
Archive 4

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Sokrates / Sokrates


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Author: Spiros Bezer Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ποσα λιγα ξερουμε.....   ENG How litle we know...  
Content The true Wisdom comes to everyone when we realize How little we know about life and the world around us . Greek philosopher Socrates.   ENG

Martian rover build by students inside


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Author: Agnieszka Pukacz Country: Poland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This record contains the picture of Martian rover. It was built by students by Lodz University of Technology. Rover had been rebuilt many times to better manage with harsh deasert conditions. We hope that it will reach its final destination. We have used image to audio conversion with frequency 20000Hz.   ENG  
Content Hi i have recently joined group of students that take part in Martian rover competition. We call our rover Raptor. I wonder how will he deal with Martian atmosphere as picture converted into sound.   ENG

Стихотворение из романа / Recording available in the Russian language only


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Author: Елена Владимировна Мейсак Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Марс для меня символизирует эпоху будущего. В жизни есть чувства, которые одинаковы для людей всех времен: счастье, радость, слезы и боль, иллюзии и горечь разлуки. Мне хочется, чтобы в тот момент, когда уже не будет нас, моя работа и ее ценности остались с людьми будущего. Возможно, одной звездной ночью они взглянут в небо и вспомнят про исторических людей 21 века.   ENG For me Mars symbolizes the époque of the future. There are feelings, that are similar to people of all times: happiness, joy, tears and pain, illusions and pain of separation. At the moment when we will no longer be here, I want my work and its values to remain with people of the future. Perhaps they will look into the starry sky one evening and think of the historic people of the 21st century.  
Content Стихотворение из романа **Разбитая Гитара**, книга третья, **Разлука**. Автор Елена Мейсак. Читает автор. Что жизнь твоя? Разбитая гитара, Ударилась о риф и разлетелась в щепки. Пройдет немало лет, уйдет немало пара, Прежде, чем мы поймем, слабы мы или крепки. Что боль твоя? Продажная гетера, Она живет лишь там, кто кормит ее суть, Кто потакает слабостям сверх меры, Кто предает себя и свой священный путь. Что быль твоя? Потерянная сказка, Где мыши побеждают фей, а пуля – королев, Замкнешь глаза, и времени коляска, Твой путь упрет в пропахший горем хлев. Но если, задыхаясь, ты расправишь руки, И подойдешь к окну, и Богу помолившись, Споешь ты оду, несмотря ни на какие муки, То может быть, получишь шанс, даже всего лишившись. И даже если только часть души твоей в живых осталась, То может быть, схвативши зло за горло, Ты поднажмешь, буквально только малость, И выскочишь из хлева, видя, как у зла дыханье сперло.   ENG “What’s life of yours? Сithara, that’s broken, That’s hit the reef and scattered into split A lot of years there will pass, a lot of efforts spoken Before we get to know if we are slack or fit. What’s pain of yours? Hetaera, that is venal, She only lives with those, who feeds her core, With those, indulging weaknesses beyond the measure, The ones, who once betrayed themselves and left their sacred way behind the door. What’s chronicle of yours? A fairytale, that’s lost, Where mice beat fairies, and a bullet is the crown’s foe, You shut your eyes, and buggy of a time, Will toss your way into the barn that reeks of woe. But if at loosing breath you spread your arms, And pray to God as coming to the light, To sing an ode despite your pain, Then, maybe even if defeated in the fight, You still will get your chance to gain. And even if your only speck of soul that stayed ashore Then maybe you will grip the evil’s throat in annexation And pushing just a li

Göröcs Levente


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Author: Göröcs Levente Country: Hungary License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It's a combination of two memes and we should have memes on mars   ENG  
Content I think it's just buildup   ENG

Hera_Aria / Hera Aria


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Author: Alabama Alabama Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Hera Aria   ENG Hera's sound  
Content None   ENG

La transmission


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Author: Lydia Kowalski Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La voix de la mère, universelle   ENG  
Content Allô? Allô mon fils? c'est maman! Bon ben je pense que sur Mars, là, tu es occupé...T'inquiète pas...Tout se passe bien pour papa et moi sur terre...On pense à toi...On espère que ta mission se passe bien...Mais surtout n'oublie pas de nous rappeler, une fois les turbulences passées...Bon allez mon fils, à plus tard...Nous t'aimons!   ENG

Marmot alarm signal / Marmot alarm signal


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Author: Alexander Pilnikov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Наша экологическая организация **АРБАГАР** проводит мероприятия по сохранению монгольского сурка-тарбагана. В 2008 году МСОП классифицировал этот вид как находящийся под угрозой исчезновения.Изучение зимней спячки сурков было частью советской космической программы. В будущем сурки будут полезны человечеству в освоении космоса и далеких планет. И мы хотели бы услышать сигнал об опасности тарбагана с Марса. Аудиозапись Александра Никольского. Коллекция Дарвинского музея (Москва).   ENG Our ecological NGO **ARBAGAR** carries out actions on preservation of the Mongolian Marmot. The species was classified as endangered by the IUCN in 2008.The study of hibernation marmots was part of the Soviet cosmic program. In the future, marmots will be useful to mankind in the exploration of space and distant planets. And we would like to hear a signal about the danger of a Mongolian Marmot from the Mars. The audio recording by Alexander Nikolsky. The collection of the Darwin Museum (Moscow).  
Content Марс! Марс! Марс! :)   ENG Mars! Mars! Mars!

Prosba za Zemi / The plea for the Earth


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Author: Renata Máslová Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Úryvek z písně Prosba za Zemi (od amatérské ženské kapely BabyBanda hrající na ukulele) vyzývající k záchraně naší planety   ENG The part of song The plea for the Earth (from the unprofessional women´s ukulele band BabyBanda) appeal to people for rescue of the Earth.  
Content Pojďme spolu prosit za Zemi, ať se jí na lepší časy blýská. Prosme, slevme na sém blahobytu, ať nekupujem i sluneční svit v igelitu. Prosme o žití v tichu. Potlačme, prosíme, svoji lidskou pýchu. Omezme lety a cesty do vesmíru, už tak máme atmosféru samou díru. Lidi, to přece není tolik těžký, chodit zase po světě pěšky.   ENG Let´s pray for the Earth. May better time come. Please, let´s reduce our welfare. May we don’t even buy sunshine in plastic. Let’s beg for living in silence. Let’s suppress, please, our human pride. Let’s reduce our trips and flights to space, we’ve already had lots of holes in the atmosphere. People, it isn’t so hard to walk the world on foot again!



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Author: BELÉN SOTO MARTÍNEZ Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)

Charalampos Kosmas / OliveOil-Imagination-PEACE


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Author: Charalampos Kosmas Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It unveils the forgotten truth behind the most important tradition by the founders of the western civilization. More extensive information will be made available soon at the site   ENG It unveils the forgotten truth behind the most important tradition by the founders of the western civilization.  
Content The ANCIENT ATHENIANS had established the tradition of giving an OLIVE BRANCH to the foreigners. The purpose was to give to the foreigners the opportunity of consuming OLIVE OIL in the long run, so they would acquire the IMAGINATION that is necessary in order to understand the importance of PEACE! - because understanding the importance of PEACE, is not “common sense” it requires the highest level of INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY.   ENG The ANCIENT ATHENIANS had established the tradition of giving an OLIVE BRANCH to the foreigners. The purpose was to give to the foreigners the opportunity of consuming OLIVE OIL in the long run, so they would acquire the IMAGINATION that is necessary in order to understand the importance of PEACE! - because understanding the importance of PEACE, is not “common sense” it requires the highest level of INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY.

Wake up Earth - You are NOT ALONE...


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Author: Martian Roosters Country: Seychelles License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Wake up Earth! You are not alone… There are roosters on Mars… Listen the transmission of Mars rover and you will hear them…   ENG  
Content Roosters on Mars...   ENG



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Author: BRAINSTORM GREEN NEEDLE Country: Solomon Islands License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion If you think BRAINSTORM you will listen BRAINSTORM but if you think GREEN NEEDLE you will listen GREEN NEEDLE! Let’s show some Earth crazy magic to the Martians and make them mad! Youtube video: (BRAINSTORM -OR- GREEN NEEDLE (U HEAR WHAT YOU THINK!) Greetings from Solomon Islands, the land of Solomon's Laser: SHAMIR   ENG  

Greek Zorba, dance to Mars


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Author: Greek Zorba Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Let’s send Zorba Greek dance on Mars! From Greece to Mars and back to all Earth with love!!! Because music unites people!!! Youtube video: Official Ottawa Greek Festival (GreekFest) Flash Mob   ENG  
Content Greek Zorba, dancing   ENG

Air de la Lune / Song of the Moon- Dvorak


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Author: Natacha BROUAT Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion L'air de la Lune de Dvorak est chanté dans son opéra Rusalka.Celle-ci est une ondine qui vit dans l'eau et demande à la déesse Lune de réchauffer et d'embrasser pour elle un être-humain dont elle est amoureuse. Un hommage à la divinité et à la puissance des astres à travers les époques! Cet air nous rappelle que les planètes font le lien entre les êtres qui s'aiment.   ENG The song of Dvorak’s Moon is in her opera Rusalka. She is an Ondine who lives in the water and asks the goddess Moon to warm and kiss for her a human being she is in love with. A homage to the divinity and power of the stars throughout the ages! This song reminds us that planets are the link between loving beings.  
Content Měsíčku, postůj chvíli, Řekni mu, řekni, kdo tu naň čeká!   ENG Moon, stand still a while, Illuminate him far away, and tell him, tell him who is waiting for him!

The Fifth Element Space Opera


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Author: Evgenia Laguna Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The Fifth Element Space Opera   ENG  
Content The Fifth Element Space Opera   ENG

Миссия выполнена / Mission comlete


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Author: Максим Ушаков Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Задание выполнено, хорошая работа. +уважение   ENG Mission comlete, good job guys resp+  
Content Ту дум бцц бум бц бум бц туруруруруру.   ENG

From Mars To Earth ( Письмо Марса Земле)


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Author: Linh Nguyen Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a letter from Mars to Earth, it was written to remind us how beautiful and precious our planet is! I decided to play on guitar an amazing piece **Home** by Andrew York because Earth is our home. I hope the message will be heard! Это письмо Марса Земле, оно было написано, чтобы напомнить нам, как прекрасна и драгоценна наша планета! Я решила сыграть на гитаре потрясающую пьесу Эндрю Йорка «Дом», потому что Земля - наш дом. Я надеюсь, что призыв будет услышан!   ENG  
Content Dear Earth /Дорогая земля, if only you knew how beautiful you are! / если бы ты только знала насколько ты красива ! I am observing you from the moment of your creation and I can’t take my eyes off you/ /Я наблюдаю за тобой с момента твоего появления и всё не могу свести глаз с тебя. These oceans, continents, mountains, deserts...Everything about you is beautiful! / Эти океаны, континенты, горы, пустыни..Всё в тебе прекрасно! And people, they are too! /И люди , они тоже! Yes, I know they hurt you, but they will change / Да, я знаю, они причиняют тебе боль, но они исправятся. I know they’d like to live on me,I don't mind!/ Я знаю, что они хотели бы жить у меня, и я не против! But I wish each of them realized your beauty and value. Но мне хотелось бы, чтобы каждый из них осознал твою красоту и ценность. Take care of yourself/ Береги себя Love, Mars / С любовью, Марс   ENG

in love


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Author: shahin lotfi shahim Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion it's songs that plays with the one of the iranian old musical instrument .   ENG  
Content .   ENG

we are children / We are children


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Author: Lucie Lacassain Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion C'est une présentation de notre classe, où nous sommes situées et nous disons bonjour dans différentes langues (14). Nous devons être diffusés sur Mars car nous sommes des enfants, le futur de notre monde et nous voulons dire **bienvenu** à notre futur et peut être à des Martiens dans beaucoup de langues de notre planète.   ENG This an introduction of our class, where we are located and we say **hello** in differents languages (14). we must be broadcast on Mars because we are children, the future of our world and we want to say welcome to our future and maybe to Martians in a lot of languages of our planet.  
Content nous sommes des enfants d'Heugas, Landes, Aquitaine, France, Europe. Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour.   ENG we are children of Heugas, Landes, Aquitaine, France, Europe. Bonjour, hello, buenos dias, guten tag, namaste, buongiorno, salam aleikoum, shalom, dobry den, konnichawa, bom dia, kaliméra, ni hao, bonan tagon.

Non Piu di fiori / No more flowers


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Author: Angélique Niclas Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Il s'agit d'un air extrait de la Clémence de Titus, un opéra de Mozart. Je pense que la musique de Mozart a sa place dans l'univers et que tous les humains ou non humains doivent le connaitre. Cet air invite à la paix et à l'harmonie malgré les querelles et les différences. Ce son rencontrera peut être un écho céleste et se rapprochera en tout cas de Mozart.   ENG This is an air from the Clemency of Titus, a Mozart opera. I think that Mozart's music has its place in the universe and that all humans or non-humans must know it. This air invites peace and harmony despite quarrels and differences. This sound may meet a celestial echo and will be closer to Mozart anyway.  
Content Non piu di fiori Vaghe catene Discenda Imene Ad intrecciar. Stretta fra barbare Aspre ritorte Veggo la morte Ver me avanzar. Infelice! qual orrore! Ah di me che si dira? Chi vedesse il mio dolore, Pur avria di me pieta.   ENG No more flowers Vague chains Descend Hymen To intertwine. Hold between barbarians Twisted aspers I see death I will advance. Unhappy! what a horror! Ah, what will you say to me? Who saw my pain, Although he pity me.

Music composition / Music composition


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Author: Vladimir Sarantsev Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Music message for Red Planet Mars.   ENG Music message for Red Planet Mars.  
Content All of us love beautiful Red Planet.   ENG All of us love beautiful Red Planet.

First Flight to Space (Poehali!!!) / First Flight to Space (Poehali!!!)


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Author: Dmitriy Zaytsev Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The first words of man said in space. Words of Yuri Gagarin. These words opened the era of space exploration. This is a symbol of courage! They inspire exploits, motivate, make us proud of all of our humanity. Why should these words sound on Mars? Probably to inspire those who will explore this low-comfort planet. To remind them that nothing is impossible.   ENG The first words of man said in space. Words of Yuri Gagarin. These words opened the era of space exploration. This is a symbol of courage! They inspire exploits, motivate, make us proud of all of our humanity. Why should these words sound on Mars? Probably to inspire those who will explore this low-comfort planet. To remind them that nothing is impossible.  
Content Поехали! Спасибо, до свидания, до скорой встречи, дорогие друзья! До свидания, до скорой встречи! Заря, я Кедр, самочувствие отличное, продолжаю полет. Несколько растет перегрузка, вибрация, всё переношу нормально. Самочувствие отличное, настроение бодрое.   ENG Poyekhali! Spasibo, do svidaniya, do skoroy vstrechi, dorogiye druz'ya! Do svidaniya, do skoroy vstrechi! Zarya, ya Kedr, samochuvstviye otlichnoye, prodolzhayu polet. Neskol'ko rastet peregruzka, vibratsiya, vso perenoshu normal'no. Samochuvstviye otlichnoye, nastroyeniye bodroye.

Fragment orphique / Orphic Fragment of Petelia Gold Tablet


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Author: Hélène Kémiktsi Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion L'enregistrement concerne une fragment orphique sur un enfant de la terre et du ciel étoilé. Le sujet correspond parfaitement avec la mission spatiale. Je le lis dans sa forme originale Ορφικό απόσπασμα από το χρυσό έλασμα της Πετηλίας Fragment orphique sur lamelle d' or de Petelia Orphic Fragment of Petelia Gold Tablet background music - [No Copyright Music] The Colossal Enemy (Royalty Free Epic Music) Αφήγηση - Ελένη Κεμικτσή στα αρχαία ελληνικά, γαλλικά, αγγλικά και νέα ελλην   ENG The recording concerns an Orphic fragment on a child of the earth and the starry sky. The subject fits perfectly with the space mission.  
Content Γῆς παῖς εἰμὶ καὶ οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος, αὐτὰρ ἐμοὶ γένος οὐράνιον. Je suis un enfant de la Terre et du ciel étoilé; mon origine est céleste . “I am a child of Earth and Starry Sky; But my race is heavenly. Της Γης είμαι παιδί και του έναστρου Ουρανού όμως η καταγωγή μου είναι ουράνια .   ENG “I am a child of Earth and Starry Sky; But my race is heavenly.

Stardust Child / Stardust Child


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Author: Marcel SARTORI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion extrait musicale chanté délivrant le message que nous sommes faits de poussières d'Etoiles et qu'aujourd'hui nous sommes la face Magique de la Vie et c'est Précieux !!! , voilà pourquoi l'Humanité doit l'entendre.   ENG music and lyrics . the message is that we are Stardust Child and we became the Magic Side of Life , it's a real Gift but so easy to destroy …. humanity must hear this massage and many times like a mantra.  
Content You're Nothing else , than a Stardust Child , But look what we are Now , The Magic Side of Life   ENG You're Nothing else , than a Stardust Child , But look waht we are now , The Magic Side of Life

Lucie / Lucie


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Author: Michel Bériat Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Paroles chantées sur fond musical . Nous sommes issus de la poussière d'Etoiles , et aujourd'hui , force est de constater que nous sommes la face Magic de la Vie et que c'est un Don Précieux . Ce message doit être délivré avec force et comment mieux le dire qu'en l'envoyant de là-Haut ?   ENG Lyrics and music Humanity is Precious , it's the Magic side of Life made of Stardust , it's a gift and everybody must be conscious that it is so fragile !!!!! it's a Stong message to be sended from Mars  
Content Nous Sommes la face Magic de la Vie Faite de Poussières d'Etoiles Et c'est un Vrai Cadeau !!!!!   ENG We are the Magic side of Life Made of Stardust And it's a real Gift

Destination Mars ! / Destination, Mars !


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Author: Kérian Deniau Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ecoutez ce message porteur d'humanité, de motivation, et d'espoir. Ecrit et lu du haut de ses 11 ans par Kérian, un enfant prometteur du collège d'Ancinnes, petit village en France. Motivé par cette expédition historique, il lance un appel au monde et à l'humanité. Appel à la solidarité entre les peuples afin de sauver notre belle planète bleue des ravages de la pollution. Permettez à Kérian de porter et de faire rayonner son message à travers l'immensité spatiale. Please, vote Kérian !   ENG Listen to this message, full of huminanity, motivation and hope. Written and read by Kérian, a French 11 years old boy from a little school in a little village, in france. He is fully motivated by this martian expedition, and wants to send a message to humanity. He asks the nations to cooperate in order to save planet earth from pollution. Please vote Kérian to help him transmit his message through space, and touch the heart of humanity ! Thanks  
Content Mars. Ça vous fait rêver ? Moi oui. La Nasa tente d'envoyer un nouveau rover sur Mars. Trop bien ! Bientôt, on aura des sons de cette planète qu'on pourra étudier et comparer à notre belle terre. Par contre, notre combat aujourd'hui c'est de lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. Et oui, arrêtons de polluer, unissons nos forces pour une belle planète bleue et ne pas avoir la honte en comparaison avec Mars. Alors, prêts ? Destination, Mars !   ENG Mars. Do you dream about it ? I do. Nasa intend to send a new rover on Mars. Great ! Soon, we'll collect sounds from the martian surface. We will study and compare them with earth sounds. However, our fight today is to fight against global warming. Indeed, we have to beat pollution. Our nations should cooperate, combining their strenghts. I Hope that one day we will be proud again of what we did with our beautiful blue planet. So, are you ready ? Destination, Mars !

Участь Марса / Fate of Mars


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Author: Артур Миндияров Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Это отрывок из моего стихотворения. В нем рассказывается, что когда-то Марс был обитаем и походил на Землю, но после ядерной войны планета превратилась в безжизненную пустыню. Я предостерегаю человечество от участи марсиан. (editor removed html link)   ENG This is an excerpt from my poem. It says that once Mars was inhabited and resembled Earth, but after a nuclear war, the planet turned into a lifeless desert. I warn mankind against the fate of the Martians. (editor removed html link)  
Content Марс когда-то населяла Раса инопланетян, Чьи следы и отыскала Экспедиция землян. Всюду камни и барханы - Неприветливый пейзаж. Сразу видно: марсиане Обратились в пепел, прах. Жизнь на Марсе прекратилась После ядерной войны. Так планета превратилась В царство мёртвой тишины. Пощадим старушку-Землю - Пацифистам власть дадим, А иначе участь эту Неизбежно повторим.   ENG Mars once inhabited Alien race, Whose footprints and found Expedition of earthlings. Everywhere stones and dunes - Inhospitable landscape. Immediately in sight: the Martians Turned into ashes, dust. Life on Mars has stopped After nuclear war. So the planet has turned In the realm of dead silence. Spare the old Earth Pacifists give power, Otherwise this fate Inevitably repeat.

SKANKOLOR // LA CHUTE (Prod. Skankolor) / SKANKOLOR // THE FALL (Prod. Skankolor)


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Author: Elie Skankolor Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Morceau de rap français parlant d'un homme aux idées noires. Rec / Mix / Master : Thomas Poux Prod / Texte / Interprète : Skankolor (editor removed html link)   ENG French rap song about a man talking of his dark feels and ideas. Record / Mix / Mastering : Thomas Poux Prod / Text / Interpret : Skankolor (editor removed html link)  
Content **L'important c'est bien la chute, Et rien à foutre de l’atterrissage. Quand je croyais le mal à jamais enterré, Il se redirige vers moi à vitesse grand V, C'est pas le V de la victoire mais celui de la vanité, J'ai beau tout bien faire mais c'est mal appliqué, Coincé entre 4 murs, la tête dans les écrans, Ca se la joue drogues dures, d'un seul coup j'ai gé-chan, Une balle dans le coeur, 17 dans le plastron, J'rêve de voir tous ces gars sauter de leur balcon... **   ENG **The important thing is the fall, I don't fuckin' care of the landing. When I thought evil was ever buried, He redirects to me at great speed V, It's not the V of victory but that of vanity, I'm fine doing everything but it's badly applied, Stuck between 4 walls, head in the screens, Playin' like doing drugs, all of a sudden I changed, A bullet in the heart, 17 in the breastplate, I dream to see all these guys jump from their balcony ...



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Author: Michel Wolf Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion chant sur musique en partant de la poussière d'étoiles , nous somme devenus au fil de milliards d'années des HUMAINS , face magique de la Vie , avec une conscience qui nous permet de nous émerveiller en découvrant cet UNIVERS Fabuleux !!!!…. ce message doit être diffusé car les gens ne s'en rendent plus compte et c'est bien triste   ENG Lyrics on music we were Stardust and we became after bilion years , Humen , the Magic Side of Life , with consciousness to be a gift ….. all the human race MUST hear the message .It's very sade to note it's not clear for any one .  
Content Nous ne sommes rien de plus que de la poussière d'étoile et la face Magique de la Vie qui nous apporte la Conscience nous permettant de nous émerveiller et de découvrir cet Univers Fabuleux !!!!!   ENG You're Nothing else than a Stardust Child and the Magic Side of Life . You brought us awareness allowing us to discover this amazing Universe and marvel at it's

Justin (8ans) lutte pour le climat depuis Mars / Justin (8 years) fight for the climate from March


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Author: Guy Souttre Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A l'Hymne Européen, Justin joint sa voix pour appeler à la mobilisation générale depuis Mars face au dérèglement du climat. Votons pour l'Agence spatiale européenne, le robot Exomars , Justin et son message universel pour le climat !   ENG From March, Justin joins his voice with the European anthem to call for the general mobilization facing climate change. Let's vote for the European Space Agency, the Exomars robot, Justin and his universal message for the climate!  
Content C’est l’ode à la joie de Beethoven , l’hymne Européen qui a fait avec ma voix 75 millions de kilomètres pour transmettre à tous les terriens un message: « Moi , capitaine Justin , je souhaite mener un combat contre le dérèglement du climat pour que nos océans bleus ne deviennent pas les déserts rouges de Mars ! » Il existe encore aujourd’hui des traces de vie sur terre , protégeons les ! Merci du fond du cœur !   ENG It is the ode to joy of Beethoven, the European anthem that has made with my voice 75 million kilometers to transmit to all the earthlings a message: **I, Captain Justin, wish to fight against climate change so that our blue oceans do not become the red deserts of Mars! ** There are still traces of life on earth today, let's protect them! Thanks a million !

Inside Us / Inside Us


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Author: Myriam Dupin Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion paroles sur fond sonore .... Nous sommes à la base de la poussière d'étoile et nous sommes devenus Humains avec une conscience .... la face Magique de la Vie et c'est un Vrai Cadeau .... tout le monde ne s'en rend pas compte et c'est pour cela que j'aimerais que ce message soit diffusé depuis Mars.   ENG We were Stardust and after bilion years we became Humen with consciousness ….. THE MAGIC SIDE OF LIFE ….a real Gift !!!! I'm not sure it is évident for anybody and it is for that Reason , I 'd like my message sended from Mars  
Content tu n'es rien d'autre qu'un enfant de Poussière d'Etoile , mais te rends tu compte de ce que nous sommes Maintenant , la face Magic de la Vie et c'est un Vrai Cadeau   ENG You're Nothing else than a Stardust Child, but can you feel what We are Now ? The Magic Side of Life , and it's a Real Gift !

Life - ExoMars 2020 mission


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Author: Prometheus Life Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The ExoMars 2020 mission is to attempt to answer the question of whether there was ever life on Mars! The discovery of present or past life on another planet, will be the biggest event and this will change the thinking way of all Humanity! I send this sound recording because it was created for life discovery in movie Prometheus. I believe that it expresses all feelings about the moment we will discover the life in universe! Close your eyes, listen and imagine this moment!   ENG  
Content The robotic rover will carry a drilling set and a suite of scientific instruments designed for biological and geochemical research, while the instruments on board the landing platform will be dedicated to the investigation of its nearest environment. The launch of the ExoMars 2020 mission is planned for July 2020, with an anticipated landing on Mars in April 2021.    ENG

chic planete / Chic Planète


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Author: aurore deniaud Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion j aime chantere dans l espace   ENG I love singing in space  
Content Amis Terriens, Amies Terriennes, Han han Regardez la boule qui roule sous nos pieds Comment elle tient, quoiqu'il advienne, Han han Parce qu'on y tient et qu'on est tous dessus Chic planète, dansons dessus, oh oh oh Chic planète, dansons dessus, oh oh oh   ENG Terran Friends, Earth Friends, Han han Look at the ball rolling under our feet How it fits, whatever happens, Han han Because we hold on and we are all above Chic planet, let's dance on it, oh oh oh Chic planet, let's dance on it, oh oh oh

Hello there!


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Author: Josef Vácha Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Slavný úryvek dialogu z kultovního sci-fi snímku Star Wars: Epizoda III – Pomsta Sithů   ENG A memorable part of the dialogue from George Lucas's sci-fi movie Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith  
Content Obi-Wan Kenobi: „Hello there!“ General Grievous: „General Kenobi. You are a bold one!“   ENG

Stellar / Stellar


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Author: Rodolphe Jarnaud Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Musique intersidérale composé par Rodolphe J. Musique d'un nouveau genre pour une nouvelle vie.   ENG Intersideral music composed by Rodolphe J. Music of a new genre for a new life.  
Content Musique intersidérale composé par Rodolphe J. Musique d'un nouveau genre pour une nouvelle vie.   ENG Intersideral music composed by Rodolphe J. Music of a new genre for a new life.

Чириканье воробьёв / Chirping of sparrows


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Author: Анна Николаева Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Прекрасное пение воробьёв. Я думаю, что марсианинам будет приятно услышать пение птиц с Земли.   ENG It's the beautiful singing of the sparrows. I think the Martians will be pleased to hear the birds singing from the Earth.  
Content Чириканье воробьёв (транскрипция невозможна).   ENG Sparrows chirping (transcription is impossible).

Donnie shewfelt


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Author: Donnie shewfelt Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Intro to Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds   ENG  
Content (EVE OF THE WAR) Journalist: No one would have believed in the last years of the 19th century that human affairs where being watched by intelligences that inhabited the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinized as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes,   ENG



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Author: Jefferson Felix Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Música da cultura do meu estado localizado no Brasil, se chama Frevo e espero muito que esse ritmo fosse imortalizado fazendo história em direção ao planeta vermelho   ENG Frevo Vassourinhas, characteristic rhythm of Pernambuco / BR  
Content Frevo Vassourinhas, ritmo música característico de Pernambuco/BR   ENG

Sons Terriens naturels / Natural Earth sounds


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Author: Jean-Claude Lagu Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion assemblage de sons naturels d'oiseaux et insectes européens: palombe (columba palumbus),pinson (fringilla),cigale (cicada orni), grillon(gryllidae). bref aperçu de la diversité terrienne.   ENG Naturals earth sounds: birds and insects in occitan message. small earth diversity.  
Content Escota Mars aqueras musicas de Terra.... ...Planeta blua? aciu Planeta roja. Jo, Exomars qu'ei balhat lo voste messatge. Beroias aqueras musicas de la voste nature! Pensatz d'ac preservar susquetot. (occitan-gascon) Escuche Marte musicas de la Tierra... ...Planeta azul? aquí planeta roja. Exomars dio su mensaje.Lindas estas músicas de la naturaleza.Preservarlo especialmente. (español) Mars listen to earthly musics... ...Blue planet? here Red Planet. Exomars gave your message.Pretty these music of nature.Preserve it especially.(english) Planète bleue? ici Planète rouge. Exomars a donné votre message.Jolies ces musiques de la nature.Préservez la surtout. (français)   ENG Mars listen to earthly musics... ...Blue planet? here Red Planet. Exomars gave your message.Pretty these music of nature.Preserve it especially.(english)



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Author: Roman Tepner Country: Jersey License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion For three (simulated) human voices, but without words, the piece uses a twenty-four-tone, twenty-three-interval tone row. The row is forward-backward symmetric, i.e. its prime version is equivalent to its retrograde. After its initial statement, the row is presented in “response” in its inverse variant, transposed down through nine quartertones. The piece begins on an arpeggiated chord of A-semiflat neutral, resolving in the final bar onto a chord of B-flat neutral.   ENG  
Content || C4 E↓4 A↓4 G4 F4 B↓3 D↓4 D4 Bb4 F↑4 G↓4 A4 D#4 C↑5 B↑4 E4 G#4 G↑4 E↑4 B3 C#4 D↑4 A↑4 F#4 | G↑4 E4 B3 C↑4 D↑4 A4 F#4 F↑4 A↑4 D5 C#5 B↓4 F↓4 G4 Ab4 E↓4 C↓4 C4 Eb5 A↓4 G↓4 F4 Bb3 D↓5 || 24-edo pitches adjusted to 11-limit just intonation. Realized using Sibelius 7 ®. Composer: Roman Tepner   ENG

In Honor of Mars


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Author: Geneviève Allioux Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Invitation. The recording contains a reflexion on the thirst for knowledge. We should play this recording in honor of Mars.   ENG  
Content Thirst for knowledge. Richness of humanity. Conquest of the infinite space. Vastness of the creation. Fantastic journey. Colour palette : radiant sunrise on this red planet and blue sunset in this sidereal coldness. Joy on Mars, little sister of the Earth. Eternal silence of infinite spaces.   ENG



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Author: ADAO CARLOS NUNES COSTA Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion bom dia   ENG bom dia marte  
Content mp3   ENG bom dia

Greeting from mars / Greeting from mars


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Author: Milan Klápště Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The inhabitants of Planet Earth, I send a greeting from the inhospitable planet Mars. If you want your planet Earth end up like Mars, continue to destroy your planet. If you dont want your planet Earth end up like Mars, follow the climate conference agreements and take care properly of your planet.   ENG The inhabitants of Planet Earth, I send a greeting from the inhospitable planet Mars. If you want your planet Earth end up like Mars, continue to destroy your planet. If you dont want your planet Earth end up like Mars, follow the climate conference agreements and take care properly of your planet.  
Content The inhabitants of Planet Earth, I send a greeting from the inhospitable planet Mars. If you want your planet Earth end up like Mars, continue to destroy your planet. If you dont want your planet Earth end up like Mars, follow the climate conference agreements and take care properly of your planet.   ENG The inhabitants of Planet Earth, I send a greeting from the inhospitable planet Mars. If you want your planet Earth end up like Mars, continue to destroy your planet. If you dont want your planet Earth end up like Mars, follow the climate conference agreements and take care properly of your planet.

NASA On the Edge of Forever - International Cooperation


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Author: UNITED FEDERATION of PLANETS Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion To boldly go... Official youtube video: NASA On the Edge of Forever - International Cooperation   ENG  
Content Google search: IXS ENTERPRISE You tube video: Faster than Light: Warp Drive - SpaceVision 2013 Youtube video: Ancient Aliens: Is **Star Trek** Real? (S11, E8) | History   ENG

Human-Alien Laugh / Human-Alien Laugh


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Author: Eru Ikraman Country: Algeria License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Who knows if there's aliens in the space? I don't really believe that aliens exist. But who cares? This is a human laugh, and yet an alien laugh. Let's share it with space!   ENG Who knows if there's aliens in the space? I don't really believe that aliens exist. But who cares? This is a human laugh, and yet an alien laugh. Let's share it with space!  
Content Who knows if there's aliens in the space? I don't really believe that aliens exist. But who cares? This is a human laugh, and yet an alien laugh. Let's share it with space!   ENG Who knows if there's aliens in the space? I don't really believe that aliens exist. But who cares? This is a human laugh, and yet an alien laugh. Let's share it with space!

Surah Al-Fatihah by Abdurrahman Al-Sudais / Surah Al-Fatihah by Abdurrahman Al-Sudais


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Author: Bi Sa Country: Algeria License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran, by Abdurrahman Al-Sudais.   ENG Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran, by Abdurrahman Al-Sudais.  
Content Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran, by Abdurrahman Al-Sudais.   ENG Surah Al-Fatihah from the Quran, by Abdurrahman Al-Sudais.

JPL, GO! NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


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Author: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, IGNITION   ENG  
Content A unique and amazing youtube video from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory   ENG

De Mars vers la Terre / From Mars To Earth


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Author: Marc Monetti Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pour être renvoyé comme message sur la Terre.   ENG To send it back to Earth like message .  
Content Peuple de la terre arreter toutes vos guerres elles n'entrainent que chaos et misères explorer l'univers l'avenir se trouve au delà de vos frontières .   ENG People of the earth stop all your wars they lead only chaos and miseries instead explore the universe the future lies beyond your borders.

Hello, is anyone there?!


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Author: Milivoj Kostic Country: Serbia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The phenomenon of human alienation. Intro is from the film **Day of the Dead**   ENG  
Content Hello, hello, is anyone there? Hello, is anyone there?!   ENG

Hero's mark


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Author: Marco Quaranta Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The recording is part of our first rock opera, «The Sword of Ice and Fire», and it contains one of the most successful tracks. The song is called «Hero’s Mark», and we think that it would be perfect to be played on Mars because, while we wait to leave our actual «heroes’ marks» on the Red Planet when we’ll get there, mankind would be driven to reach Mars on the notes of this song. The excerpt is a conversation between the three main characters of the story: Syndag, Midar and Hasius.   ENG  
Content Midar: Your marked skin told us you are the boy we need Syndag: I'm confused, make me believe Hasius: Follow us, help us and you will fulfill your fate Syndag: I want to become the man I'm always meant to be Midar: We need your madness now Ancient Spell Animus sapientia sates not sunt Iuvenis insania nunc opus est Dei magnum ensem celaverunt Ut audaces homines reperient   ENG Ancient Spell: Brave and wisdom are not enough We need young boy’s madness now Gods hid the great sword So brave men could find it

Multi Pertransibunt et Augebitur Scientia


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Author: Neo Call to MATRIX Country: Nepal License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion S.Y.S.T.E.M. F.A.I.L.U.R.E. Neo's phone call from The Matrix: **I know you're out there. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. 1) YOUTUBE SEARCH: **UFOs in Space - The biggest Secret in History** 2) YOUTUBE SEARCH: **Ufo's respond to laser pointers (Updated government links 2/26/17)** 3) 3 YOUTUBE SEARCH: **CE 5 Team Event In Port Austin MI - JUNE 2015**   ENG  
Content YOUTUBE SEARCH: David Bowie's Life on Mars played on Grand Temple pipe organ of Freemasons' Hall, London   ENG

Marty And The Bad Punch - Universe / Marty And The Bad Punch - Universe


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Author: Marty Punsch Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion **Universe** ist ein Song von meinem kommenden Album **Walk A Straight Line** - Text und Musik wurden von mir selbst geschrieben. Marty Punch - Gitarre David Cagle - Gesang Martin Motnik - Bass Carsten Enghardt - Schlagzeug Robert Karasek - Keyboard Frank Pané - Lead Gitarre   ENG **Universe** is a song that I wrote for my upcoming second album **Walk A Straight Line**. The band project is called **Marty And the Bad Punch**. Marty Punch - Gitarre David Cagle - Gesang Martin Motnik - Bass Carsten Enghardt - Schlagzeug Robert Karasek - Keyboard Frank Pané - Lead Gitarre  
Content Can you hear us calling From the center of the universe 10,000 light years away from home We are lost on a planet of no return Can you hear our call? Can you hear our call?   ENG Can you hear us calling From the center of the universe 10,000 light years away from home We are lost on a planet of no return Can you hear our call? Can you hear our call?

Call from Mars: This is Major Tom to Ground Control


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Author: Major Tom Call from Mars Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is Major Tom to Ground Control I'm stepping through the door And I'm floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today Though I'm past one hundred thousand mile, I realize how beautiful is Earth and how much I have to care, because Mars is not like her. Planet Earth is blue and on Mars, nothing I can do… Take care for planet Earth because Mars cannot be the next home for 8 billion people but only for few selected. From Greece with love to all! Space connec   ENG  
Content This is Major Tom to Ground Control From Greece with love to all! Take care for planet Earth because Mars cannot be the next home for 8 billion people but only for few selected.   ENG

Earthling Poecile carolinensis asks Mars a Question


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Author: Daniel Cazard Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Song of Carolina Chickadee (reversed) & excerpt of C.Ives, The Unanswered Question. Two Earth-species inquire about the secrets of Mars. Different qualities in pitch and tonal measures could be of value for the experiment.   ENG  
Content Song of Carolina Chickadee (Poecile carolinensis) played in reverse & excerpt from Charles Ives' 'The Unanswered Question', played by the Cincinnati Philharmonia Orchestra, Gerhard Samuel, conductor   ENG

Zpěv kosa z Vinohrad / singing blackbird


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Author: Martina Frouz Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Sameček kosa svým zpěvem hájí své území.   ENG The male blackbird defends his territory with his singing.  
Content Kosi jsou velmi přizpůsobiví všežraví ptáci, adaptovaní na život v těsné blízkosti lidí. Aby mohli být ve střehu před predátory, umí spát jen na půl mozku. Páry spolu žijí celý život a dožívají se až 20 let.   ENG Blackbirds are very adaptable omnivorous birds, adapted to life in close proximity to people. To be alert to predators, they can only sleep half-brain. Couples live together all their lives and live up to 20 years.

Послание от Снежка / Message from Snowball


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Author: Армина Даниелян Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion На фонограмме записано мурлыканье кошки, зовут ее Снежок. У нее очень необычное мурлыканье и и достаточно громкое, чтоб услышали ее на Марсе.   ENG The phonogram recorded the purring of a cat, her name is Snowball. She has a very unusual purring and loud enough to hear her on Mars.  
Content Мурлыканье кошки.   ENG Purring cat

Earth Song


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Author: Michael Jackson Country: South Africa License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion What about Earth??? What about with those will stay behind on this polluted planet??? What about with those people that will go to Mars and they will not see the sea and the nature again???   ENG  
Content What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've she'd before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores? What have we done to the world Look what we've done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son... What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far   ENG

La Villanelle / La Villanelle


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Author: La Cigale Collège La Fontaine Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La Villanelle est une mélodie française composée par Berlioz. Nous célébrons cette année le 150ème anniversaire de sa disparition. C'est un bel hommage que la Chorale la Cigale rend à ce compositeur en l'emmenant dans les étoiles. Cela aurait certainement plu à son âme romantique et à son goût pour le fantastique. Les voix angéliques des jeunes choristes expriment la joie de retrouver les plaisirs du printemps après l'hiver.   ENG La Villanelle is a French melody composed by Berlioz. We are celebrating this year the 150th anniversary of his passing. It is a beautiful homage that La Cigale choir gives to this composer by taking him to the stars. It would certainly have pleased his romantic soul and his taste for the fantastic. The angelic voices of the young singers express the joy of finding the pleasures of spring after winter.  
Content Quand viendra la saison nouvelle, Quand auront disparu les froids, Tous les deux nous irons, ma belle, Pour cueillir le muguet aux bois. Sous nos pieds égrenant les perles, Que l’on voit au matin trembler, Nous irons écouter les merles siffler.   ENG When will come the new season, When will be the cold, Both of us will go, my dear, To pick lily of the valley to the woods. Under our feet, pearling, What we see in the morning shaking, We will listen to the whistling whistles



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Author: Dimitris Kottakis Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Music Vassilis Papatheoharis,Lyrics,singing,recordings Dimitris Kottakis..Because we love space and science news on the radio in Athens..Because the world is amazing and we celebrate it with music.Because poloticians fail us all the time and we need something real,more than music and that's science and expoloration.Because we f****n love all of this..   ENG  
Content Bassicaly it'something like radio jingle that contains all the love we have for exploration and science..It has some voice samples from Star Trek and Buck Rogers..The science fiction of our youth is becoming reality..So we love to watch and celebrate it..   ENG


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Author: ॐ ॐ Country: Nepal License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion   ENG  
Content   ENG



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Author: Koenig Volker Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Message from Mars by your Overlord and Leader Volkor X.   ENG  
Content People of Earth. This is a transmission from Mars. You have to options. Surrender, OR DIE! I am Volkor X. I do not come in peace.   ENG



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Author: Эрнест Руденко Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Мое имя, государство, желание отправиться на Марс.   ENG  
Content Меня зовут Эрнест, я из России. Я хочу на Марс, на космическом корабле НАСА. Спасибо за вашу работу.   ENG



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Author: FANNY CABANES Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Le son enregistré provient du film **Mars Attacks** et laisse la voix aux potentiels habitants de mars. Si j'avais une chose à entendre de cette planète, ce serait un message réconfortant de leur part !   ENG The audio comes from the film **Mars Attack** and gives the voice to the potential inhabitants of March. If I had one thing to hear from this planet, it would be a comforting message from them !  
Content We come in peace, we come in peace. They come in peace. We come in peace   ENG We come in peace, we come in peace. They come in peace. We come in peace

O Mostrengo / The Monster


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Author: David Camelo Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a portuguese poem recited by the actor Luis Miguel Cintra, and written by Fernando Pessoa. It is a tribute to the pioneers of sea exploration.   ENG This is a portuguese poem recited by the actor Luis Miguel Cintra, and written by Fernando Pessoa. It is a tribute to the pioneers of sea exploration.  
Content **The Monster living at the Ocean's end In the pitch dark flew up Around the ship he flew three times He flew three times squeaking And he said, who dared to come In my caverns I do not unveil My black ceilings from the end of the world And the helmsman man said, shivering: - King John the Second!**   ENG **The Monster living at the Ocean's end In the pitch dark flew up Around the ship he flew three times He flew three times squeaking And he said, who dared to come In my caverns I do not unveil My black ceilings from the end of the world And the helmsman man said, shivering: - King John the Second!**

The speech of Hypatia


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Author: Petros Kizas Country: Cyprus License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Philosopher and astronomer Hypatia was a great teacher and a wise human being. Her legacy and her work must be known on earth and beyond. The sound of this track is a tiny part from a rock opera called 'Hypatia' which is a Sci-Fi version of her story   ENG  
Content There are many ways to explain how nature works But there is no way when you believe you're never wrong we will never understand why the world is what it is But we need to accept the way nature works   ENG



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Author: Jerry Goldsmith Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Total Recall OST from one of the best movies about Mars which ice on Mars predicted! Amazing soundtrack totally fits for Mars from Jerry Goldsmith   ENG  
Content Total Recall OST   ENG

Радио шоу из далекой галактики / Radio show from a far away galaxy


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Author: Xandar Bo Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Земля известна во всей Вселенной благодаря своей музыке. Она настолько популярна, что существа с других планет создают о ней радио шоу Это вступление к такому радио шоу, которое ведет Ксандар Бо, живущий в далекой галактике. Он обожает Землю и музыку, которую тут создают, поэтому он транслирует ее во вселенную, чтобы все могли ее услышать и полюбить. Шоу называется Сладкая Плазма и его слышно во всей Вселенной.   ENG Earth is popular in the Universe for it's great music. It's so popular aliens even create radio shows dedicated to it. This is an intro to a radio show that is run by a dude called Xandar Bo in a galaxy far-far away. He is fascinated by the Earth and the music created at this planet, so he broadcasts it into the Universe for everyone to hear and appreciate. The show is called Sweet Plasma and it can be heard across the entire Universe.  
Content Если ваш корабль потерпит крушение в маслянистой темноте бесконечного космоса, не паникуйте. Примите позу эмбриона в своем скафандре, а Ксандар Бо протянет вам музыку, пока вы дрейфуете и ждете спасателей. А теперь, закройте глаза, откройте рот... это Сладкая Плазма. Можно не жевать. Далее следует отрывок из песни австралийского исполнителя LarzRand под названием Lifeguard.   ENG If your spaceship suffers a shipwreck in the oily darkness of the endless space, don't panic. Take the embryo pose in your spacesuit, and Xandar Bo will hand you some Earth music for you to enjoy while waiting for the rescuers. And now, close your eyes, open your mouth... This is Sweet Plasma. Chewing is not necessary. The text is followed by a small piece of a song by an Australian singer LarzRanda called **Lifeguard**.

A Space Odyssey / A Space Odyssey


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Author: Sebastian Jeschke Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A Space Odyssey (film, released 1968) Im Film A Space Odyssey von Stanley Kubrick gibt es eine Szene auf dem Mond, in der ein schwarzer Monolith gefunden wird. Als dieser näher untersucht wird, sendet dieser einen hohen, unangenehmen Ton aus - gedeutet als Übertragung einer Nachricht. Diese Tonaufnahme besteht aus einem unangenehmen Ton der Frequenz 2021 hz - mit der Länge von 20.21 Sekunden - passend zum Jahr der Mission.   ENG At the monolith scene on the moon you can hear a high-pitched piercing sound - interpreted as an radio transmission. In order to merge this with the 2021 esa mission, I ‚produced‘ a piercing 2021 hz sound for 20.21 seconds.  
Content -   ENG -



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Author: John Williams Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Dedicated to all for the new Space era and the upcoming migration to space! We return from where we came, because we are all STARDUST and we return to the STARS…   ENG  
Content Just enjoy it!   ENG

Red To Blue / Red To Blue


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Author: Anaïs Aledo Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Il s'agit d'un texte sur un son, une déclaration d'amour et d'échange en musique, un appel de Mars entendu par la Terre car les deux se parlent à travers l'espace pour que la Terre puisse en apprendre plus de Mars...   ENG It is a text on a sound, a declaration of love and of sharing shaped in music, a call from Mars heard by the Earth for the two talk through space so that the Earth can learn more about Mars...  
Content Rouge : transmission à Bleue Ma bien-aimée Nous sommes si semblables, pourtant mon cœur semble sec Tu es là pour moi, liés à travers le ciel Une vie fantomatique, je suis mal compris Te déclarerai-je jamais... Ooh J'entends ton appel Et serai ton guide Montre-moi ce qu'il y a en toi Hors de l'obscurité Voici ta marque de repère...   ENG Red transmission to Blue My beloved We’re so alike, yet my heart seems dry You’re here for me, linked through the sky A ghostly life, I’m misconceived Will I ever declare you… Ooh I hear your call And (will) be your guide Show me your inner side Out of the dark Here’s your landmark...

Hallo Generace Mars


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Author: Petr Štafl Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jde o pozdrav stávajícím a budoucím generacím se stručným popisem programu mise EXO Mars 2020 a jedním z jeho cílů.Jako první telefonát z Marsu by mohl oslovit hlavně fandy Astronomie a generace zajímající se o průzkum Marsu.Také na památku ůspěšné mise EXO Mars 2020.    ENG  
Content Ahoj.Tady Petr Štafl.Zdravím přátelé a generaci Mars na Zemi z oblasti Oxia Planum na Marsu. Existoval život na Marsu? To je jedním z hlavních cílů sondy EXO MARS 2020.Vedeného Evropskou vesmírnou agenturou ESA ve spolupráci Ruské agentury Roskosmos.Nosná raketa Proton nám na Mars dopravila přistávací platformu Kozáček s robotickým vozítkem Rosalind Franklinová . Šťastnou cestu za poznáním a hledáním známek života na Marsu.   ENG

Устная речь


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Author: Наталья Куликова Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Текст сообщения: Модуль приземлился. Все работы проходят в штатном режиме. Вселенная - наш дом родной! Земля! Я тебя люблю, но и Марс не забываю. Давайте их сбережём. Поздравляю всех с Днем Марса. Процветания тебе четвёртая планета от Солнца. Сохраним твои вулканы, долины, пустыни и полярные ледниковые шапки. Мы тебя любим!   ENG  
Content Выполнено с помощью мобильного приложения Snapchat, а затем с помощью конвертора переведено в Mp3.   ENG



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Author: Ian Igor Dias Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A snippet of our western culture. This poem survives in the imaginary of those who believe that human life is capable of surpassing any paradigm to keep advancing for those to come.   ENG  
Content Do not go gentle into that good night Rage Rage against the dying of the light.   ENG

Monty found a new planet / Monty found a new planet


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Author: Monty Green Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Monty Green found a new planet with life. (editor cut the link)   ENG  
Content Can you see it? Is it beautiful? I hope we do better there.   ENG

Rosalind Franklin Rover - Test transmission


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Author: Rosalind Franklin Rover Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The ExoMars rover that will search for the building blocks of life on the Red Planet has a name: Rosalind Franklin. The prominent scientist behind the discovery of the structure of DNA will have her symbolic footprint on Mars in 2021. The rover bearing Rosalind Franklin’s name will drill down to two metres into the surface to sample the soil, analyse its composition and search for evidence of past – and perhaps even present – life buried underground. For info go to: ESA Rosalind Franklin rover   ENG  
Content Hello Earth! We had a successful touchdown on Oxia Planum! This is Rosalind Franklin rover test transmission. If you hear that, then all working good! I will leave you now because I have to do a great job here! Drilling for searching for the building blocks of life! Stay on and wait for results!   ENG

From Mars To Earth With Love (by UFO Drones) / From Mars To Earth With Love (by UFO Drones)


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Author: UFO Drones Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion UFO Drones est une incarnation électro-acoustique des pensées communes extraterrestres.   ENG UFO Drones is an electro-acoustic incarnation of extraterrestrial common thoughts.  
Content X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>M (X=chaos, M=aléatoire)   ENG X>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>M (X=chaos, M=randomness)

Mars ! / Mars!


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Author: Sabine Vast Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Une élève du club d'astronomie du collège Constant Bourgeois à Guiscard (Oise, France) a écrit un poème; la lecture faite par les élèves du club a été enregistrée. Les enfants sont notre avenir il est crucial qu'ils comprennent les enjeux des recherches qui sont faites aujourd'hui (notamment en astronomie) afin d'éveiller chez eux des vocations, peut-être, mais surtout de leur ouvrir les yeux sur leur place et leur responsabilité dans l'univers. Et plus particulièrement sur Terre.   ENG Ten children from The Astronomy club of Constant Bourgeois junior school in Guiscard. A poem has been written and the pupils’ reading has been recorded. The children are our future, it’s vital for them to understand the importance of the research which is being done in Astronomy in particular so that they can become astronauts but the most important is to make them open their minds on the place they have and on their responsibilities in the universe….and especially on the planet.  
Content Ce message porte l'espoir de la Terre Il est source de vie et de découverte Il voyagera dans le système solaire Trouvera-t-il, au-delà, des sœurs vertes? Toi planète rouge Au cœur d'une nuit trop noire Même si tout bouge Je rêve de te revoir L'intérêt que je te porte est grand Je peux à peine te toucher Il est compté pour moi le temps Je vois en toi; futur, présent, passé Tout de toi découvrir Et dégeler tes peines Faire de toi notre avenir Pour qu'en moi le calme règne Mars! Bientôt avec toi!   ENG Poem; Mars! This message carries hope from the earth It’s full of life and discovery It will travel in the solar system Will it find other green sisters beyond ? You, red planet In the middle of nowhere Even if everything is moving I wish I would see you again I really care about you I can hardly touch you The countdown has begun You are the future, present and past to me I want to discover everything in you And unfreeze your tears To remove our fears And leave in peace for ever I can’t wait to be with you Mars !

Crystal Singing Bowl


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Author: Davis Vrbas Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The sound a crystal singing bowl makes when a striker moves around the rim of the bowl.   ENG  
Content Just the calming sound and vibration of a crystal singing bowl being sung.   ENG

Paní z Horní Dolní


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Author: Michal Kočica Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Jedná se o mou vymyšlenou báseň   ENG  
Content Jedna paní z Horní Dolní běžela po světě s plnou polní. Když se jí ptali kampak běží řekla jim že doma sněží. Oni jí řekli že je zima, tudíž to není její vína. Ona jen hlavu svěsila a do Horní Dolní pádila.   ENG

Europe - The Final Countdown / Europe - The Final Countdown


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Author: Leoš Paleček Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Myslím že tato píseň od kapely Europe přesně vystihuje to co by mělo znít na planetě Mars   ENG I think this song from Europe accurately describes what should sound on Mars  
Content We´re leaving together, But still it´s farewell And maybe we´ll come back, To earth, who can tell? I guess there is no one to blame We´re leaving ground Will things ever be the same again? It´s the final countdown... the final countdown... the final countdown...(the final countdown...)óóó We´re heading for venus and still we stand tall Cause maybe they´ve seen us and welcome us all With so many light years to go and things to be found I´m sure that we´ll all miss her so. It´s the final countdown... the final countdown... the final countdown...(the final countdown...)óóó   ENG We´re leaving together, But still it´s farewell And maybe we´ll come back, To earth, who can tell? I guess there is no one to blame We´re leaving ground Will things ever be the same again? It´s the final countdown... the final countdown... the final countdown...(the final countdown...)óóó We´re heading for venus and still we stand tall Cause maybe they´ve seen us and welcome us all With so many light years to go and things to be found I´m sure that we´ll all miss her so. It´s the final countdown... the final countdown... the final countdown...(the final countdown...)óóó

Raketou na marz / Rocket to Mars


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Author: František Pelc Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Píseň, zvuk   ENG Song, sound  
Content Raketou na marz poletíme zas jen já a ty, a příště přiletíme my lidi   ENG We'll just fly you and me with a missile to Mars, the next time we arrive

Des plaines de Mars / FROM THE LOWLANDS OF MARS


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Author: Joseph Zaccara Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Malgré l'enthousiasme que suscite sa mission, Rosalind FRANKLIN se retrouve seule dans un monde totalement inhospitalier, prenant ainsi conscience de l'incroyable chance que les hommes ont de vivre sur leur merveilleuse planète bleue. La fraternité, dont son message nous invite à faire preuve, est essentielle pour préserver notre Terre, au mieux, de tous les dangers qui la menacent.   ENG Despite the enthusiasm of his mission, Rosalind FRANKLIN finds herself alone in a totally inhospitable world, realizing the incredible chance that men have of living on their wonderful blue planet. The fraternity, whose message invites us to demonstrate, is essential to preserve our Earth, at best, of all the dangers that threaten it.  
Content Un autre avenir, pour l’homme, se profilerait par ici. Dans mon cœur en silicium pointe une émotion infinie. Du fond des plaines de Mars, je rêve de vous voir vivre en frères ; Sans cesse près de vous, ce message pour notre planète bleue : Terre, Terre !   ENG Another future for man would be here. In my Silicon heart points an infinite emotion. From the lowlands of Mars, I dream of seeing you live as brothers; Constantly close to you, this is my message for the blue planet : Earth, Earth !

Prayer for Mars and Earth (Final) / Prayer for Mars and Earth (Final)


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Author: Steven Ariz Leiner Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It is a primary goal for us to achieve both on Mars and Earth. The reason that it should be played on Mars is because everyone on Earth will hear it, and hopefully heed the message.   ENG It is a primary goal for us to achieve both on Mars and Earth. The reason that it should be played on Mars is because everyone on Earth will hear it, and hopefully heed the message.  
Content Hopefully by the time my fellow earthlings arrive on Mars, our beautiful planet Earth will once again be sustainable, and humans will not repeat our mistakes and pollute the atmosphere and ecosystem of Mars as we have done to Earth. Hopefully, humans will be getting all our energy needs from renewable means such as the sun, wind, tidal waves..., and Earth's inhabitants will all be protecting our true wealth: our forests, coral reefs and oceans, and our biodiversity. Humans will have no longer fallen into the the **Tragedy of the Commons**. Godspeed!   ENG Hopefully by the time my fellow earthlings arrive on Mars, our beautiful planet Earth will once again be sustainable, and humans will not repeat our mistakes and pollute the atmosphere and ecosystem of Mars as we have done to Earth. Hopefully, humans will be getting all our energy needs from renewable means such as the sun, wind, tidal waves..., and Earth's inhabitants will all be protecting our true wealth: our forests, coral reefs and oceans, and our biodiversity. Humans will have no longer fallen into the the **Tragedy of the Commons**. Godspeed!

Ode to Joy / Ode to Joy


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Author: David Kadlec Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Because Ludwig van Beethoven.   ENG Because Ludwig van Beethoven.  
Content Because Ludwig van Beethoven.   ENG Because Ludwig van Beethoven.

Volání z Marsu. / Calling from Mars.


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Author: Stanislav Vokoun Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Zjištění,že lidstvo na Zemi nemusí být jediné ve vesmíru. Vzkaz na Zemi ať nedochází k ničení a devastaci Země.   ENG Finding that humanity on Earth may not be the only one in space. A message to Earth that does not destroy the Earth.  
Content Až nám zazní z vesmíru řeč,co nezná celá Zem, lidstvo zjistí na Marsu, Nejsme jedni jen. Buďme šťastni na Zemi,nezničme ji, volám,volám, žijme dále ten náš sen.   ENG When we hear from the universe, what the whole earth does not know humanity finds out on Mars We're not just one. Let's be happy on Earth, don't destroy it, I'm calling, I'm calling let's continue our dream.

Oh, hi Mars / Oh, hi Mars


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Author: Vladislav Pilianski Country: Belarus License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion **Oh, hi Mars** is changed phrase **Oh, hi Mark** from film **The Room** Tommy Wiseau   ENG  
Content Oh, hi Mars   ENG

30 secondes avec Mars / 30 seconds with Mrs


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Author: Salvatore DORE Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Conseil avisé de Rosalind FRANKLIN à ses amis terriens. Rosalind FRANKLIN, en mission sur la planète rouge, nous confirme que la vie sur cette planète ne sera jamais un séjour de rêve. Ses paysages peuvent être magnifiques, mais aucune chance d’y trouver les merveilles et la douceur de notre Terre sublime. Malheureusement, par tous nos excès, le réchauffement climatique risque rapidement de lui faire perdre quelques attraits… Il semble que certains, inconscients du péril, tardent quelqu   ENG Rosalind FRANKLIN, on a mission to the red planet, confirms that life on this planet will never be a dream holiday. Its landscapes can be beautiful, but no chance to find the wonders and sweetness of our sublime Earth. Unfortunately, by all our excesses, global warming can quickly cause him to lose some attractions... It seems that some, unaware of the peril, delay somewhat to react... Hopefully this signal, coming from far away, will make them come back to reason. And it is precisely  
Content Exomars 2020, Rosalind FRANKLIN Chers terriens, Ici, vous savez que la vie est difficile. Le froid, la chaleur, la monotonie, l’exil. Si le paradis existe, il est bien sur Terre, Cette petite planète bleue, merveille de l’Univers ! Mais cet effet de serre, et c’est une certitude, Remet tout en question, faut changer d’attitude ! Il faut changer d’attitude !   ENG Exomars 2020, Rosalind FRANKLIN Dear earthlings, Here you know that life is difficult. The cold, the heat, the monotony, the exile. If heaven exists, it is well on Earth, This little blue planet, marvel of the universe! But this greenhouse effect, and it is a certainty, Put everything in question, you have to change your attitude! You have to change your attitude!

A day dream / A day dream


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Author: Regina Blu Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a fantasy, a day dream of when you close your eyes and imagine a beautiful vision of what it's like to feel content and warm inside. Happy and serene. Swirling gently above the ground, swaying in the air with the warm rays of the sun laving your face and a sweet ethereal breeze kissing your forehead. Smiling....happy!   ENG  
Content Ένα ζεστό απαλό φως έλουζε το πρόσωπό μου και ένα γλυκό, σχεδόν ανεπαίσθητο αεράκι φυσούσε τις αφέλειές μου και με φιλούσε στο μέτωπο. Κ εγώ χαμογελούσα,...ευτυχισμένη! Με τα μάτια κλειστά...   ENG A warm, gentle, light, laved my face and a sweet ethereal breeze stroked my hair and kissed me in the forehead. And I smiled....happy,....with my eyes shut...

No one with zero vote


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Author: Planets United Country: Réunion License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion No one will leave from this contest with zero vote, because we are all brothers built from the same Supernova Stardust! Nobody should be sad about zero voting, because it only matters the effort and interest of offering a personal message! For those reasons, the office of the President of United Federation of Planets has sent from one vote to all zero vote participations. Please don't vote this message. Live long and prosper... Planetsunited   ENG  
Content The sound recording of this message is dedicated to the people of all planet Earth and you can find it in youtube as: Star Trek: Medley // The Danish National Symphony Orchestra (Live)   ENG

Фрагмент Кантаты для голоса и камерного оркестра «Экклезиаст» / An extract from the Cantata for voice and chamber orchestra **Ecclesiastes**


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Author: Salim Krimsky Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Фрагмент Кантаты для голоса и камерного оркестра «Экклезиаст» - произведения российского композитора Салима Крымского (р. 1930). Впервые библейский текст, значимость и культурную ценность которого трудно переоценить, был положен на музыку. Из музыкального сочинения выделена фраза: «Узнал я, что нет для него ничего лучшего, чем веселиться и делать добро в жизни своей». Это завет всем нам, землянам, всему человечеству: делать добро. Пусть этот призыв пронесется через космическое пространство!   ENG This is an extract from the Cantata for voice and chamber orchestra **Ecclesiastes** – music composition by Russian composer Salim Krimsky (b 1930). For the first time this text from the Bible, which significance and cultural value is difficult to overestimate, was put into music. The phrase was selected: **I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life**. It is a call to all of us, earthlings, to all mankind: to do good. Let it fly through the space!  
Content Звучит фраза из музыкального произведения – Кантаты для голоса и камерного оркестра «Экклезиаст» – произведения российского композитора Салима Крымского: «Узнал я, что нет для него ничего лучшего, чем веселиться и делать добро в жизни своей».   ENG You listen to the phrase (in Russian language): **I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life**. This is an extract from Cantata for voice and chamber orchestra “Ecclesiastes” by Russian composer Salim Krimsky

Les troubadours de Bernard de Ventadour / The troubadours from Bernard de Ventadour


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Author: Francis Debrie Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Il s'agit d'un travail mené avec des collégiens qui se présentent dans leurs langues maternelles respectives pour montrer la diversité des personnes sur Terre. En terme de voix, il y a une partie chantée qui sert d'introduction et les voix de 4 élèves (garçon et filles).   ENG This is a work with students who present themselves in their respective mother tongues to show the diversity of people on Earth. In terms of voices, there is a part sung that serves as an introduction and the voices of 4 students (boys and girls).  
Content Voici les troubadours De Bernard de Ventadour Qui envoient leurs messages Depuis la planète Mars. Hallo leute, Ich heisse Denis, Ich bin 13 jarhre alt und Ich komme aus Albanien. Hola buenos dias soy Nerea Ruiz, quiero ambiar un mesaje de Marte a la Tierra. Bonjour, je m'appelle Maeva, j'ai 12 ans, je suis née le 8 janvier 2007, j'ai une amie Daniella. On aimerait aller sur Mars. Dobrij deny, menya zovut Daniella. Ya s moey podrujkoy Maeva. Ya bi tak hotela bity na Marse.   ENG Here are the troubadours From Bernard de Ventadour Who send their messages From the planet Mars. Hello people, my name is Denis, I am 13 years old and I come from Albania. Hi I’m Nerea Ruiz, I want to send a message from Mars to Earth. Hello, my name is Maeva; I am 12 years old; I was born on January 8, 2007; I have a friend Daniella. We would like to go to Mars. Hello, my name is Daniella. I have a friend Maeva. We would like to go to Mars.

Поздравляю вас с Марсом! / I congratulate you on the Mars!


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Author: Ирина Смирнова Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Запуск первого марсохода - очень важная и серьёзная ступень в нашей жизни. Эта фонограмма создана для того, чтобы в минуты технического прорыва люди не забыли о своей душе, о человеческих качествах. Я верю, что, услышав мою просьбу с Марса, хотя бы один человек задумается о мире, вспомнит о добре. А это большое дело. Я хочу, чтобы люди остались людьми.   ENG The launch of the Mars rover is a very important and serious step in our life. This phonogram has been created for you to remember your souls and your human qualities in the time of technological advances. I strongly believe that on hearing my plea from Mars, at least one human being will reflect on peace and kindness. It is a big deal. I want humans to remain humans.  
Content Доброго времени суток, люди! Спешу поздравить вас с тем, что огромная, сложная работа всё-таки довела нас до Марса. Это успех. Это прорыв. Это история. Останьтесь, пожалуйста, в этой истории людьми. Честными, милосердными и добрыми. Несите добро ближним и на далёкий Марс. Сохраняйте на Земле мир. Улыбайтесь и любите. Поздравляю вас с Марсом! Доброго времени суток, люди.   ENG Good day, humanity! I wish to congratulate you on the fact that the tremendous challenging work has brought us to the Mars eventually. That is a success. That is a breakthrough. That is the history. Please, remain humans in this history. Be honest, merciful and kind. Do good to the nearest and to those who are on the remote Mars. Stay in peace on the Earth. Keep smiling and loving. I congratulate you on the Mars! Good Day, humanity.

Human achievements,hope and and acceptance from Planet Earth.


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Author: Dimitris Krallis Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion In this recording you will be able to hear electronic music elements (in the background) and my voice with a message. My message it reminds us of who we are and what we have achieved as human race,and secondly if someone somehow, in the space could hear and understand this message, it would be nice them to know that our planet embraces and welcome every new form of life.   ENG  
Content I was born in the country that taught the whole world how it is to live justly with other people, and this we named... Democracy. I was born in the country that taught the whole world how it is to think with the spirit, and this we named... Philosophy. I was born on planet Earth, which welcomes and embraces every form of life.   ENG

Malika Uskembaeva / CO2 AND HUMANITY


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Author: Malika Uskembaeva Country: Kazakhstan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The sound of CO2 which is going to destroy the Earth very soon.   ENG .  
Content Psssssssssss   ENG .

Make love, not war / Make love, not war


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Author: Мария Ушакова Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Если и есть сила на планете, способная преодолеть любые расстояния и преграды, так это любовь. Любовь к близкому, к Родине, к знаниям и путешествиям. Может быть, лучше заниматься любовью, а не войной? Любовью во всех ее варианциях.   ENG  
Content Hello! How are you? Still wars? Как только закончите, ждем вас в гости. У нас немає війні і немає світу. У нас любов. Kako ti se to sviđa? Make love, not war.   ENG

We come in peace / We come in peace


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Author: Jean-Pierre Coeurnelle Country: Belgium License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Message d'appel aux extraterrestres qui pourraient l'intercepter, pour annoncer que nous voulons la paix et l'entraide. En diffusant ce message, nous augmentons nos chances de rencontrer d'autres intelligences mais envoyons en même temps un message à notre propre peuple en guise de réflexion.   ENG A spoken message to any extraterrestrials who might pick it up, announcing that we want peace and mutual helpfulness. By broadcasting this message, we increase our chances of meeting other intelligences while at the same time sending our own people an appeal to reflect on our fate.  
Content Si vous pouvez m'entendre, faites-moi signe! Je vis sur la troisième planète à partir de l'étoile la plus proche de l'origine de mon message. J'espère que votre peuple et le mien pourront vivre en harmonie et en paix pour améliorer notre destin. Notre espèce existe depuis quelques centaines de milliers d'années et fait maintenant face à des risques existentiels sans précédent. Nous pourrions unir nos sagesses respectives pour résoudre notamment ces problèmes.   ENG If you can hear me, give me a sign! I live on the third planet from the star closest to where my message originated. I hope your people and mine can live in harmony and peace to improve our destinies. Our species has been in existence for a few hundred thousand years and is now facing unprecedented existential risks. We could use our united wisdom to solve these and other problems.

Poema de amor


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Author: Mateo Budiño Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Poema del inmortal poeta español Antonio Machado. La poesía es el uso de la palabra que es capaz de generar las emociones más intensas y transmitirlo desde otro planeta es esparcir vida por el espacio.   ENG  
Content La plaza tiene una torre, la torre tiene un balcón, el balcón tiene una dama, la dama una blanca flor. Ha pasado un caballero -¡quién sabe por qué pasó!-, y se ha llevado la plaza, con su torre y su balcón, con su balcón y su dama, su dama y su blanca flor. Por la calle de mis celos en veinte rejas con otro hablando siempre te veo. Malos sueños he. Me despertaré.   ENG

Poema en gallego ¡Pra a Habana!


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Author: Alicia Rodríguez Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Poema de la maravillosa escritora gallega Rosalía de Castro. El gallego es una lengua antigua y rica que no puede perder esta oportunidad de ser transmitida por el espacio, pues lo enriquecerá con su sonido.   ENG  
Content ESte se va y aquél se va y todos, todos se van. Galicia, sin hombres quedas que te puedan trabajar. Tienes, en cambio, huérfanos y huérfanas y campos de soledad y madres que no tienen hijos e hijos que no tienen padres. Y corazones que sufren largas ausencias mortales, viudad de vivos y muertos que nadie consolará.   ENG

Promise cover / Promise cover


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Author: Zakaria Dahhane Country: Morocco License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion What a soft sound to start the mission with, giving hope to discover this wonderful planet more and more and answer some of our biggest questions. It deserves to be a part of this great mission.   ENG What a soft sound to start the mission with, giving hope to discover this wonderful planet more and more and answer some of our biggest questions. It deserves to be a part of this great mission.  
Content A lyrics b kr : I want you to be your light, baby You should be your light 더는 아프지 않게 네가 웃을 수 있게 I want you to be your night, baby You could be your night 이 밤이 너에게 솔직할 수 있게   ENG I want you to be your light, baby You should be your light So you won't hurt anymore, so you can smile more I want you to be your night, baby You could be your night I'll be honest with you tonight

Qui sommes-nous ? / Who are we?


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Author: Ale XTamarelle Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Voici l'humanité décrite de façon très concise.   ENG This is the humanity described in a very concise way.  
Content Humain, des êtres de lumières et de sagesses, avide de nouveaux horizons. Heureux de nous connaître, de nous savoir semblable mais... chaque être est unique. L'humanité ne se résume pas à un message dans une bouteille jetée à la mer mais aux expériences de chacun, parce que nous avons tous une perception différente des mondes qui nous entourent. C'est ça l'humanité, l'Unique dans la Similitude.   ENG Human, beings of light and wisdom, eager for new horizons. Happy to know us, to know us similar but... each being is unique. Humanity is not just a message in a bottle thrown into the sea, but the experiences of each person, because we all have a different perception of the worlds around us. This is humanity, the One in Similarity.

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