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Archive 2

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Saudação / greetings


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Author: Rodrigo De Souza Bittencourt Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Saudação de um admirador   ENG brief greeting  
Content Minha apresentação simples   ENG brief greeting

Extensión de visita / Extension of visit


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Author: Deimer Daniel Lobo Cardozo Country: Colombia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Las vastedad del cosmos hace que nuestra especie sea apenas distinguibles en el universo. La tecnología como extensión de nuestra conciencia, nos abre a las infinitas posibilidades, permitiendo visitar lugares distantes por el momento. Las transmisión del sonido nos permitirá recordar la historia y el papel trascendental de protejer nuestra casa común, el pálido punto azul.   ENG The vastness of the cosmos makes our species barely distinguishable in the universe. Technology as an extension of our consciousness, opens us to the infinite possibilities, allowing us to visit distant places for the moment. The transmission of the sound will allow us to remember the history and thetranscendental role of protecting our common house, the pale blue point.  
Content Uno, dos tres probando; uno, dos tres. Esta es una prueba de sonido; la especie humana apenas distinguible en un pálido punto azul, lleva con éxito una de sus extenciones tecnológicas al planeta rojo.   ENG One, two three testing; one two Three. This is a sound test; the human species barely distinguishable in a pale blue point, successfully brings one of its technological extensions to the red planet.



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Author: Simone Castro Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Song of my own (never enter and never sung in public) for the country duo Victor and Léo.   ENG  
Content Where is it That I can not find you? Must be in someone else's arms I know it's not me The one you love Waves, take my thoughts Because I can forget you   ENG

Apresentação pessoal. / Personal presentation.


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Author: Kelven Lima Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Uma breve apresentação de minha pessoa. Solicito a oportunidade de poder ajudar na exploração espacial de alguma forma. Tenho um grande fascínio pelo planeta Marte, seria um enorme prazer participar de tal evento.   ENG A brief introduction from me. I ask for the opportunity to be able to assist in space exploration in some way. I have a great fascination for the planet Mars, it would be a great pleasure to participate in such an event.  
Content Olá, me chamo Kelven Lima, moro na cidade de Santarém, estado do Pará, no Brasil. Sou universitário de engenharia física da universidade federal do oeste do Pará e venho através deste audio deixar minha contribuição para as futuras pesquisas e exploração do planeta Marte. Espero que um dia possamos colonizar este (até então) desconhecido planeta.   ENG Hello, my name is Kelven Lima, I live in the city of Santarém, state of Pará, Brazil. I am a university of physical engineering at the federal university of western Pará and I come through this audio to leave my contribution to future research and exploration of the planet Mars. I hope one day we can colonize this (until now) unknown planet.

Chico Bioca


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Author: Olivando Oliveira Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Em busca de vida sexualmente inteligente em Marte!   ENG  
Content Eu quero saber quem é que TRANSA, quem TRANSA nessa porra ?!   ENG

The last message of Professor Stephen Hawking (1942 - 2018) / The last message of Professor Stephen Hawking (1942 - 2018)


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Author: Alex Vega Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Stephen Hawking's Inspiring Last Words on the Importance of Science.   ENG Stephen Hawking's Inspiring Last Words on the Importance of Science.  
Content “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”   ENG “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”

Oraciòn Planetaria / planetary prayer


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Author: Florencio Antonio Hidalgo Aciego Country: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un mensaje de fè a Dios en el sistema solar,la galaxia,el debe estar allà,aqui,pero siempre presente moviendo las piezas planetarias desde el principio de los tiempos,desde que al decir **Hagase la Luz**,comenzò el Big Bang y con el la evoluciòn de un ser superior que rige las leyes del universo y nos hizo a su imagèn y semejanza para que luego de **un olvido** nuestro lo busquemos en el universo,en las estrellas y necesario enviarlo.   ENG A message of faith to God in the solar system, the galaxy, he must be there, here, but always present, moving the planetary pieces from the beginning of time, since when he said **Make the Light**, he started the Big Bang and with the evolution of a superior being that governs the laws of the universe and made us to his image and likeness so that after **a forgetfulness** of ours we look for it in the universe, in the stars and planets ... it is necessary to send it.  
Content Hola mi pana Marte,Hola mi compa Tierra. Te envio mi voz desde Venezuela y dejo mi mensaje a Dios aqui en Marte y lo devuelvan a la Tierra para una pequeña oraciòn. Te pido Dios que cambies el destino,la conciencia y rumbo de mi paìs y volvamos a brillar y vernos hasta el final de la galaxia. **Es un pequeño audio para un hombre pero un gran Big Sound para la Humanidad..Amèn.**   ENG Hello my pana Mars, Hello my Earth companion. I send my voice from Venezuela and I leave my message to God here on Mars and return him to Earth for a small prayer. I ask you, God, to change the destiny, consciousness and direction of my country and let us shine again and see each other until the end of the galaxy. **It's a little audio for a man but a big Big Sound for Humanity..Amèn.**

Atende o telefone! mãe e pai , as crianças e o Cheiroso. / Answer the phone! (mother and father, children and the Smell)


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Author: Eliane Orvalho Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Atende o telefone! A melhor forma de mandar uma ligação de Marte para a Terra! Esse maravilhoso e engraçado desenho que embalou a imaginação das crianças brasileiras da década de 80 e faz muita gente rir até hoje. Mãe e Pai, as crianças e o Cheiroso (1953) The best way to send a Mars link to Earth! This wonderful and funny drawing that has packed the imagination of the Brazilian children of the 80's and makes a lot of people laugh until today.   ENG Answer the phone! The best way to send a Mars link to Earth! This wonderful and funny drawing that has packed the imagination of the Brazilian children of the 80's and makes a lot of people laugh until today. Maw and Paw (1953)  
Content Atende o telefone Luiz. Eu sou Zeca, atende o telefone. Atende o telefone. Atende o telefone. Atende o telefone. Por favor bem rápido! Ganhe um prêmio! Eu vou perguntar só uma vez. Quantos rabos tem um cachorro? Oinc. Um. Está absolutamente certo! E você também ganhou o nosso grande prêmio. Um carro zero km, um super automóvel.   ENG Answer the telephone Luiz. I'm Zeca. Answer the phone. Answer the phone. Answer the phone. Answer the phone. Please, be quick fast! Earn a prize! I go once only once. How many tails does a dog have? Oinc. Hmm. It's right here! And you also won our big prize. A 0km car, a super car.

Crazy frog / Ben ben


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Author: Eduardo Fabricio Gutierrez Country: Peru License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Es demasiadod gracioso =)   ENG just imagine how this would sound in space haha  
Content ben ben   ENG benben

Crab Rave


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Author: Bob Mcair Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This recording contains 30 seconds of Crab Rave(credit to Noisestorm). Even though I am not the creator of this sound, I still hope you enjoy it, especially to those who have not heard it. Simple, but sounds very unique. Please do your part and let the world hear it by dropping a vote:) Promise it’ll be good!   ENG  
Content There are no words in the recording.   ENG

A Greeting From the Earth / A Greeting From the Earth


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Author: Ma Hedi Nordin Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I showed the sound of the rain on the earth. And I just wanna show my greeting to Mars from China and let Mars hear the voice of chinese. because there is no recording from china yet.   ENG I showed the sound of the rain on the earth. And I just wanna show my greeting to Mars from China and let Mars hear the voice of chinese. because there is no recording from china yet.  
Content 嗨,火星! 这是一段来自地球的录音,我是地球上来自中国的一名15岁的学生。从太空中看去,地球上最大陆地的最东方,便是中国。而这片陆地的最西端,便是你现在所看到的这艘航天器的起点。If you can hear these recordings from the earth successfully, that means we are one step closer to you. Oh! and it's raining here now, let me show you the sound of rain on the earth.   ENG Hi, Mars! This is a recording from the earth, I'm a 15 years old student from China which is a country on the earth.If you can see the earth from the space,the eastern part of the biggest continent on the earth is China. And the western part of this continent is Europe, which is the beginning of this spacecraft you are seeing now. If you can hear these recordings from the earth successfully, that means we are one step closer to you. Oh! and it's raining here now, let me show you the sound of rain on the earth.

Olive tree


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Author: Christy Deng Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is really a song with a story, because the person who wrote it had traveled all over the desert, read the world, in the story of her life. Her words, the exotic and lively culture, the obsession with life and nostalgia for the old days.   ENG  
Content Don’t ask me where I’m from My hometown is far away Why am I roaming around Far away roaming around Roaming around   ENG



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Author: Максим Алькин Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit   ENG  
Content Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit   ENG



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Author: NASA_ Rus Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit   ENG  
Content Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit   ENG

HO2 / H02


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Author: Salvador Vallecilli Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion H02 es el elemento liquido básico para vivir y poder transmitir desde nuestro planeta hermano que la hay sería un pequeño paso para nosotros y un gran paso para el universo...   ENG I need to breathe.I was an April ofternon the beginning of spring.I went to discover the fresh air and I trought,was free and I started to fly,to dream that I dramed and yes.You come up with the necessary oxigen...and every moorning I inspired it and I rememberd...  
Content HO2. Necesito respirar.Era una tarde de Abril,comienzo de primavera.Fui a descubrir el aire fresco y crei que era libre y comence a volar a soñar,que soñaba y si,apareciste con el oxigeno necesario y yo cada mañana lo inspiraba y recordaba...   ENG I need to breathe.I was an April ofternon the beginning of spring.I went to discover the fresh air and I trought,was free and I started to fly,to dream that I dramed and yes.You come up with the necessary oxigen...and every moorning I inspired it and I rememberd...



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Author: NASA_ Rus Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Deep Purple - Space Truckin   ENG  
Content Deep Purple - Space Truckin   ENG

Mars Loving Struggle


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Author: Calin Marian Schinteie Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Mars does not seem to be an **easy** planet. And we love it as well. Warszawianka is struggle. Speak Softly is love. Struggle and love are defining humankind, I think. Featuring the voices from space of Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova, Vladimir Remek and Samantha Cristoforetti.   ENG  
Content as described above   ENG

La Steaua - Mihai Eminescu


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Author: Stan Camelia Country: Romania License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A poem by the great Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu, which must be heard throughout the Universe.   ENG  
Content To the star. So far it is athwart the blue To where yon star appears, That for its light to reach our view Has needed thousand years. Maybe those ages gone it shed Its glow, then languished in the skies, Yet only now its rays have sped Their journey to our eyes. The icon of the star that died Slowly the vault ascended; Time was ere it could first be spied, We see now what is ended. So is it when our love's aspire Is hid beneath night's bowl, The gleam of its extinguished fire Enkindles yet our soul.   ENG

Крошка моя


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Author: Владислав Астапенко Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion песня Крошка моя. хорошая песня и вечный хит   ENG  
Content Крошка моя, я по тебе скучаю я от тебя письма не получаю. Ты далеко и даже не скучала, но я вернусь, вернусь, чтоб ты узнала, Что я далеко, я по тебе скучаю я от тебя письма не получаю ты далеко и даже не скучаешь, Но я вернусь, вернусь, и ты узнаешь, что я далеко от тебя.   ENG

Iron Man


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Author: Andrey Khramenkov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Посадка на Марс должна быть эпичной.   ENG  
Content Посадка на Марс должна быть эпичной.   ENG

仰望星空 / Looking up to the Starry Sky


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Author: ShiYang Duan Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a Chinese poem.It expressed the desire for space.   ENG This is a Chinese poem.It expressed the desire for space.  
Content 我仰望星空, 它是那样自由而宁静; 那博大的胸怀, 让我的心灵栖息依偎。 我仰望星空, 它是那样壮丽而光辉; 那永恒的炽热, 让我心中燃起希望的烈焰、响起春雷。   ENG I look up to the starry sky, Finding it so free and fairly quiet. Its broad mind makes me fly, On it I perch and snuggle by. I look up to the starry sky, Finding it so magnificent and brilliant. Its eternal flames ignite Ignite hopes and spring thunder follows by.

The Living Mars


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Author: Arsen Khoziev Country: Kazakhstan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion If one day I'm asked what music I see about Mars, I would show this work. I was inspired by the idea that a piece of my art could fly millions of kilometers away from the earth.   ENG  
Content -   ENG

宇宙航行 / universe travel


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Author: shengfeng wang Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion 让人惊艳的宇宙声音   ENG amazing pure sound from universe  
Content 非常棒   ENG really good

Unpredictable Storm


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Author: Alireza Javanmardi Astro Javan Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is an image of an astronaut that was so close to death by a Martian storm.   ENG  
Content It's about an astronaut who loves fruit icecreams and chocolate cakes. A Martian storm happened 15 minutes before the recording... He looks fun in mars...   ENG

Oraciòn Planetaria / Planetary Prayer


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Author: Florencio Antonio Hidalgo Aciego Country: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un mensaje de fè a Dios en el sistema solar,la galaxia,el debe estar allà,aqui,pero siempre presente moviendo las piezas planetarias desde el principio de los tiempos,desde que al decir **Hagase la Luz**,comenzò el Big Bang y con el la evoluciòn de un ser superior que rige las leyes del universo y nos hizo a su imagèn y semejanza para que luego de **un olvido** nuestro lo busquemos en el universo,en las estrellas y necesario enviarlo.   ENG A message of faith to God in the solar system, the galaxy, he must be there, here, but always present, moving the planetary pieces from the beginning of time, since when he said **Make the Light**, he started the Big Bang and with the evolution of a superior being that governs the laws of the universe and made us to his image and likeness so that after **a forgetfulness** of ours we look for it in the universe, in the stars and planets ... it is necessary to send it.  
Content Hola mi pana Marte,Hola mi compa Tierra. Te envio mi voz desde Venezuela y dejo mi mensaje a Dios aqui en Marte y lo devuelvan a la Tierra para una pequeña oraciòn. Te pido Dios que cambies el destino,la conciencia y rumbo de mi paìs y volvamos a brillar y vernos hasta el final de la galaxia. **Es un pequeño audio para un hombre pero un gran Big Sound para la Humanidad..Amèn.**   ENG Hello my pana Mars, Hello my pana Earth. I send my voice from Venezuela and I leave my message to God here on Mars and return him to Earth for a small prayer. I ask you, God, to change the destiny, consciousness and direction of my country and let us shine again and see each other until the end of the galaxy. **It's a little audio for a man but a big Big Sound for Humanity..Amèn.**

Llamando desde Marte / Calling from Mars


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Author: Isael Rodriguez Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, nuestra especie se ha esforzado por adquirir todo conocimiento posible sobre el cosmos. Ha habido tiempos difíciles en los que la verdad y la curiosidad fueron reprimidos duramente por la inconsciencia. Hoy tenemos artefactos contruidos por la humanidad en aquel lugar que un día fue venerado como un dios. Hoy podemos establecer comunicación directa, mañana podremos establecernos en él.   ENG Throughout the history of humanity, our species has strived to acquire all possible knowledge about the cosmos. There have been difficult times in which truth and curiosity were harshly repressed by unconsciousness. Today we have artifacts built by humanity in that place that was once revered as a god.Today we can establish direct communication, tomorrow we can establish ourselves in it.  
Content Aquí Marte llamando a la tierra. Llamando a Galileo, a Copérnico, a Hipatia. Llamando a los seres humanos que en alguna ocasión miraron al cielo y contemplaron mi rostro. Llamando a todos aquellos que se esforzaron por hallar las respuestas a sus propias preguntas. Mi llamada está siendo escuchada por los hombres y mujeres que conducirán a la especie a mundos aún hoy inimaginables. Marte os habla como punto de partida hacia el conocimiento del resto del cosmos. Un saludo.   ENG Here Mars calling the earth. Calling Galileo, Copernicus, Hypatia. Calling the human beings that once looked at the sky and contemplated my face. Calling all those who struggled to find the answers to their own questions. My call is being heard by the men and women who will lead the species to worlds that are still unimaginable today. Mars speaks to you as a starting point towards the knowledge of the rest of the cosmos. A greeting.

Chicken / The Chicken Talk


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Author: Tristan Jouve Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A chicken talking in his language, this is truly what mars needs.   ENG The Chicken talks about how mars missions are important, I definitely feel like this is the most important part of the mission : The Chicken Recording ! Have you ever heard a chicken recording on mars ? No ? Well you might hear one.  
Content A chicken toy being pressed to make the famous sound ! Also known as the Rubber Chicken !   ENG The Chicken talks about how mars missions are important, sadly, even the best analysts can't exactly tell what words the chicken is saying but only the main Ideas.

Tongue twister in portuguese / Tongue twister in portuguese


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Author: Kennedy Quintino Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion .   ENG .  
Content .   ENG .

Breeze in Mars


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Author: Nico Gioppo Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion DuploEx Band Music Breeze in Mars   ENG  
Content Shadows close my eyes Preventing side these feelings Lost my reason and my principles Just a time Feels that day Any way Close your eyes...   ENG

Say Goodbye / SAY GOODBYE


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Author: THIERRY FORNETTI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Une chanson qui parle de l'amour perdu , sans arriver à comprendre pourquoi il est parti. Quelquesoit le monde l'univers ,l'amour est universel et on serait triste de la même manière sur terre ou sur Mars.   ENG A song about lost love, without understanding why he left. Whatever the world the universe, love is universal and we would be sad in the same way on Earth or on Mars.  

Christopher Tin - Sogno Di Volare / Christopher Tin - Sogno Di Volare


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Author: Matteo Santaella Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un chef d'oeuvre musical créé par Christopher Tin pour le jeu Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Je souhaite que cette musique soit entendue dans les vastes plaines ferreuses de mars pour que l'hymne de l'Humanité résonne au delà de notre planète ! - Extrait de **Sogno Di Volare** de Christopher Tin.   ENG A musical masterpiece created by Christopher Tin for the game **Sid Meier's Civilization VI**. I wish this music to be heard in the vast ferrous plains of Mars so that the anthem of the Humanity resonates beyond our planet !  
Content It: Una volta che avrai Spiccato il volo, deciderai Sguardo verso il ciel saprai: Lì a casa il cuore sentirai. ____ En: Once you have taken flight, You'll decide, Gaze towards the sky, you'll know that That is where your heart will feel at home.   ENG It: Una volta che avrai Spiccato il volo, deciderai Sguardo verso il ciel saprai: Lì a casa il cuore sentirai. ____ En: Once you have taken flight, You'll decide, Gaze towards the sky, you'll know that That is where your heart will feel at home.

Spectrogram cipher / Spectrogram cipher


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Author: Дмитрий Яльчик Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Фонограмма содержит: лёгкую успокаивающую музыку на скрипке; фрагмент с зашифрованным текстом ❤   ENG The soundtrack contains: light soothing music on the violin; a fragment from the ciphertext  
Content 0:00-0:19 - музыка 0:19-0:24 - шифр 0:24-0:29 - музыка   ENG 0:00-0:19 - music 0:19-0:24 - cipher 0:24-0:29 - music

Le Trône / The Throne


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Author: Soufiene Ouertatani Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion C’est la voix grave d’un homme qui récite une prière face à l’immensité de l’univers   ENG It is the deep voice of a man who recites a prayer against the immensity of the universe  
Content Point de divinité à part Lui, Le Vivant Celui qui subsiste par Lui-même, Ni sommeil ni somnolence ne le saisisse Qui peut intercéder auprès de Lui sans sa permission Il connaît leur passé et leur futur et de sa science Il n’embrasse que ce qu’Il veut Son Trône déborde les cieux et la terre dont la garde ne lui coûte aucune peine et Il est Le Très Haut Le Très Grand   ENG There is no divinity except Him, the living One who subsists by Himself, neither sleep nor drowsiness who seizes Him Who can intercede with Him without His permission He knows their past and future and his science He embraces only this that He wills His throne is overflowing the heavens and the earth whose care does not cost him any trouble and He is the Most High The Great

Al Fâtiha / Al-Fatiha (The Opening)


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Author: Skandar Bahri Country: Tunisia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Versets du livre saint des Musulmans le Coran   ENG Verses from the holy book of Muslims the Koran  
Content 1:1 بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ 1:2 الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ 1:3 الرَّحْمـنِ الرَّحِيمِ 1:4 مَـالِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّينِ 1:5 إِيَّاك نَعْبُدُ وإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ 1:6 اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ 1:7 صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِمْ غَيرِ المَغضُوبِ عَلَيهِمْ وَلاَ الضَّالِّينَ   ENG In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds. The Compassionate, the Merciful. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have received your grace; not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray. Amen.

Message d'espoir d'une terrienne. / Message of hope of an earthling.


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Author: Eloise Brueysse Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Quelques mots sur l'avancement et l'espoir de l'on résent pour l'espace. Avec l'envie de continuer.   ENG A few words on the progress and the hope of one feels for the space. With the desire to continue.  
Content Nous sommes à un tournant de notre temps où l'espace prendre de l'ampleur, où nous rêvons des possibilités que nous avons face à cette immensité. Rempli d'espoir nous avançons à grand pas. Ici une terrienne de France pour Mars.   ENG We are at a turning point in our time when space is gaining momentum, where we dream of the possibilities we face in this immensity. Filled with hope, we are moving forward. Here an earthlord from France for Mars.

Салимов Роберт сообщение на Марс / Salimov Robert message to Mars


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Author: Robert Salimov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Моему сыну 5 лет, его зовут Салимов Роберт и он очень хочет в будущем полететь на Марс. Послание он придумал и записал сам.   ENG It is message from my son Robert. He is 5 and he wants to become an astronaut and fly to Mars.  
Content Здравствуйте дорогие земляне и космонавты. Я Роберт из России, мне пять лет. Возьмите меня пожалуйста когда я вырасту. Я очень хочу на Марс.   ENG Zdravstvyite dorogie zemlyane i kosmonavty. Ya Robert iz Rossii, mne 5 let. Vozmite menya pozhalyista kogda ya virasry. Ya ochen hochy na Mars.

All Gone (No Escape)


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Author: Ali Mohamadi Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The Last of Us Album by Gustavo Santaolalla   ENG  
Content The music for the 2013 action-adventure survival horror video game The Last of Us, developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment.   ENG

El Risitas - Issou


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Author: Ramal K-Larima Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ensemble, faisons résonner le rire d'El Risitas à travers les rouges plaines de Mars ! Nous avons la CHANCE de pouvoir faire entendre jusqu'aux confins de notre planète le **Issou** et la **Chancla** de notre espagnol préféré ! Profitons-en !   ENG  
Content Toteïnao pogedemedio chipona podeme la chancla y el bagnador. Voy a la playa habia subido la marea ! ISSOU !   ENG

Issou Night Club


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Author: Jean Eude Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ensemble, faisons résonner Issou Night Club à travers les rouges plaines de Mars !   ENG  
Content É la chancla ! É la chancla ! Yatangaki !   ENG

Alô alô marciano!!


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Author: Davi da Silva Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion My pet cat meowing and giving a hello to the Mars staff   ENG  
Content hello my name is davi sou from brazil, planet earth, and me and my kitten let's say hello to the people of space and to and from mars * meaw meaw meaw * I hope this sound comes to and, and I answer Martians, bye   ENG

L'Internationale / The Internationale


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Author: Cristian Lenoire Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion L'Internationale est un chant révolutionnaire dont les paroles furent écrites par Eugène Pottier en 1871 lors de la répression de la Commune de Paris, sous forme d'un poème à la gloire de l'Internationale ouvrière, et dont la musique fut composée par Pierre Degeyter en 1882. Elle représente le mouvement ouvrier international, ainsi que l'amitié des peuples. Elle doit être diffusé sur Mars en tant qu'hymne de l'humanité toute entière.   ENG **The Internationale** (French: **L'Internationale**) is a left-wing anthem. It has been a standard of the socialist movement since the late nineteenth century, when the Second International adopted it as its official anthem. The title arises from the **First International**, an alliance of workers which held a congress in 1864. The author of the anthem's lyrics, Eugène Pottier, an anarchist, attended this congress.[1][2]  
Content Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый, Весь мир голодных и рабов! Кипит наш разум возмущённый И в смертный бой вести готов. Весь мир насилья мы разрушим До основанья, а затем Мы наш, мы новый мир построим   ENG Stand up, ones who are branded by the curse, All the world's starving and enslaved! Our outraged minds are boiling, Ready to lead us into a deadly fight. We will destroy this world of violence Down to the foundations, and then We will build our new world.

L'opening de Gurren Lagann joué par un barde de Skyrim / Gurren Lagann Op but its played by a Skyrim bard


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Author: Alexis GUYOMARD Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion L'opening de Gurren Lagann (Sorairo Days) joué à la flûte par Sven de Skyrim. Grâce à ça, les martiens sauront que nous avons la vrille qui permettra de transpercer les cieux !   ENG Gurren Lagann's opening (Sorairo Days) played with a flute by Sven from Skyrim. With this audio, martians will know we have the drill to pierce the heavens !  
Content Hashiridashita omoi ga ima demo Kono mune wo tashikani tatauteru kara Kyou no boku ga sono saki ni tsuzuku Bokura nari no asu wo kizuiteiku Kotae wa sou itsumo koko ni aru (en flûte)   ENG Hashiridashita omoi ga ima demo Kono mune wo tashikani tatauteru kara Kyou no boku ga sono saki ni tsuzuku Bokura nari no asu wo kizuiteiku Kotae wa sou itsumo koko ni aru (in flute)

Bitch Lasagna


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Author: Corentin MALBET Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion God song   ENG  
Content I review you: (*clap clap*) zero, bye bitch, gone So come on T-Series, looking hungry for some drama Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna [Chorus] Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna T-Series ain't nothing but a bitch lasagna Bitch lasagna, bitch lasagna   ENG

Земля в иллюстраторе / Earth in illustrator


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Author: Дмитрий Плахин Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Песня группы **земляне**, про космонавтов, которые скучают по своей родной планете. Возможно марсоходу тоже будет грустно и эта песня его поддержит.   ENG The song of the group **earthlings**, about astronauts who miss their home planet. Perhaps the rover will also be sad and this song will support him.  
Content Земля в иллюминаторе, земля в иллюминаторе Земля в иллюминаторе видна... Как сын грустит о матери, как сын грустит о матери Грустим мы о земле - она одна А звезды тем не менее, а звезды тем не менее Чуть ближе, но все также холодны И, как в часы затмения, и, как в часы затмения Ждем света и земные видим сны И снится нам не рокот космодрома Не эта ледяная синева А снится нам трава, трава у дома Зеленая, зеленая трава   ENG Earth in the porthole, land in the porthole The earth in the porthole is visible ... As the son is sad about the mother, as the son is sad about the mother We are sad about the earth - she is alone And the stars, nevertheless, and the stars, nevertheless A little closer, but still cold And, as in the eclipse hours, and as in the eclipse hours Waiting for the light and the earth see dreams And we dream not roar of the spaceport Not this ice blue And we dream of grass, grass at home Green grass green

La photo ! / Photo


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Author: Aziz Bouteflika Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Faire comprendre aux newfags de martiens que faut pas rigoler avec la photo   ENG To make understand to the newfags of martians that we must not laugh with the photo  
Content Khey deter qui fit part de sa rage   ENG Khey deter who shared his rage

MEGALOVANIA / Megalovania


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Author: sans MS Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Heya kiddo, It's me sans.   ENG Heya kiddo, It's me sans.  
Content Why can't skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.   ENG Why can't skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs.

Opa / Opa


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Author: Frans Andrea Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion My hello from Mars. , I did not made it through as a finalist to travel to mars. This let’s me at least say hello from Mars !   ENG Gretings  
Content Greetings to my two grand kids   ENG Greetings

**Pale Blue Dot**.- Carl Sagan


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Author: Cristopher Anguiano Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of planet Earth taken on February 14, 1990, by the Voyager 1 space probe from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles, 40.5 AU), as part of that day's Family Portrait series of images of the Solar System. During a public lecture at Cornell University in 1994, Carl Sagan presented the image to the audience and shared his reflections on the deeper meaning behind the idea of the Pale Blue Dot   ENG  
Content ...Every creator and destroyer of civilizations, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, every hopeful child, every inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species, lived there on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.   ENG



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Author: Richard Richmond Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion C'est une chansons tirée de l'animé DRAGON BALL Z, du manga éponyme d' Akira Toriyama. Les origines du personnage principale ( Goku ) viennent d'une planète lointaine. Enfant, Goku a traversé l'espace pour atterrir sur Terre et commencé son aventure. Ce son pourrait rendre hommage à ce personnage, qui lui aussi voyagerai dans l'espace, et accompagner la sonde dans ses aventures.   ENG  
Content *Intro* (Traduction trouvée sur,t39717 ) ** Traversant les nuages étincelants, je vais m'envoler. Le panorama se propage dans mon corps! **   ENG

Clm_Sequence / Clm_Sequence


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Author: Christian LE MAOUT Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion rythmique simple, kick fort et bruit me sembles utiles à la caractérisation physique d'ondes sonores provenant de Mars   ENG simple wave and battery kick with noise at the end seems good for caracterized wave from Mars.  
Content non applicable   ENG

Volatile / Volatile


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Author: Romain Cabrol Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Composition à l'esthétique moderne couvrant un large spectre de fréquences. Cet extrait, ancré dans son époque, envoie un signal esthétique musical en adéquation avec l'ère de la compréhension de notre système solaire, et de l'espace en général.   ENG A composition with a modern aesthetic covering a wide spectrum of frequencies.  
Content Composition à l'esthétique moderne couvrant un large spectre de fréquences. Cet extrait, ancré dans son époque, envoie un signal esthétique musical en adéquation avec l'ère de la compréhension de notre système solaire, et de l'espace en général.   ENG Composition with modern aesthetics covering a broad spectrum of frequencies. This excerpt, anchored in its time, sends a musical aesthetic signal in adequacy with the era of the understanding of our solar system, and the space in general.

Helloow Earth!


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Author: Sir Amirreza Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Waking up! Wathing Earth with a cup of coffee!   ENG  
Content Heeey Hellooow Earth!   ENG

1960s home taping


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Author: Robert Thompson Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Includes the 1960s sci-fi song Telstar, along with the previous owner of the machine. This was recorded during the space race, and people then would only dream of landing on mars.   ENG  
Content Testing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7!   ENG



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Author: amirhossein kermani Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion kosar sura from Quran   ENG  
Content بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِیم إِنَّا أَعْطَیْنَاکَ الْکَوْثَرَ ﴿١﴾ فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّکَ وَانْحَرْ ﴿٢﴾ إِنَّ شَانِئَکَ هُوَ الأبْتَرُ ﴿٣﴾   ENG



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Author: EDOUARD GIORDANI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)

Star Trek: The Next Generation Intro (in Portuguese)


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Author: Valdenia Alves Galdino da Costa Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Reading of the Star Trek's intro in Brazilian Portuguese. A fun and geeky hello to the red planet.   ENG  
Content **Espaço, a fronteira final. Estas são as viagens da nave estelar Enterprise, prosseguindo em sua missão de explorar novos mundos, pesquisar novas vidas, novas civilizações, audaciosamente indo onde ninguém jamais esteve. Saudações, marcianos. Greetings, Martians!**   ENG Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no one has gone before. Greetings, Martians!

Motivo - Cecilia Meirelles / Reason - Cecilia Meirelles


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Author: Carvalho Ricardo Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Declamação do poema Motivo da escritora brasileira Cecilia Meireles.   ENG Declamation of the poem Reason of the Brazilian writer Cecilia Meireles.  
Content Motivo Cecilia Meirelles Eu canto porque o instante existe e a minha vida está completa. Não sou alegre nem sou triste: sou poeta. Irmão das coisas fugidias, não sinto gozo nem tormento. Atravesso noites e dias no vento. Se desmorono ou se edifico, se permaneço ou me desfaço, — não sei, não sei. Não sei se fico ou passo. Sei que canto. E a canção é tudo. Tem sangue eterno a asa ritmada. E um dia sei que estarei mudo: — mais nada.   ENG Reason Cecilia Meirelles I sing because the instant exists and my life is complete. I'm not happy or sad: I'm a poet. Brother of fleeting things, I feel neither joy nor torment. I go through nights and days in the wind. If it collapses or if I build, if I remain or I undo, - I do not know I do not know. I do not know if I'll stay or step. I know I sing. And the song is everything. The rhythmic wing has eternal blood. And one day I know I'll be speechless: - nothing more.

Nouyan- Secret


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Author: Elahe Edjlalipour Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This song is 10th track of an instrumental album named Stay with Me, by Nouyan (Ali Bahadori Nazari). All tracks were played by piano. In my opinion, this track is fabulous, and everyone feel relaxed after hearing it.   ENG  
Content ...   ENG

allo_la_terre / hello_world


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Author: Ali-Paul Wahbi Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion message terrien envoyé depuis Mars   ENG earthly message sent from March  
Content Je me demande à quoi ressemblent les pôles de Mars. Je serais désespéré s'il n'y avait pas ma voix. D'après ce que j'ai compris, vous voulez voir si depuis Mars vous pouvez dire : **allô la Terre !**   ENG I wonder what the Mars poles look like. I would be desperate if there was not my voice. From what I understand, you want to see if since March you can say: **hello Earth!**



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Author: MARCUS GUIMARAES Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion There's no idiot question. Idiot is who does not ask and remains in ignorance.   ENG Sound in format ,mp3 made with audacity  
Content Não há pergunta idiota. Idiota é quem não pergunta e permanece na ignorância.   ENG There's no idiot question. Idiot is who does not ask and remais in ignorance.

Pais e Filhos - Legião Urbana / Parents And Sons - Legião Urbana


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Author: Gabriel Mills Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Por que não enviar para Marte um clássico da MPB? Votem neste áudio e vamos lançar Legião Urbana na órbita do planeta vermelho.   ENG Why not send a classic MPB to Mars? Vote in this audio and we will launch Legião Urbana in the orbit of the red planet.  
Content Meu filho vai ter nome de santo Quero o nome mais bonito … É preciso amar as pessoas Como se não houvesse amanhã Porque se você parar pra pensar Na verdade não há … Me diz, por que que o céu é azul? Explica a grande fúria do mundo São meus filhos Que tomam conta de mim   ENG My son will have a saint's name I want the most beautiful name ... You have to love people. Like there's no tomorrow Because if you stop to think Actually there is ... Tell me, why is the sky blue? Explains the great fury of the world Are my kids That take care of me

rosalindmessage / rosalind message


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Author: Baptiste LEDUC Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Il s'agit d'un message signalement le bon fonctionnement du rover. Il s'agit ici d'un message simple facilement compréhensible. Lui donner une voix décrivant son statu lui donnerait une dimension assez humaine, qui serait fort apprécié du public.   ENG This is a message reporting the nominal status of the rover. This is an easy to understand message. Giving her a voice describing her status would give her an human aspect, which would be appreciated from the public.  
Content Salut, peuple de la Terre. C'est un message venant de Mars. Nous envoyons ce message afin de vous faire savoir que le rover Rosalind est sain et sauf, et prêt à remplir sa mission de recherche de vie passée sur Mars.   ENG Hi people of Earth, this is a message from Mars. We're sending this message to let you know that the Rosalind rover's is safe and sound, and ready to fulfill his mission of search of past life on Mars.

Symphony No. 6 Pastoral - Allegro ma non troppo - Beethoven / Pastoral Symphonyof Beethoven


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Author: Dropenou Joël Country: Israel License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, also known as the Pastoral Symphony (German: Pastorale), is a symphony composed by Ludwig van Beethoven and completed in 1808.    ENG The Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68, also known as the Pastoral Symphony (German: Pastorale), is a symphony composed by Ludwig van Beethoven and completed in 1808.   
Content Remembrance of the rustic life   ENG Remembrance of the rustic life

the river / the river


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Author: cyril onon Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Cette chanson offre une réflexion sur la nature et les ressources que l'on trouve sur terre. Et malheureusement, la pollution que nous créons . Et qui nous emmène a réinterroger sur la nécessité ou non de coloniser une autre planète. Au delà du caractère alarmiste. cette chanson invite a réagir dans son quotidien   ENG this is a song about the earth, and the way we are poluted . This song is of course one alert song. But moreover. Is asking to react  
Content Contemplatif près de l'eau vive je m'interroge en vain Le hommes réagiront ils Et quand? La rivière serpente par les montagnes comme le sang dans mes veines charriant des déchets par tonnes au travers les paysages les forets millénaires se meurent la fumée masque le ciel la pluie croupie La terre se meurt quelque chose cloche et personne ne s'en préoccupe Elle crie l'aide et personne ne s'en préoccupe...   ENG Passing time by the river Asking in vain Is people will wake up? And when Water flowing from the mountains Like blood in my veins Charring tons of waste Through the land Old forests are burning Smokes hide the sky Rain is filed The earth is rotten There is something wrong And no one’s care Hooooo she’s needed help And no one’s care Hooooo You, me, her We’re all go to die Sitting front of the sea Is it to late? To wake up and act Now Plastics floating on the waves Like sweat on my skin Run aground the sand Marking for years Now whales are dying There’s no safe water Anywhere The earth is rotten There is something wrong And no one’s care Hooooo she’s needed help And no one’s care Hooooo You, me, her We’re all go to die



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Author: Pierre Fibla Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Voila j'ai choisi cet extrait car je toruve que c'est le meilleur morceau pour cette planète ^^   ENG  
Content Il n'y a pas de paroles   ENG

آرایش غلیظ / arayesh ghaliz


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Author: elahe bohlooli elahe_bhl Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion خواننده این اثر همایون شجریان هست.این صدا باید در مریخ پخش بشه چون اولین بیت داره از یکی کردن قلب ها حرف میزنه.این اهنگ نماینده ی قلبهای یکی شده ی همه ی ما در زمینه و شاید در اینده هم بتونه قلب مریخ رو با زمین یکی کنه   ENG the singer of this song is homayoun shajarian.we have to play this song on mars cause it says we have to share our hearts.this voice can be the agent of the peaople on the earth and i'm sure this song will connect earth to mars.  
Content با من صنما دل یک دله کن با من صنما دل یک دله کن   ENG With me o beloved one , share your heart With me o beloved one , share your heart

Summer / Summer


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Author: Alexandre Gautier Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Le titre Summer du group Mojo Morning évoque l'aventure d'une personne prête à partir à la recherche de sa liberté vers de nouveaux horizons, un désert ou l'on peut se trouver ou bien se perdre.   ENG This song of Mojo Morning Band tell us à storie of a person who search us own freedom. He will go to adventure in new horizons, in a desert where it is possible to discover himself or to loose his own spirit.  
Content Enfin, je suis seule, libre Enfin je suis prête à tout lâcher Les rues ne me manqueront pas Maintenant il n’y a plus que moi Je parts pour un renouveau Mais mes peurs se font de plus en plus grandes La nuit étincelante illumine le ciel quand le vent souffle à travers moi Mais ça ne me fait rien   ENG I'm finally lonely,I'm free I'm finally ready to let go The Streets won't miss me by myself, from now leavin' for a new birth But my fears go strong Bright night light the sky while the wind blows in me But does nothing to me

La naturaleza / Nature


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Author: Ivon Sterkowicz Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La tierra tiene música para los que escuchan.   ENG The earth has music for those who listen.  
Content Mira profundamente en la naturaleza y entonces comprenderás todo mejor.   ENG Look deeply into nature and then you will understand everything better.

En galego mola. / Galician is Cool


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Author: CEIP SAN CLEMENTE CALDAS DE REIS Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nenas e nenos de 4 anos queren que a súa lingua materna chegue a Marte. Votádenos, por favor!   ENG 4 years old girls and boys want their mother tonge to get to Mars because in Galician everything sounds better and is really cool  
Content Ola marcianos! Somos os alumnos do cole San Clemente en Caldas de Reis e queremos que o galego chegue a Marte porque en GALEGO... todo é moito mellor e mola mogollón!   ENG Hello Martians! We are San Clemente School students from Caldas de Reis. We want Galician to reach Mars because in Galician...everything is better and is really cool!

Bitch Lasagna / Bitch Lasagna


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Author: Rafael Vieira Póvoa Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Bitch Lasagna is basically the anthem of the PewDiePie vs T-Series war and now it's time for the song to go to a next level: Mars! It's a song published by PewDiePie to mess around with T-Series and represents one of the biggest internet wars of all time. Bros from all over the world, help us get our Swedish boy to Mars by voting for Bitch Lasagna!   ENG Bitch Lasagna is basically the anthem of the PewDiePie vs T-Series war and now it's time for the song to go to a next level: Mars! It's a song published by PewDiePie to mess around with T-Series and represents one of the biggest internet wars of all time. Bros from all over the world, help us get our Swedish boy to Mars by voting for Bitch Lasagna!  
Content So come on, T-Series Looking hungry for some drama Here, let me serve you bitch lasagna Bitch, lasagna Bitch, lasagna T-Series ain't nothing but a bitch, lasagna Bitch, lasagna Bitch, lasagna Look at T-Series, they just crying for their momma Bitch, lasagna   ENG Bitch Lasagna is basically the anthem of the PewDiePie vs T-Series war and now it's time for the song to go to a next level: Mars! It's a song published by PewDiePie to mess around with T-Series and represents one of the biggest internet wars of all time. Bros from all over the world, help us get our Swedish boy to Mars by voting for Bitch Lasagna!

J'ai le droit / I have the right to


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Author: Pauline Angé Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Poésie lue par une enfant de 10 ans pour un monde meilleur.   ENG Poetry read by a 10-year-old girl for a better world.  
Content J'ai le droit de rire, et le droit d'aimer. Le droit de sourire, si l'on me rit au nez. J'ai le droit de finir, ce que j'ai commencé. Le devoir de bâtir, une nouvelle société. J'ai le droit d'apprendre, en toute impunité. Le devoir d'étendre, toute ma curiosité. J'ai le droit de prendre, ce qui m'est réservé. Le devoir de rendre, ce que l'on m'a prêté. J'ai le droit d'aimer, et le droit de rire. J'ai le droit de rêver, la tête pleine de désirs. Romain Canetta   ENG I have the right to laugh, and the right to love. The right to smile, if you laugh in my face. I have the right to finish, what I started. The duty to build, a new society. I have the right to learn, with complete impunity. The duty to extend, all my curiosity. I have the right to take, what's in store for me. The duty to give back, what I have been loaned. I have a right to love, and the right to laugh. I have the right to dream, with a head full of desires. Romain Canetta

“I see the moon” - First Man


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Author: Phil Marcus Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) sings to his dying daughter the nursery rhyme “I see the moon.”   ENG  
Content I see the moon, the moon sees me Down through the leafs of the old oak tree Please let the light that shines on me Shine on the one I love   ENG



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Author: Enmanuel Santiago Gazmey Country: Puerto Rico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion real hasta la muerte oite caabron   ENG  
Content Desde que te vi supe que era para mi, (para mi) Ahora mírate aquí tu corazón late por mi, (por mi) Pero no te supe valorar, bebe, te hice mal Me tienes aquí hablando conmigo mismo en el espejo Preguntándome, ¿por que yo te siento lejos? Mira lo que se construyo de un simple deseo Pero si es pa' ti todo murió Déjame entrar como antes Cuando tú y yo éramos amantes Baby yo no estoy pa' extrañarte Esto ha dado un giro interesante Déjame entrar como antes Cuando tú y yo éramos amantes Baby yo no estoy pa' extrañarte Esto ha dado un giro interesante Mi bubalu extraño mordiéndote toda Y tu pelo azul, no paso en cero en el Ferrari pensando en ti y en el motor Esta en el baul vuelve, si? Por eso las Nubes llueven avece un no sabe lo que Tiene hasta que lo pierde y mataste Hasta cupido fueron tantas promesas y ninguna Las he cumplido, bebe, extraño Tus gemidos y tu felicidad no la impido Pero ya hiciste tu vida y yo odio a tu marido Yo quisiera que los tiempo   ENG

Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) [Gabry Ponte Ice Pop Mix] / Blue (Da Ba Dee)


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Author: David Gray Country: Paraguay License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Blue (Da Ba Dee) is the title of the debut single of the Italian Eurodance band Eiffel 65. The single released in 1998 topped the charts of 17 countries and reached the #6 of the American Billboard chart becoming a worldwide hit. It's included in Marvel's **Iron Man 3** movie. The video clip featured Eiffel 65 members Maurizio Lobina and Gabry Ponte trying to save Jeffrey Jey from the aliens Zorotl and Sayok. I think mars deserve some touch of blue aliens or martians : )   ENG please see, (Basic description of sound*)  
Content Blue (Da Ba Dee),   ENG the recording basically just say Blue (Da Ba Dee). if you check the video clip of the music, you'll notice some blue blue aliens trying to catch a human!

Mythodea NASA MARS


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Author: Panagiotis Kiourkatiotis Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion MYTHODEA Interstellar concert for NASA mission Mars Odyssey 2001 Greece Athens (editor removed html links) Live long and prosper!   ENG  
Content (editor removed html link)   ENG

Марс и мы / Mars and me


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Author: Дмитрий Коннов Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Музыка это международный язык. Она понятна каждому человеку, поэтому если условия позволяют применить этот язык, то я воспользуюсь этим шансом. Музыка красивая и глубокая, созерцательная. Я сделал ее под впечатлением от космических просторов. Если мы будем осваивать марс, то Марс должен звучать. Спасибо за внимание!   ENG Music is an international language. It is understandable to everyone, so if the conditions allow the use of this language, then I will use this chance. The music is beautiful and deep, contemplative. I made her impressed by the cosmic expanses. If we master Mars, then Mars should sound. Thanks for attention!  
Content Рояль, синтезатор и море эмоций   ENG Grand Piano, Synthesizer and a sea of emotions

Rysu sur mars / Rysu on mars


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Author: Alexis Lefebvre Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Chers extra-terrestres, Rysu est une terrienne qui vous ouvrira ses portes chaleureusement. Vous êtes le bienvenue dans sa modeste chapelle quand vous voulez.   ENG Dear aliens, Rysu is an earthlord who will open her doors warmly. You are welcome to his modest chapel whenever you want.  
Content C’était une chaude après-midi de juillet. Je pensais encore à elle ou plutôt à ses courbes parfaites comme si elle avait été polie, sculptée par le vas et viens quotidien des vagues qui fouettaient inlassablement son corps comme un galet humide au bord de l’océan. Rysu qu’elle s’appelait, c’est tout ce que je savais d’elle. J’ignorais encore qu’elle allait m’ouvrir les portes du plaisir, le vrai, celui que je cachais, que j’emprisonnais depuis des années au fond de moi. Elle m’avait donné rendez-vous au cimetière près du vieux port et j’imaginais déjà nos deux corps suants s’entrechoquer telle la vague qui vient défier le flan de mon chalutier. Une marée de désir montait en moi alors que je m’approchais du but. Pas farouche la Rysu, elle m’avait demandée de la rejoindre dans la chapelle abandonnée, l’accès était interdit mais elle m’avait dit que je pourrais passer par la petite porte dérobée à l’arrière de l’édifice.   ENG It was a hot afternoon in July. I was still thinking of her, or rather of her perfect curves, as if she had been polished, sculpted by the vas, and come daily from the waves that tirelessly whipped her body like a wet pebble on the edge of the ocean. Rysu she called, that's all I knew about her. I did not know that she was going to open the doors of pleasure, the real one, the one I was hiding, which I had been imprisoning for years in my heart. She had given me an appointment at the cemetery near the old port and I already imagined our two sweaty bodies clashing like the wave that comes to challenge the flank of my trawler. A tide of desire was rising in me as I approached the goal. Not fierce the Rysu, she asked me to join her in the abandoned chapel, access was forbidden but she told me that I could go through the small back door at the back of the building.

United Federation of Planets


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Author: Starfleet Academy Country: Israel License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The time to create the Stafleet Academy has come, because you are not alone from the beginning: (editor removed html link)   ENG  
Content To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before: (editor removed html link)   ENG

La gran perla azul / G.B.P.


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Author: Guillermo Navas Country: Ecuador License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion El potencial humano es ilimitado, me gustaría que mi voz fuera plasmada en la segunda cuna de la humanidad   ENG I wanna appear (simbolically speaking) on Mars  
Content Llevamos muy poco tiempo viviendo en este planeta, y aún así, hemos logrado demasiado; conquistado, cada rincón de esta gran perla azul. Solo nos falta Marte. Yo espero vivir lo suficiente para ver la colonización de un planeta tan hermoso, y de ver cómo avanza nuestra especie   ENG We haven't been living for a long on this planet, yet we've done too much; conquered every corner of this great blue pearl, now, we'll go for Mars. I just want to live enough for to see the colonization of that pretty beautiful planet, and see how far we can go.

Planeta Marte / Mars Planet


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Author: Pio Rambo Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Uma breve descrição sobre a posição e características do planeta Marte   ENG A brief introduction about the location of features of the planet Mars.  
Content Planeta Marte. Marte é o quarto planeta a partir do Sol, o segundo menor do Sistema Solar. Batizado em homenagem ao deus romano da guerra, muitas vezes é descrito como o **Planeta Vermelho**, porque o óxido de ferro predominante em sua superfície lhe dá uma aparência avermelhada.   ENG 278/5000 Mars Planet. Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun, the second smallest of the Solar System. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often described as the **Red Planet,** because the predominant iron oxide on its surface gives it a reddish appearance.

On Earth as it is heaven / On Earth as it is heaven


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Author: Aboubacar Kagnassi Country: Switzerland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Cette chanson est tirée du film **the mission ** Sur mars on pourrait l'itituler ** on Mars as it is heaven ** Elle inspire l'aventure et la conquête humaine Elle rappel cette mission que l'Homme s'est donnée d' explorer tout l'univers. Mission inscrite dans l'ADN de l'humanité. Merci   ENG This song is from the movie ** the mission ** Once in Mars we could say **on Mars as it is Earth ** This song inspire human adventure and conquest. It remind this mission that human being want to achieve , to explore the univers. This mission is written in humanity DNA Regards  
Content No   ENG No

wonderfull planet


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Author: katayoon kankia Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I love space and try to discover other worlds as I wish, if I could not put myself on other planets, I would love to hear it there.   ENG  
Content I don't know if the astronomers could imagine a day that we are close to each other this much and you can hear me from 56 millions miles away and I whisper in your ear that you're the most important discovery ever found out by human beings. I would like to put step on your soil but I don't like to change you. I love you exactly as you are. Mars help us to go to the furthermost places, believe that we have learnt how to take care of our planet   ENG

We need help! / We need help!


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Author: François-Gabriel Léger Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A help message to seek for an higher intelligence.   ENG A help message to seek for an higher intelligence.  
Content If there is any intelligent being out there in space, please locate the signal of our message and come visit us because we need help. We need an intelligent being to guide us. Thank you very much!   ENG If there is any intelligent being out there in space, please locate the signal of our message and come visit us because we need help. We need an intelligent being to guide us. Thank you very much!

A prayer / message to Mars


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Author: Thomas Politis Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It's an invocation to God to grant His Mercy on the Universe   ENG The residents of the Earth are sending peaceful and loving messages to the Mars and to the whole Universe  
Content Lord have mercy on the world and on the whole Universe   ENG Lord have mercy on the world and on the whole Universe

Variation on the theme of **Ode to joy** Friedrich Schiller's.


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Author: Алексей Петров Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This melody is his own composition on **Ode to joy** by Friedrich Schiller's. It is beautiful and expresses the common unity of people before a great cause.   ENG  
Content Without words   ENG

Nea Epohi


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Author: Διονυσης Φαραντουρης Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The human kind makes a small step to conquer the universe. The universe belong to those who dare.   ENG  
Content Stin aygi mias diastimikis epohis, o anthropos kanei dila vimata gia thn diaonisi toy . To simpan o kosmos anikei stoys tolmiroys   ENG

MARS sound / MARS sound


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Author: CHRISTOS PONTIKAS Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I think that my voice has the ability to translate into different types of sounds among other types of (human-oid) beings. Listen to my voice and think about it. It is normal and capable of determining the other asteroid life.   ENG I think that my voice has the ability to translate into different types of sounds among other types of (human-oid) beings. Listen to my voice and think about it. It is normal and capable of determining the other asteroid life.  
Content Hello from earth. Hello, we are human units. We are all the same. We are all made from carbon. If you listen us, please send a message. We want you to find out, the life between us (Earth) and Mars. So tell us the truth. Find us. Good luck! We are the same!   ENG Hello from earth. Hello, we are human units. We are all the same. We are all made from carbon. If you listen us, please send a message. We want you to find out, the life between us (Earth) and Mars. So tell us the truth. Find us. Good luck! We are the same!

Music from Mars to pleasant Earth / music from Mars to pleasant Earth


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Author: Guillaume Martel Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Human feeling is so enigmatic, enjoy a piece of good mood for universe !   ENG Human feeling is so enigmatic, enjoy a piece of good mood for universe !  
Content Instrumental music ( strings orchestra).   ENG Instrumental music ( strings orchestra).

JFK The Disclosure speech


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Author: Disclosure Imminent Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion All people of Earth, must have full interstellar knowledge, and full disclosure, because this is the only way for all to come out from the Plato cave. Knowledge brigs wisdom and wisdom brings international cooperation, for the solution of many of this Earth problems. United we stand-divided we fall... The beginning is near...   ENG  
Content Youtube video: JFK The Disclosure speech   ENG

la vie / life


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Author: Abdellatif EN NOUGAOUI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Interprétation puissante du récitateur égyptien Abdelbasset de Sourate AT-TAKWIR / L'OBSCURCISSEMENT en français Sourate n°81 · AT-TAKWIR · 29 versets : une sourate qui invite à la méditation autour de la vie.   ENG Powerful Interpretation of Egyptian Reciter Abdelbasset from Surat AT-TAKWIR / L'OBSCURCISSEMENT in French Surah no. 81 · AT-TAKWIR · 29 verses: a sura that invites meditation around life.  
Content Interprétation très puissante du récitateur égyptien Abdelbasset.   ENG Very powerful interpretation of the Egyptian reciter Abdelbasset.

Jul - On M'appelle L'ovni / Jul - They call me UFO


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Author: Saint-Jean De la puenta Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Quoi de mieux qu'un titre de JUL parlant des OVNI sur une planète extraterrestre ? mrc le S !   ENG What could be better than a JUL (French artist) title talking about UFOs on an extraterrestrial planet? mrc the S!  
Content On m’appelle l'OVNI, On m’appelle l'OVNI, On m’appelle l'OVNI, On m’appelle l'OVNI, On m’appelle l'OVNI. Je suis parti, je squatte plus le béton, J'aide mes potes qui sont bés-tom (tombé en verlans), Je sers, que ça retourne son veston, Ils se reconnaissent dans mes sons, Alcoolisé au guidon, je fais des doigts d'honneurs aux schmits (policier en argot).   ENG They call me UFO, they call me UFO, they call me UFO, they call me UFO, they call me UFO, they call me UFO. I'm gone, I'm not squatting the concrete anymore, I help my friends who are bés-tom (fallen into verlans), I'll help you, let's turn his jacket upside down, They recognize themselves in my sounds, Drunk on the handlebars, I make fingers of honour to the schmits (police officer in slang).

Un appel de Mars pour l'environnement / A call from Mars for the environment


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Author: Rodolphe Lanquart Country: Belgium License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Je lance un appel depuis Mars pour que les politiciens de tous les pays se mettent à réorienter certains budgets pour combattre le changement climatique. Peut-être qu'ils y seront plus sensibles si le message vient de Mars. Je croise les doigts.   ENG I call from Mars so the politicians all around the world start to stop spending money on stupid shits and use it to fight climate change. Maybe they will be more receptive to that if the message come from Mars. Crossed fingers.  
Content Bonjour habitants de la Terre Ceci est un message, depuis Mars, pour tous les humains (et surtout vos politiciens). Si vous n'écoutez pas la voix de la raison sur Terre, peut-être qu'un appel depuis Mars fera l'affaire. Il est temps de combattre le changement climatique. Arrêtez d'utiliser l'argent que vous prenez aux citoyens pour des trucs à la con comme un mur (pour ne faire aucune référence) et dépensez-le alors pour des lois, des projets, des nouvelles technologies environnementales qui permettront normalement aux humains de continuer à vivre sur Terre. Passez une bonne vie et Standard de Liège for Life !   ENG Hello people of Earth, This is a message, from Mars, for all humans (and especially for your politicians). If you don't listen to the voice of reason on your planet, maybe a call from Mars will do the trick. It's time to fight climate change. Stop spending money you take from your citizen for stupid shits like a wall (to not make any reference to anyone) and spend it for environmental laws, projects and new technologies which will normally allow humans to keep living on Earth. Have a nice life and Standard de Liège for life !

hello Mars


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Author: ZHU DI Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It's a funny way to say hi to this red planet   ENG  
Content 大家好,我是渣渣辉,我来自地球,这里是一个你从未体验过的全新星球,只需体验三分钟,你就会爱上这个星球。是兄弟就来砍我啊!   ENG

greetingMessage / greetingMessage


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Author: Springer Michael Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Rhytmical Deep Soul   ENG Rhytmical Deep Soul  
Content Greeting Message to all of You   ENG Greeting Message to all of You

Common Roots /


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Author: Andreas G. Orphanides Country: Cyprus License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Common Roots Author: Andreas G. Orphanides Country: Cyprus Number of votes: 3 A short piece of music (tenor & symphony orchestra) mentioning that the roots of our lives are common, in both culture and mind, they stretch until our days against every current, and that the centuries' trajectory shows the continuity of values and morals. Words of the recording Κοινές οι ρίζες στη ζωή, πολιτισμό και πνεύμα. [There are common roots in our life, culture and mind].   ENG  
Content Κοινές οι ρίζες στη ζωή, πολιτισμό και πνεύμα, απλώνονται ως τις μέρες μας κόντρα σε κάθε ρεύμα, το διάβα αιώνων δείχνει τη συνέχεια των αξιών και των ηθών. [Translation: The roots of our lives are common, in both culture and mind, they stretch until our days against every current, and that the centuries' trajectory shows the continuity of values and morals.]   ENG

Perdu sur Mars / Lost on Mars


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Author: Aurelien Foreste Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion French poem that I wrote called ''Lost on Mars''. This is my dream to go to Mars, if my voice could reach the red Planet, I would be the happiest man in the world! Thanks for your help.   ENG French poem that I wrote called ''Lost on Mars''. It refers to This is my dream to go to Mars, if my voice could reach the red Planet, I would be the happiest man in the world! Thanks for your help.  
Content Au gré Des vents Et des mers N’écoutant Personne, Me laissant aller. Destination Inconnue, Sans repère : Pas de retour Possible Sans aller. Mille lieux Plus loin, Toujours perdu : Loin des miens Et proche Du vide. Ma chère Maman, Où es-tu ? La Vie M’a dit De t’attendre Ici. J’aime la nuit Comme décor, Le jour : La vérité Nous ment. Immobile Dans mon propre Corps, Sur Mars Toujours En Mouvement.   ENG Based on the Winds and seas Listening to nobody, Letting me go. Unknown Destination Without landmarks : No return possible Without going. A billion miles further, Still lost. Far from mine And closer To the empty. My dear mother, Where are you ? Life told me To wait for you Right here. I love the night Better, During the day : The truth is lying. Motionless In my own Body, On Mars Always Moving.

Flower of Scotland / Flower of Scotland


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Author: Flower Of Scotland Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Les plaines de Mars doivent entendre le son des Highlands écossais. Pour l'Auld Alliance, pour les Stuart.   ENG The Mars landscape have to hear the sound of the scottish's highlands. For Auld Alliance, for the Stuart.  
Content Parfait.   ENG Perfect.

Pies en la Tierra, en Marte / Feet on the earth, head on Mars


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Author: Nicole Bachler Country: Chile License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Debemos transmitirlo porque erróneamente estamos preocupándonos de marte cuando continuamos teniendo muchísimos problemas que resolver en la Tierra.   ENG We should send this message to mars beacuse we are wrong. I mean we are worried about Mars while there’s still a lot of problems in the earth.  
Content Aquí desde la Tierra. Espero que en este momento hayamos solucionado nuestros problemas en la Tierra, antes de encontrar nuevos problemas en Marte.   ENG Here from the earth. I hope that in this moment we’ve already solved our problems on the earth, before we found new problems on mars.

Le sanglier / The wild boar


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Author: Quentin GIANNINI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Le meilleur son intergalactique, Mars ne survivra pas face à ses ondes sonores divinement drôle à en pleurer   ENG The best intergalactic sound, Mars will not survive in the face of its divinely funny sound waves to cry  
Content ' Le Sanglier '' ( trompe de chasse qui tue )   ENG The wild boar (hunting horn that kills)

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