, mère de nous. Mission ExoMars, exhausse des vœux et laisse les traces. Rêves humains, moyens martiens, l’univers nourrit les siens, tous sur le même chemin. Les voyages se font comme se tendent les mains...   ENG Beyond our horizons, our needs for hope perceive satisfaction. Stony red, in the middle of everything, gleam in the dark, mother of us. Mission ExoMars, fulfils wishes and leaves the marks. Human dreams, martian solution, the universe feeds its own people, all on the same path. travels is done like the hands stretch out...

live / rain


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Author: Elhamamiri ely Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion There are live.   ENG  
Content There are live   ENG

Klavírní panorama z Marsu - Pozdrav Jiřího Černého z Marsu. / Piano panorama from Mars - interpret Jiri Cerny


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Author: Jiří L. Černý Černý Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Autorská klavírní melodie Mgr. Jiřího Černého; pohrávající si s hudební geometrií ozvěny a dynamikou úhozú. Předkládaná nahrávka se jeví vhodnou pro účel projektu mise, komparaci zvuků. Zvláště lze vyzdvihnoutt pravidelně se prolínající tzv. půltóny a záměrně neměnný reverb.   ENG Author Piano Melody Mgr. Jiří Černý; playing with echo geometry and stroke dynamics. The present recording seems appropriate for the purpose of the mission project, comparing the sounds. Especially, the so-called halftones and the intentionally unchanging reverb can be picked up.  
Content Piano melody of Jiří L. Černý.   ENG Author Piano Melody Mgr. Jiří Černý; playing with echo geometry and stroke dynamics.

Bruh melody / Bruh melody


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Author: Miroslav Miklin Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Bruh   ENG Bruh  
Content Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh atd.   ENG Bruh bruh bruh etc.

Life's Road


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Author: Bahz Productions Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A chill vibe   ENG  
Content Imagine your on a beach, nice summer day and enjoying your life.   ENG

Black hole / Black hole


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Author: Daniel Theiss Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jde o velmi svéráznou hlášku o černých dírách. Vzhledem k tomu, že nedávno byla přímo spatřena černá díra, by bylo dobře se o tento objev podělit s jinou mimozemskou civilizací.   ENG It is a very peculiar citate about black holes. And because recently was observed a black hole a black hole with an optical telesope, I think it would be good to share this dicovery with anothe civilisation.  
Content A black hole has not hair   ENG A black hole has not hair

Тёмный город вдали / Dark city far away


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Author: Vladislav Loktionov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Строчки этой дорожки предугадывают мрачное будущее планеты Земля через многие годы после глобального переселения на другие планеты   ENG The lines of this track predict the gloomy future of Earth many years after global migration to other planets  
Content Тёмный город вдали И остатки руин не видны, Их скрывает туман. Словно облако мглы, Словно был ураган. Принеся море тьмы векам, Что тот город стоит, И в раздумье застыв, Словно призрак весит. Там, где давно птичий свист Был стенами забыт, Где давно правит лишь тишина, Эти камни стоят в темноте, Будто ночь, позабыв о дне, Не ушла.   ENG A dark city far away And the remains of the ruins aren't visible, Fog hiding them. As if cloud of mystery, As if hurricane. Bringing a sea of darkness for centuries, When the city is stand, And in thoughtful frozen, It's like a ghost hanging. Where bird's whistle Was forgotten by the walls for a long time, Where only silence rules for a long time, These stones stand in the dark, As though a night that forgotten about the day, Is not gone.

George Michael - Freedom ! / George Michael - Freedom !


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Author: Kristina Bürgerová Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nejlepší zpěvák s nejdůležitějším vzkazem, svoboda je totiž určitě důležitá i na Marsu :-)   ENG The best singer ever with the most important message. Who else :-)  
Content Freedom ! Freedom ! Freedom ! You've got to give for what you take Freedom ! Freedom ! Freedom ! You've got to give for what you take   ENG Freedom ! Freedom ! Freedom ! You've got to give for what you take Freedom ! Freedom ! Freedom ! You've got to give for what you take



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Author: Muzzammil Syed Country: India License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Interstellar movie music   ENG  
Content Mars, we are coming!   ENG

A Prophecy for Mars, beyond the Stars


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Author: From Earth To Mars Country: Réunion License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I will tell you a story! Once upon a time, we found life on Mars, and this big event changed everything on Earth culture! After this all Nations are living in peace and unity, for a common purpose! With unity and cooperation, we passed together thru all difficulties and previous planetary and environment problems, and now we are looking in peace and unity for the next planet home, for our expansion to the stars! Hope all this to be not a simple story, but a prophecy!   ENG  
Content I will tell you a story! Once upon a time, we found life on Mars, and this big event changed everything on Earth culture! After this all Nations are living in peace and unity, for a common purpose! With unity and cooperation, we passed together thru all difficulties and previous planetary and environment problems, and now we are looking in peace and unity for the next planet home, for our expansion to the stars! Hope all this to be not a simple story, but a prophecy!   ENG

Tatactatoum / Tatactatum


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Author: Samantha Barendson Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion 30 secondes tirées de l'un de mes poèmes intitulé 'Tatactatoum' (le bruit d'un train). Le texte, dans cette partie, est une liste de choses vues de la fenêtre d'un train, certaines sont belles, d'autres les sont moins. J'espère que le voyage vers Mars ne montrera que de belles choses depuis sa fenêtre et que la pollution ne montera jamais si haut.   ENG 30 seconds from a poem of mine entitled 'Tatactatoum' (the sound of a train). The text, in this part, is a list of things you can see from the window of the train, some beautiful things and some trash. I hope, the traval to Mars will only show beautiful thing from the window and pollution will never get up there.  
Content une vache un château une église un âne une vieille mobylette ou un train à la retraite de l’herbe à perte de vue des champs de coquelicots un village suspendu la dame-blanche un mouton ou peut-être une chèvre un autre coquelicot une jupe en corolle une canette de soda un plastique une poubelle un néon un flash Tatactatoum, tatactatoum, tatactatoum   ENG a cow, a castle, a church, a donkey, an old motorcycle or a disused train, grass as far as the eye can see, poppy fields, a village on the hills, the White Lady, a sheep maybe a goat, a single poppy, a flared skirt, a fizzy drink, a piece of plastic, a bin, a neon light, a flash. Tatactatum, tatactatum, tatactatum.



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Author: Tavish McEwen McEwen Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I'm tired   ENG  
Content **Hello, this is Tavish McEwen, And I am tired.**   ENG

Prenons soin des couleurs de la nature / Take care of the colors of nature


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Author: Blanche Dilly Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Arrivée sur Mars, le rover décrit le paysage martien: magnifique mais tellement désert. Il nous invite à prendre soin de notre planète Terre. Ce message devrait être diffusé sur Mars pour que la première voix humaine venant de cette planète soit un appel à conserver notre planète. La voix d'un enfant rappelle que ce sont eux, les terriens de demain, les plus concernés.   ENG Arrived on Mars, the rover is describing the landscape: wonderful but desolated. It's inviting us to take car of our planet and its many colors. This message should be broadcast on Mars so that the first human voice coming from there contains a call to protect Earth. The voice of a child remains us that they, earthlings of tomorrow, are the most concerned.  
Content Allo la terre , ici ExoMars, je suis arrivé sur Mars, et je contemple un magnifique paysage. Seulement ici, tout est très rouge. Sur Terre, nous avons de la chance d’avoir du bleu, du vert et plein d’autres couleurs. Nous devrions prendre soin des couleurs de la nature. Et puis sur Mars, tout est désert. Chez nous, on a des animaux, il faut prendre soin de cette vie. J’espère que grâce à moi vous allez apprendre plein de choses. Terminé.   ENG Hello Earth, ExoMars speaking, I‘ve arrived on Mars, and I contemplate a wonderful landscape. Except here, everything is red. On Earth, we are lucky to have blue, green and many other colors. We should take care of the colors of nature. Furthermore on Mars, everything is desert. At home, we have animals, we must take care of this life. I hope that, thanks to me, you will learn a lot. Over.

Terre et Mars / Earth and Mars


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Author: Marie-Laure Fastrez Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion C'est un duo chanté par deux soeurs honorant les deux soeurs de l'univers que sont la terre et Mars.   ENG It is a duo sung by two sisters honoring the two sisters of the universe that are the Earth and Mars.  
Content Terre ou Mars y'a des milliards d'années Que planète on est né. Ni trop loin, ni près de l'autre pour se regarder. En robe rouge et robe bleue, On se garde à vue, Nous les alliées, les aînées D'un lointain inconnu. Quand l'hiver Souffle sur l'une, il fait bon sur l'autre. Aphélie et Périhellie Rythment notre course ......   ENG Earth or Marsy'a billions of years that planet we were born. Not too far, nor near the other to look at each other. In red dress and blue dress, we keep to sight, we Allied them, the elders of a distant unknown. When the hiverSouffle on one, it makes good on the other. Aphélie and Perihellierythment our race......

Claire Butard / love


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Author: Claire Butard Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion c'est une publicité qui parle d'amour, un sujet vaste et universel :)   ENG it's about love  
Content **L'amour peut-il durer toujours ? Oh oui**   ENG love can be eternal ? yes!

volani / call


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Author: margita pohlova Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion zvuk volani me lasky, ktery me provazel kazdy den poslednich 20 let. nedavno odesel ke hvezdam, posilam mu ji.   ENG  
Content nema slova   ENG

Becky et James / Becky and James


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Author: nathalie burns Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion French kids   ENG French kids  
Content Coucou, je suis Becky j'ai 5 ans   ENG Hi, I'm Becky, I'm 5 



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Author: Sam Bédard Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Composée par Samuel, membre du groupe d'ados de rock de garage **Märs**, la chanson parle de celui/celle qui peut-être se trouve **au-delà des étoiles** à nous observer. Ceci est un extrait de 30 seconde de cette chanson intitulée «Odyssée».   ENG Composed by Samuel, member of a garage band named **Märs**, the song talk about one who is perhaps **beyond the stars**, observing us. This is a 30-second excerpt from this song called **Odyssey**.  
Content Pourquoi tout s'éteint lorsqu'on arrive au bout du chemin? Qui tient les cordes? Qui se frotte les mains? Moi je trouve que c'est un drôle de gagne-pain! De l'autre côté des étoiles, y a t-il quelqu'un qui nous regarde? Je voudrais le savoir, je le saurai jamais. Que quelqu'un le sache ça me surprendrait! Pa, pa, pa, pa ...   ENG

Risitas Deep House / Risitas Deep House


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Author: Mohamed LYAGOUBI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Musique House pour faire danser les Martiens   ENG House Music to Dance Martians  
Content Musique raccourcie pour les 30 Secondes   ENG Shortened Music for 30 Seconds

El Risitas Mars Beat / El Risitas Mars Beat


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Author: Mohamed LYAGOUBI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Musique pour faire danser les martiens.   ENG Electronic Music to make the Martians dance.  
Content Musique raccourcie pour la présentation   ENG Shortened music for presentation

Jeroboam [rockband] Rehearsal extract Marseille 2019 / Jeroboam [rockband] Rehearsal extract Marseille 2019 


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Author: Pierre Andreani Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Recorded in Canebière, Marseille 19/04/19 Drums : L. Lombart Guitar/Vocals : P. Andreani Latitude : 43,2978 Longitude : 5,3828 Nom : la canebière, 13001 marseille, france Type : Locality Pays : Monde État : Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur District : Bouches-du-Rhône Localité : Marseille Sous-localité : NA    ENG Recorded in Canebière, Marseille 19/04/19 Drums : L. Lombart Guitar/Vocals : P. Andreani Latitude : 43,2978 Longitude : 5,3828 Nom : la canebière, 13001 marseille, france Type : Locality Pays : Monde État : Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur District : Bouches-du-Rhône Localité : Marseille Sous-localité : NA   
Content none   ENG none

Black hole / Black hole


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Author: Daniel Theiss Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jde o velmi zajíavý citát o černých dírách. Vzhledem k tomu, že nedávno byla spatřena přímo první černá díra, si myslím, že bycom se o tento objev měli podělit s jinou civilizací, která tento signál možná někdy zachytí   ENG it is a very intresting citate about black holes. And because recently was seen a black hole with an optical telescope, I think, that would be good to share this disovery wit another civilisation, which maybe will hear this signal.  
Content A black hole has not hair   ENG A black hole has not hair

Black hole / Black hole


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Author: Daniel Theiss Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jde o velmi zajimavý citát o černých dírách. Vzhledem k tomu, že nedávno byla přímo spatřena černá díra si myslím, že by bylo dobře se podělit o tento poznateks civilizací, která tento signál možná někdy zachytí   ENG It is a very intresting citate about black holes. And because recently was seen a black hole with an optical telescope, I think that would be good to share this discovery with an other civilisation, which maybe will hear this signal.  
Content A black hole has not hair   ENG A black hole has not hair

Black hole / Black hole


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Author: Daniel Theiss Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jde o velmi zajimavý citát o černých dírách. Vzhledem k tomu, že nedávno byla přímo spatřena černá díra si myslím, že by bylo dobře se podělit o tento poznatek s civilizací, která tento signál možná někdy zachytí   ENG It is a very intresting citate about black holes. And because recently was seen a black hole with an optical telescope, I think that would be good to share this discovery with an other civilisation, which maybe will hear this signal.  
Content A black hole has not hair   ENG A black hole has not hair

Vzkaz od dětí. / Message from children.


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Author: David Elicer Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Vzkaz dětí pro všechny lidi.   ENG Children's message to all people.  
Content Ahoj, my jsme žáci ze 4.B v Sokolnicích. Všechny Vás zdravíme, ochraňujte naši planetu, máme jen jednu, a važte si života. Čau.   ENG Hello, we are pupils of the class 4.B from Sokolnice. Protect our planet, we have only one and respect your life. Greetings.

The world is mine


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Author: Mbaupe Zalupacoca Country: Niger License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This music for peace   ENG  
Content Peace of the world   ENG

Месяц / Moon


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Author: Дмитрий Пыхонин Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion -   ENG -  
Content -   ENG -

Wiltgen / Wiltgen


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Author: Prof. Filipe Wiltgen Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Som & Velocidade   ENG Sound & Speed  
Content Bom dia a todos, se estão ouvindo isto é porque a transmissão de desta mensagem vinda de Marte deu certo! Sem dúvida este será o mais longe que minha voz viajará na minha vida! É incrível!!! Espero que no futuro isto seja tão comum e corriqueiro, assim como, telefonar para alguém aqui no planeta Terra hoje.   ENG Good morning everyone, if you are listening to this is because the transmission of this message from Mars has worked! No doubt this will be as far as my voice will travel in my life! It's incredible !!! I hope that in the future this will be as commonplace and mundane as calling someone here on planet Earth today.

Планета Х


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Author: Сева Горелов Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Я думаю на Марсе очень кстати будет звучать мелодия из известного сериала **секретные материалы** Сама мелодия очень атмосферна и подходит красной планете!   ENG  
Content Это мелодия представляет музыку без слов!   ENG

8:14 / 8:14


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Author: Beaurevoir Beaurevoir Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Une sonnerie de réveil, quelque part sur le Mont Olympe ?   ENG An alarm clock from Olympus Mount ?  
Content ré la si mineur la   ENG D A Bm A 

Moment / it-was-at-this-moment-that-he-he-knew-he-f-cked-up


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Author: Adrien BARTET Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Car se son dit qu'il faut se rappeler de se moment.   ENG  
Content c'était-à-ce-moment-qu'il-il-savait-il-f-cked-up   ENG

Андрей Дюк - Зимняя Песня / Andrew Duke - Wintersong


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Author: Андрей Дюк Country: Moldova, Republic of License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Фрагмент композиции, записанный с привлечением только двух музыкальных инструментов. Полагаю, обилие гитарных, ударных или электронных эффектов исказит трансляцию обратного сигнала, поэтому разумно иметь условно чистый звук для сравнения. Кроме того, мне кажется, что моя мелодия носит немного **космический** характер :) .   ENG A fragment of the composition which was recorded with the involvement of only two musical instruments. In My opinion lots of guitars, drums or electronic effects will distort the stream of the returned signal - therefore it will be wise to have a relatively clean sound for comparison. Also, it seems like my melody is a bit **cosmic** in nature. :)  
Content В композиции нет слов.   ENG There are no words in the composition.

Hello Mars


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Author: Richard Thibeaudeau Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion un bonjour de France   ENG  
Content bonjour Mars. Je m'appelle richard thibeaudeau, je suis Français Né à Paris ....   ENG

Funky Town / Funky Town


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Author: Юрий Жданов Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Эта фонограмма содержит невероятные звуки 80-ых годов и голос, который впечатлит любого слушателя. Этот отрывок чем-то напоминает звуки космоса, поэтому его следует включить на Марсе.   ENG This soundtrack contains incredible sounds of the 80s and a voice that will impress any listener. This passage is somewhat reminiscent of the sounds of the cosmos, so it should be included on Mars.  
Content Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me Town to keep me movin' Keep me groovin' with some energy   ENG Gotta make a move to a town that's right for me Town to keep me movin' Keep me groovin' with some energy

Прекрасное далёко (Евгений Крылатов) / The Glorious Future (Yevgeny Krylatov)


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Author: Андрей Дорофеев Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Каждый человек, закрывая глаза, отвлекаясь от повседневных забот, успокаиваясь, мечтает о далёком и загадочном будущем, которое ждет его впереди. Эта мечта и стала воплощением этой прекрасной песни!   ENG Each person, closing his eyes, distracting from everyday worries, calming down, dreams of a distant and mysterious future that awaits him ahead. This dream has become the embodiment of this beautiful song!  
Content Прекрасное далёко, не будь ко мне жестоко, Не будь ко мне жестоко, жестоко не будь. От чистого истока в прекрасное далёко, В прекрасное далёко я начинаю путь.   ENG I pray glorious future, don't be to me so cruel. Don't be to me so cruel, oh please do not be. From innocent inception into the glorious future, Into the glorious future I start my way to thee.

Sound of Monolith on Mars moon Phobos?


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Author: Phobos Monolith Country: Egypt License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Sound of monolith on Mars moon Phobos... It was discovered by Efrain Palermo, who did extensive surveys of Martian probe imagery, and later confirmed by Lan Fleming, an imaging sub-contractor at NASA Johnson Space Center. Lan Fleming considered the possibility that the Phobos monolith may be artificial and not a geological feature or rock. Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin has said: (Who put that there?) about the Phobos monolith???   ENG  
Content Monolith   ENG

Mars 019 conspiration #24-b fichier secret / Mars 019 conspiration #24-b secret files


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Author: Jrm Chssgnn Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Mise a jour de la premiére version. Electronique fait main. Synthétiseur de conception humaine.   ENG Update of the last version. Electronic do it yourself. Synth made with human waste and screams from mars.  
Content Rien de bien stable. Différentes explications qui reste non compréhensiblent. Il n'y a plus personne sur cette planéte,qui va écouter? L'important c'est d'arriver.   ENG Last message from the first atempt to reach the earth. No feedback. Life form :negativ. Stay tuned for the next transmission. Failure system. Erase data,clear center,emptyýyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Fatal buggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg....?.........

Max Romeo - I Chase the Devil / Max Romeo - I Chase the Devil


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Author: Alexander Shokotko Country: Ukraine License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Just for fun   ENG Just for fun  
Content Я надену железную майку и выгоню Сатану с Земли Я надену железную майку и выгоню дьявола с Земли Я отправлю его в космическое пространство на поиски другой расы Я отправлю его в космическое пространство на поиски другой расы   ENG I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase Satan out of Earth I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase the devil out of Earth I'm gonna send him to outer space to find another race I'm gonna send him to outer space to find another race

Гимн космонавтов / Anthem of the cosmonauts


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Author: Дмитрий Гамотин Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Фонограмма является частью песни: **Гимн космонавтов**. Эта песня посвящена первым космическим первопроходцам и желанием Землян достигнуть небывалых звездных высот. Считаю, что этот гимн станет первой песней, транслирующая с Марса, как первый шаг к Миру и науки в целом.   ENG The soundtrack is part of the song: **the Anthem of the astronauts**. This song is dedicated to the first space pioneers and the desire of Earthlings to reach unprecedented stellar heights. I believe that this anthem will be the first song broadcast from Mars as the first step to the World and science in General.  
Content Я верю, друзья, Караваны ракет, Помчат нас вперёд, От звезды до звезды. На пыльных тропинках Далёких планет, Останутся наши следы., На пыльных тропинках, Далёких планет, Останутся наши следы!   ENG I believe, friends, Caravans of missiles, Rush us forward, Star to star. On dusty paths Distant planet, Our footprints will remain., On dusty paths, Distant planet, Will remain our traces!

Max Romeo - I Chase the Devil / Max Romeo - I Chase the Devil


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Author: Alexander Shokotko Country: Ukraine License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Just for fun   ENG Just for fun  
Content Я надену железную майку и выгоню Сатану с Земли Я надену железную майку и выгоню дьявола с Земли Я отправлю его в космическое пространство на поиски другой расы Я отправлю его в космическое пространство на поиски другой расы   ENG I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase Satan out of Earth I'm gonna put on a iron shirt and chase the devil out of Earth I'm gonna send him to outer space to find another race I'm gonna send him to outer space to find another race

Nagara Ritmi / Nagara Rhythm


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Author: Parviz Husenov Country: Azerbaijan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Azerbaijan Dance Rhythmic music. Have all frequencies and a wide range of the sound   ENG Azerbaijan Dance Rhythmic Music  
Content Rhythm   ENG Nothing

Famous ultras song


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Author: Oleksandr Netsman Country: Poland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Famous Ukrainian football ultras song   ENG  
Content Путин хуйло ла ла ла ла ла ла ла ла   ENG

T.S. Eliot quote in (io 2019 movie end scene)


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Author: io 2019  Country: Réunion License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all of our exploring, will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. We have learned to fear our planet and fled to the stars in search of a new one, but the fascination for other worlds could not turn my eyes away from the beauty of our home.   ENG  
Content We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all of our exploring, will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. We have learned to fear our planet and fled to the stars in search of a new one, but the fascination for other worlds could not turn my eyes away from the beauty of our home.   ENG

Dimash Kudaibergen - S.O.S d'un terrien en détresse / Dimash Kudaibergen - S.O.S.


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Author: Di Diars Country: Kazakhstan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Dimash is a sensation in the world of music! Famous vocal coaches call him a cosmic guy! Incredible range and artistry, this voice should sound for all planets of the Universe!   ENG Dimash is a sensation in the world of music! Famous vocal coaches call him a cosmic guy! Incredible range and artistry, this voice should sound for all planets of the Universe!  
Content Pourquoi je vis, pourquoi je meurs? Pourquoi je crie pourquoi je pleure? Je crois capter des ondes Venues d’un autre monde J’ai jamais eu les pieds sur terre J’aimerais mieux être un oiseau J’suis mal dans ma peau J’voudrais mieux voir le monde à l’envers J’aimerais mieux être un oiseau Dodo l’enfant do    ENG Why do I live, why am I dying? Why do I scream why I'm crying? I think I pick up waves Coming from another world I have never been down to earth I'd rather be a bird I feel bad about myself I would like to see the world upside down I'd rather be a bird Sleep baby sleep

What the mother Earth wants to tell us


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Author: Gennady Tkachenko Papizh Country: Ukraine License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Mother Earth transmit a call for environment protection and universal peace and I find Gennady Tkachenko Papizh the most appropriate voice to express it... My name is Solomon and I am the owner of the legendary laser: Shamir... I also have the key of universe knowledge, which opens the door who no one can close…   ENG  
Content What the mother Earth wants to tell us...   ENG

Al-Fatikha. / The sura from Quran


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Author: Zhamal Opi Country: Kazakhstan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is word of Allah. That is why you should turn it on in Mars.   ENG Al-Fātiḥah (Arabic: الْفَاتِحَة‎, **The Opening** or **The Opener**) is the first chapter (sūrah) of the Quran. Its six or seven verses (āyāt) are a prayer for the guidance, lordship, and mercy of God.[1]This chapter has an essential role in Islamic prayer.  
Content Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen Aameen In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds. The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have received your grace; not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray. Amen.   ENG Bismillaah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Al hamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alameen Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen Iyyaaka na’abudu wa iyyaaka nasta’een Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem Siraatal ladheena an ‘amta’ alaihim Ghairil maghduubi’ alaihim waladaaleen Aameen In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds. The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have received your grace; not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray. Amen.

Биржан Оразханов / Қазақ тілі


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Author: Биржан Оразханов Country: Kazakhstan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ыыыыыы   ENG Ымммммм  
Content Ыммммммм   ENG Ыымммм

Мы ЕДИНЫ / We are ONE


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Author: Виктория Крыжановская Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Всем привет! Восхищаюсь космонавтами и всеми людьми, которые так или иначе работают в данной сфере! Это прекрасно и просто невероятно! Мы изучаем космос все вместе, весь мир! Я надеюсь, что так будет всегда и мы не станем делить космос между странами, он есть и будет общим для всего мира! Мы будет изучать его вместе! И я хочу, чтобы моё сообщение было слышно даже из марса!!!)))   ENG Hello dears! I admire the cosmonauts and all the people who work in this field in one way or another! It's beautiful and just incredible! We study space together, the whole world! I hope that this will always be the case and we will not divide space between countries, it is and will be common for the whole world! We will study it together! And I want my message to be heard even from Mars!!!)))  
Content Всем привет из России! Привет, привет, привеееет!!!Хочу выразить неимоверное восхищение космонавтам, которые работают на орбите все вместе, со всех стран, со всего мира . Они делают одно общее дело, к сожалению, космос - это единственное, что мы еще не поделили между собой. Хочу сказать, хочу в это верить, что мы все вместе будем изучать новые цивилизации, как единое целое, ведь мы ЕДИНЫ!   ENG Hello from Russia! Hello, Hello, Hello!!!I would like to Express my great admiration to the cosmonauts who work in orbit all together, from all countries, from all over the world . They are doing one thing together, unfortunately, space is the only thing we have not yet shared. I want to say, I want to believe that together we will explore new civilizations as a whole, because we are UNITED!

Stardust / Stardust


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Author: Дарья Бехтина Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This sound will instantly take you to another dimension. It is the bestEST.   ENG This sound will instantly take you to another dimension. It is the bestEST.  
Content I wish all the stars in Universe descended from the sky, and then I could breathe them, fade into them. Every atom in your body originates in an exploding star. Probably, the atoms in your left hand originated in a different star than the atoms in your right hand. This is the most fascinating thing I know about science: we're all stardust.   ENG I wish all the stars in Universe descended from the sky, and then I could breathe them, fade into them. Every atom in your body originates in an exploding star. Probably, the atoms in your left hand originated in a different star than the atoms in your right hand. This is the most fascinating thing I know about science: we're all stardust.

Slim Whitman - Indian Love Call / Slim Whitman - Indian Love Call


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Author: Jack Turchaninov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Music from a movie **Mars Attacks!** which had an **interesting** effect on martians.   ENG Man singing a song with a prominent voice, guitar playing in the background. You will recognize it immediately. You should play it, to ensure no martians will attack us!  
Content Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo When I'm calling you Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo Will you answer too? Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo   ENG Man singing a song with a prominent voice, guitar playing in the background. Lyrics goes: Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo When I'm calling you Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo Will you answer too? Oo-oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo-oo

Up in a place, in a different time space


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Author: Евгения Суетина Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Here I am singing simple 4 lines about outer space and playing piano at the same time. Hope you can sing it up, too.   ENG  
Content I don't feel like you know me, I sing but I can raise with a little phunk phrase. Now I am no more lonely, I sing up in a place, in a different time space.   ENG

Hua Chenyu 华晨宇 / Hua Chenyu


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Author: 花星人 Hua's Martians Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion 华晨宇是一位音乐天才。他的数百万粉丝被称为火星人,他认为自己来自火星。他经常在他的歌曲中谈论外星人,宇宙和存在。 他的音乐声音是天体,宇宙需要听到他的声音和情感!他是独一无二的! 请投票!   ENG Hua Chenyu is a music genius. His millions of fans are called martians and he considers himself coming from Mars. He often talks in his songs about aliens, universe and existence. The sound of his music is celestial, the Universe needs to hear his voice and emotions! He is one of a kind! Please, vote!  
Content zài yǔ zhòu zhōng chāo guāng sù le ma duǒ zài yín hé hòu shéi huì fā xiàn wǒ qí guài de mèng yè kōng fēi bēn chū xiàng yī zhǐ jù lù zài hēi sè zhōng   ENG Have I passed the speed of light in the universe? Hiding behind the galaxy Who can find me? A strange dream flying across the night sky Like a giant deer In the darkness

How have you been ?...from Artemis Prayers. / How have you been ?...from Artemis Prayers.


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Author: Tomoyuki Torii Country: Japan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Use; Jackson soloist Electric Guitar CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 PC mixer   ENG Use; Jackson soloist Electric Guitar CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 PC mixer  
Content Use; Jackson soloist Electric Guitar; basically plays by picking hurmonics. CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard; program voice ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine; program voice cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 PC mixer; cent pitch change and EFX   ENG Use; Jackson soloist Electric Guitar; basically plays by picking hurmonics. CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard; program voice ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine; program voice cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 PC mixer; cent pitch change and EFX

NIKE ask you...How ? / NIKE ask you...How ?


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Author: Tomoyuki; 友之 Torii; 鳥居 Country: Japan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Use; Jackson soloist Electric Guitar CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 Mixer   ENG Use; Jackson soloist Electric Guitar CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 Mixer  
Content Jackson soloist Electric Guitar; cutting riff. CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard; preset program voice ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine; preset program voice cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 Mixer; cent pitch change & sound EFX   ENG Jackson soloist Electric Guitar; cutting riff. CASIO SA-46 mini keyboard; preset program voice ZOOM RT-223 Drum machine; preset program voice cakewalk V-STUDIO 20 Mixer; cent pitch change & sound EFX



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Author: Beach House Country: Trinidad and Tobago License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Relax and enjoy the Space song by Beach house! Search the amazing video in Youtube as: SPACE SONG - BEACH HOUSE   ENG  
Content It was late at night You held on tight From an empty seat A flash of light It will take a while To make you smile Somewhere in these eyes I'm on your side You wide-eyed girls You get it right Fall back into place Fall back into place Tender is the night For a broken heart Who will dry your eyes When it falls apart What makes this fragile world go round? Were you ever lost? Was she ever found? Somewhere in these eyes Fall back into place   ENG

Pale Blue Dot / Pale Blue Dot


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Author: Nikolay Vdovin Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Это композиция российской группы **Космонавтика** (Kosmonautika), созданная на основе голосового послания знаменитого популяризатора космической науки - Карла Сагана. **Pale blue dot** - знаменитый снимок нашей хрупкой планеты, запечатленной с борта Вояджера на орбите Сатурна. Эти слова- настоящий гимн всего человечества и жизни на Земле.   ENG This is the song of the Russian group **Kosmonautika**, created on the basis of the voice message of the famous space science popularizer - Karl Sagan. **Pale blue dot** is a famous shot of our fragile planet, captured from Voyager in Saturn orbit. These words are a real hymn of all mankind and life on Earth.  
Content From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here, that's home, that's us. The pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.   ENG From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here, that's home, that's us. The pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

Water of Eternity (ft Mars winds) / Water of Eternity (ft Mars Winds)


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Author: Jean-luc Briançon Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion extrait Titre mélodique instrumental de l'artiste Kurtz Mindfields , musicien électronique, dans la veine de Vangelis, auquel l'enregistrement du vent martien (source Nasa) à été ajouté.   ENG Instrumental extract melodic title of artist Kurtz Mindfields, electronic musician, in the influence of Vangelis, to which the recording of the Martian wind (source Nasa) has been added.  
Content titre instrumental   ENG Instrumental

Ramzy et Erwan / Ramzy and Erwan


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Author: Ramzy Bagadj Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion présentation   ENG introduction  
Content Hello my name is ...   ENG Hello my name is ...

Tout est rien et rien est tout. / All is nothing and nothing is all.


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Author: Xuân Leromain Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Enregistrement avec guitare, basse et une boîte à rythme. La raison pour laquelle l'enregistrement devrait être diffusé est la suivante : ce son apporte de l'espoir et un message de paix. Le fond sonore est doux et les paroles sont courts comportant des mots calmes.   ENG Recording with guitar, bass and drum machine. The reason the recording should be broadcast is this: this sound brings hope and a message of peace. The background is soft and the lyrics are short with quiet words.  
Content Le fond sonore est doux et les paroles sont courts comportant des mots calmes, se fond parfaitement dans la musique en arrière plan.   ENG The background is soft and the lyrics are short with quiet words, blends perfectly into the music in the background.

Islands / Islands


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Author: Ana lizeth Ampuero Quispe Country: Korea, Republic of License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Habla de que uno no debe rendirse para ser feliz con la persona que ama   ENG Talk about that, you should not give up to be happy with the person you love.  
Content 얼마나 많은 강을 건너야 얼마나 넓은 바달 헤쳐야 꿈 꿔온 내 모습과 만날 수 있는지 우리의 마음들로 이어진 눈부신 다리 위를 건널 때 따뜻한 미소로 넌 그 길에 서 있어 내일로 가는 길   ENG How many rivers must be crossed? How many wide oceans must be past? To meet the me of my dreams? When I’m walking over the dazzling bridge That is connected by our hearts You are standing at the end with a warm smile On the way to tomorrow

vzkaz od žáků / message form student


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Author: žáci 4.A ze Zš vojnovičova unl Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion žáci ZŠ Vojnovičova v Ústí nad Labem v rámci hodin vymýšleli vzkazy které by mohli letět na Mars   ENG the student of the primary school Vojnovičova in Ústí nad Labem in Czech republic create the messages that could fly to Mars with in our hour  
Content 1)Ahoj vesmíre zdraví ZŠ Vojnovičova 2)Chtěl bych vědět tvoje tajemství 3)Je ve vesmíru život? 4)Co tam jíte? 5)Máte tam Večerníčka?   ENG 1)Hello Universe, greetings from Vojnovičova 2)I would like to know your secrets 3)Is there a life in the universe? 4)what do you eat there?

Michel Gosselin Ping heart system / Ping heart system


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Author: Michel Gosselin Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion instrumental   ENG instrumental  
Content instrumental   ENG instrumental

vzkaz na mars / message to Mars


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Author: žákyně 6.A ze Zš vojnovičova unl Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion žákyně ze 6.A ze základní školy Vojnovičova vymyslela vzkaz který by ráda poslala na Mars   ENG a student from 6.A from Vojnovičova elementary school created a message that she would like to send to Mars  
Content nezáleží na tom, jak jste velcí nebo malí, záleží na tom jací jste uvnitř , jestli jste odhodlaní zažít anebo zkusit něco nového. Tím chci říct že nezáleží na vzhledu ale na tom jakým člověkem jsi uvnitř   ENG everything that matters is who you are inside- if you´re willing to experience or try something new

vzkaz na mars od žáků / message to Mars from student


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Author: žáci 6.B ze Zš vojnovičova unl Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion žáci ze 6.B vymysleli zajímavý vzkaz který by rádi slyšeli z marsu   ENG students of 6.B created an interesting message they would like to hear from Mars  
Content kvůli věcem které jsou lidé líní vyhodit umírá spousta živočichů na naší planetě zemi, buďme ohleduplní, chraňme všechny kterým bije srdce   ENG Many species die, because you are too lazy to recycle. Be thoughtful

Halogen - U Got That


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Author: Ricardo Milos Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I like mars cause mars got that something that I need in my life so give it to me Cause mars got that I like mars cause mars got that   ENG  
Content Cause you got that Cause you got that Cause you got that Cause you got that Cause you got that Cause you got that I like you cause you got that something that I need in my life so give it to me Cause you got that I like you cause you got that   ENG

Voda, zvuk života / Water, sound of life


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Author: Marek Mihulka Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Na počátku všeho byla voda, ta dala Zemi život a možná dá i Marsu.   ENG In the beginning of everything was water, it gave life to Earth and maybe will ever give to Mars.  
Content Spojení zvuku řeky a jejího uměleckého zpracování ve formě druhé symfonické básně z cyklu Má vlast skladatele Bedřicha Smetany, Vltava.   ENG The connection of the river's sound and its artistic processing in the form of a second symphonic poem from the series Má Vlast by the composer Bedřich Smetana, Vltava.



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Author: 4eme D Finn, Thomas, Kyllian, Paul 4°D Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion musique jouée par les élèves   ENG  
Content musique jouée par les élèves   ENG

ceyrat killian delbos mathieu gabriel vanzo


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Author: ceyrat killian delbos mathieu gabriel vanzo 4D Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion musique   ENG  
Content musique   ENG

Dj Esteban Thibaut Aymerick Tom


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Author: Dj Esteban Thibaut Aymerick Tom 4D Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Dj Esteban Thibaut Aymerick Tom   ENG  
Content Dj Esteban Thibaut Aymerick Tom   ENG

mancini horny


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Author: mancini horny mancini horny Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion mancini horny   ENG  
Content mancini horny   ENG

Jaques Canar-Ahoua Rogers-Sherwood


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Author: Jaques Canar-Ahoua Rogers-Sherwood 4D Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jaques Canar-Ahoua Rogers-Sherwood   ENG  
Content Jaques Canar-Ahoua Rogers-Sherwood   ENG



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Author: Pereira_Lagorce 4D Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pereira_Lagorce   ENG  
Content Pereira_Lagorce   ENG



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Author: Pereira,Lagorce,Rousseau,Delbos-stucker,Pompidou,.m4a Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pereira,Lagorce,Rousseau,Delbos-stucker,Pompidou,.m4a   ENG  
Content Pereira,Lagorce,Rousseau,Delbos-stucker,Pompidou,.m4a   ENG

Hugo ligny Hadrien bastardo Nathan tirloit asad iqbal Tom ré Corentin Gonthier


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Author: Hugo ligny Hadrien bastardo Nathan tirloit asad iqbal Tom ré Corentin Gonthier 4B college Jean Monnet Lalinde Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Hugo ligny Hadrien bastardo Nathan tirloit asad iqbal Tom ré Corentin Gonthier   ENG  
Content Hugo ligny Hadrien bastardo Nathan tirloit asad iqbal Tom ré Corentin Gonthier   ENG

karst falaise


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Author: karst falaise 4B college jean monnet Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion karst falaise   ENG  
Content karst falaise   ENG

copie Enola LESVIGNES Amandine GILLARD Solveig HAUPAIS


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Author: Enola LESVIGNES Amandine GILLARD Solveig HAUPAIS 4B college jean monnet Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion copie Enola LESVIGNES Amandine GILLARD Solveig HAUPAIS   ENG  
Content copie Enola LESVIGNES Amandine GILLARD Solveig HAUPAIS   ENG

Timothée, Dylan, Enzo, Paul, Jules, Louis


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Author: Timothée, Dylan, Enzo, Paul, Jules, Louis 4B jean Monnet LALINDE Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Timothée, Dylan, Enzo, Paul, Jules, Louis   ENG  
Content Timothée, Dylan, Enzo, Paul, Jules, Louis   ENG

Amélie Inès Alexandra Mathilde Nour


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Author: Amélie Inès Alexandra Mathilde Nour 4B jean monnet Lalinde Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Amélie Inès Alexandra Mathilde Nour   ENG  
Content Amélie Inès Alexandra Mathilde Nour   ENG

Nadia maellys elena


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Author: Nadia maellys elena 4B jean monnet LALINDE Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nadia maellys elena   ENG  
Content Nadia maellys elena   ENG

Arcana Arcanorum – Earth SOS message before the next flood


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Author: Arcana Arcanorum Country: Bermuda License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I am a starseed... I am the pluribus unum... If anyone can figure out the future of this planet, he can realize the past... Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life... For more, go to details of this post...   ENG  
Content I am a starseed! My distant descendants once came to Earth, because their planet had been destroyed by the same reasons of Earth facing now. They constructed space arks for to save the species from the flood because of melting poles and overheating and they came here. And this is not the first time this happens. There have been multiple planetary catastrophes resulting from the neglect of intelligent beings to care for their environment, and they are self-destructing. This is why there are so many different human species on your planet, with the same flood and ark stories… You have 2 option. First option is to build space arks again for saving the species as embryo space colonization and second option to go to civilization type one and saving your planet and after that proceed to space expansion... With the first options you can save only few, but with the second you can save all. The choice is yours...   ENG

Toi et moi / You and me


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Author: samuel Ivanenko Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La mélodie est douce, à la fois romantique et étrange. Le texte parle de l'amour entre deux êtres et ce, jusqu'à la mort et sans peur. Probablement ce qui défini le plus l'humanité...   ENG The music is sweet, both romantic and strange. The lyrics of the song express the love between two humain beings and this, untill death and without fear. Probably what defines humanity the most...  
Content Toi et moi, Emportés par l'ivresse Bercés par la tendresse C'est ce que j'emmènerai Quand je partirai   ENG You and me Carried away by drunkenness Rocked by tenderness That's what I'll bring with me The day when finally, I'll leave

Vous m'entendez ? / Can you hear me ?


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Author: Lisa AMPRINO Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Une voix s'adresse à Homo Sapiens et lui pose la question sur l'avenir qu'il a envie d'écrire aujourd'hui, là maintenant.   ENG A voice speaks to Homo Sapiens and asks him about the future he wants to write today, right now.  
Content Vous m'entendez ? Je m'appelle Lisa. Je vous parle depuis Mars. Je nage en pleine Science Fiction, moi qui vous parle aujourd'hui, là, maintenant, mais de si loin, comme un lendemain. Entendez-moi : nous, Homo sapiens qui vivont depuis des centaines de milliers d'années sur la Terre, aujourd'hui en danger. Passé, présent, futur. Nous n'avons pas parcouru un si long voyage pour achever notre route sur un cul de sac. Quel avenir avons-nous envie d'écrire aujourd'hui ? Vous m'avez bien entendue ?   ENG You hear me ? My name is Lisa. I speak to you since March. I swim in Science Fiction, I who speaks to you today, there, now, but from so far, like a tomorrow. Hear me: we, Homo Sapiens who lived for hundreds of thousands of years on Earth, today in danger. Past, present, future. We have not traveled so long to complete our journey on a cul de sac. What future do we want to write today? You heard me well?

Všichni jsme pozemšťané / We're all Earthlings


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Author: Marie Račická Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Myslím, že je důležité uvědomit si, že jsme všichni obyvatelé jedné planety.   ENG I think it's important to realize that we are all inhabitants of one planet.  
Content Ahoj obyvatelé té malé tečky na obzoru. Je zajímavé, jak změna perspektivy změní pohled na věc. Tak zkuste změnit perspektivu i vy. Zanechte svých žabomyších válek a pohlédněte vzhůru!   ENG Hi residents of that little dot on the horizon. It is interesting to see how changing the perspective changes the way things look. So try to change your perspective. Leave your freaking wars and look up!

Message to Earth / Message to Earth


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Author: Ivo Kabok Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Message to whole planet to cooperate and make space colonization possible starting with Mars   ENG Message to whole planet to cooperate and make space colonization possible starting with Mars  
Content This message is beginning of new ERA of space colonization and also a huge call to all governments of whole planet and mankind itself to stop wars, stop nuclear programs and join together focused on the new space colonization ERA tasks to make Mars habitable for humankind. Together we will achieve much more than by countries competing each other. Hail to humanity and space colonization!   ENG This message is beginning of new ERA of space colonization and also a huge call to all governments of whole planet and mankind itself to stop wars, stop nuclear programs and join together focused on the new space colonization ERA tasks to make Mars habitable for humankind. Together we will achieve much more than by countries competing each other. Hail to humanity and space colonization!

Benoit Razafimbahoaka / My message to Mars


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Author: Benoit Razafimbahoaka Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Benoit Razafimbahoaka‘s greetings   ENG My message to Mars  
Content Salama e. Pozdrav. Nazdar. Ahoj.   ENG My message to Mars

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