
Archive 3

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Conquest of Mars / Conquest of Mars


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Author: Teodoros Zoubos Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion With the magical music of Vangelis (conquest of Paradise) i utter the brave lyrics of Rigas Velestinlis, the famous **Thourios**. I send the ultimate message of human curiosity and pursuit of a new world. The true meaning of Life, which is to succeed FREEDOM!   ENG With the magical music of Vangelis (conquest of Paradise) i utter the brave lyrics of Rigas Velestinlis, the famous **Thourios**. I send the ultimate message of human curiosity and pursuit of a new world. The true meaning of Life, which is to succeed FREEDOM!  
Content Ως πότε παλληκάρια, θα ζούμε στα στενά, μονάχοι σαν λιοντάρια, στες ράχες στα βουνά; Σπηλιές να κατοικούμε, να βλέπουμε κλαδιά, να φεύγωμ’ απ’ τον κόσμο, για την πικρή σκλαβιά; Κάλλιο είναι μιας ώρας ελεύθερη ζωή, παρά σαράντα χρόνους, σκλαβιά και φυλακή   ENG For how long shall we live in the valleys, on the mountains alone like lions? For how long shall we live in the caves away from the community like slaves? It's better to live an hour as e free man, than to live 40 years as a slave!

Stargate SG1 - Theme Guitar Cover


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Author: Romain Bousiquier Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Le son que j'ai jouer sur ma guitare électrique provient du thème son générique de la série Science-Fiction **Stargate SG1 - La Porte des étoiles**. La série me passionnent sur les visites de planètes, rencontres extraterrestres, les vaisseaux spatiaux...   ENG  
Content Stargate SG1: La porte des étoiles - Thème Générique de la série jouer sur une guitare électrique.   ENG

Se lene Aleksi / You are Aleksis


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Author: Aleksis Makedonomaxos Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It is a song that causes a strong urge for relocation to the Mars!   ENG Your name is Aleksi (The Great) and you are a leader, every single word of you denotes solidarity and catapult (Greeks can understand the meaning of catapult by Aleksis).  
Content Se lene Aleksi kai ise igetis, i kathe sou lexi omonia katapeltis   ENG A leader who always laughing and is like catapult.

Summer Love / Summer Love


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Author: Stéphane Gil Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ce morceau conviendrait très bien pour un contact avec Mars si les Martiens ont les mêmes émotions que nous une sorte de message de paix ainsi qu'une forme de pensée universelle la musique, par contre c'est vraiment dommage que vous ne puissiez pas le prendre en entier, c'est une de mes créations musicales réalisée à partir d'un séquenceur. cadeau pour vous il est en entier 4'22** choisissez la partie qui vous intéresse.. si toute fois vous retenez ma candidature. Merci.   ENG This piece would suit very well for a contact with Mars if the Martians have the same emotions as us a kind of message of peace as well as a form of universal thought music, on the other hand it's really a pity that you can not take it in full , it is one of my musical creations made from a sequencer. gift for you it is in full 4 ' 22 **choose the part that interests you.. If any time you hold my candidacy. Thank you.  
Content Universel   ENG Universal

Another Earth / Another Earth


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Author: Marco Renaud Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Techno Techno Techno   ENG Techno Techno Techno Techno  
Content Techno Techno Techno Techno   ENG Techno Techno Techno Techno

Hello to Martians in French


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Author: Mathieu Hourteillan Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Hi, I am saying hi to my friends in Mars! I am french, on behalf of the whole world on earth.   ENG  
Content **Bonjour Mars**   ENG

Hola Tierra / Hello Earth


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Author: Julio César Palomino Posadas Country: Peru License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ver lo insignificantes que somos y con muchos problemas (sociales, políticos, etc). Aún así estamos explorando otros mundos.   ENG See how insignificant we are and with many problems (social, political, etc). Still, we are exploring other worlds.  
Content Hola Tierra, transmitiendo desde Marte, déjenme decirles que desde aquí se ven insignificantes, ojalá arreglen sus problemas por que sería una lastima perderlos. Mandenme un Rover por qué nesecito compañía, como ya saben el insight sólo está ahí quieto sin moverse. Los espero.   ENG Hello Earth, transmitting from Mars, let me tell you that from here you look insignificant, I hope you fix your problems because it would be a shame to lose them. Send me a Rover why I need company, as you already know the insight is just there without moving. I wait for you.

We are not alone


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Author: Triune Trinity Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion As above so below... The biggest evidence for life in space is Earth, because Earth is a common planet in goldilocks zone of a common solar system, which belongs in a common galaxy which is in a common supercluster neighborhood named Laniakea... As below on Earth, life exist as above in all universe... AS ABOVE IN UNIVERSE, LIFE EXIST AS BELOW ON THIS EARTH...   ENG  
Content Interstellar   ENG

Faster Than Light OST - Engi (Explore)


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Author: Belpois Jeremie Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion FTL: Faster Than Light is a space-based top-down real-time strategy roguelike game created by indie developer Subset Games. Ben Prunty is an American composer, best known for his work on the 2012 video game FTL: Faster Than Light.   ENG  
Content [Calm music intensifies]   ENG

Poema al espacio / Poem to space


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Author: Carla González García Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un poema hecho por mí para recordar la Tierra, el hogar de la humanidad.   ENG **Poem to space** is a poem made by me to commemorate life on the Earth and remember the beloved birthplace of humanity.  
Content Observando desde Marte Veo los distintos planetas Ojalá esté en alguna otra parte Y sólo ver astros y cometas Pienso sobre nuestra vida en la Tierra Y el corazón se me apena. Que felices estábamos, ¡Caminando sobre la arena! Sólo os pido que me devolváis mi querida Tierra Y vuelva a vivir debajo de la sierra. Ver el cielo manchado por la Luna y las estrellas. ¿Qué le habéis hecho a ella?   ENG Observing from Mars I see the different planets I wish to be at home, Curled up inside many blankets I'm thinking about life in the Earth And my heart skips a beat. It's my place of birth Oh, ¡You wouldn't know how much i miss it! I just want to be back at home To be hurt again with the same rose thorne See the shining stars in the night sky You will know, You know why.

Sabiduria romana en marte / Roman Wisdom on Mars


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Author: Paula Valdés Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Me gustaría que en Marte se escucharan las palabras del importante filósofo romano Séneca **Hace falta una vida para aprender a vivir**. Unas palabras que deberían de salir fuera de la tierra.   ENG I would like on Mars to hear the words of the important Roman philosopher Seneca **It takes a life to learn to live **. A Few words that should come out of the earth.  
Content **Hace falta una vida para aprender a vivir**. Palabras de Séneca. Me gustaría que esto se escuchará en Marte porque es un mensaje claro y que los fracasos son parte de nuestra vida y que de ellos debemos aprender, levantarnos y saber que no tenemos que hacer lo mismo. Por eso me gustaría que en Marte se escuchará esto, porque no debemos hacer lo mismo en Marte que en la tierra. Destruirla.   ENG **It takes a life to learn to live ** Seneca Words. I would like this to be heard on Mars because it is a clear message and that failures are part of our life and that we must learn from them, get up and know that we do not have to do the same. That is because I would like to hear this on Mars, because we should not do the same on Mars as on Earth. Destroy.

La Luna desde Marte / The Moon from Mars


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Author: Lucas Palacios Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Poema original que trata sobre la sociedad para hacer ver a Marte nuestros problemas, para intentar mejorar la sociedad futura en Marte.   ENG Original poem that is about the society to make see Marts our problems, to try improve the future society in Mars.  
Content Miro al cielo, miro a la Luna. Su cara es blanca. La otra, oculta, refleja los ecos de la laguna, que forma hielo con leves runas. Y miro al cielo, miro a la Luna, con tanto anhelo... y de repente, veo. Veo lo que no quiero ver. Veo más allá de la Luna. Veo los ojos del abuelo, que mira, pero no ve. veo a la sociedad enterrada bajo una duna de mentiras y de ansiedad, de desperdicio y de hambruna. Me caigo y me entierro. Ya no veo la Luna.   ENG I look at the sky, I look at the Moon. His face is white. The other, hidden, reflects the echoes of the lagoon, which forms ice with slight runes. And I look at the sky, I look at the Moon, with so much yearning ... and suddenly, I see. I see what I don't want to see. I see beyond the Moon. I see the grandfather's eyes, who looks, but does not see. I see the society buried under a dune of lies and anxiety, waste and famine. I fall and I bury myself. I don't see the Moon anymore.

Dreaming of Mars


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Author: Eimear Short Country: Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion My 9 year old daughter and her friends singing about Mars... original composition.   ENG  
Content Mars is a beautiful planet...shining in deep dark the middle of the universe.......i could go to Mars someday...... it's out of this world.....out of this world!   ENG

Comment Ruquier enleve sa capote


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Author: Macdark hassanaly Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion ISSOU   ENG  
Content in proutas el proutador in petos el proutando   ENG

APOPSE SIMERA KAI XTES / tonight today and yesterday


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Author: VASILEIOS APOSTOLOU Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion ο Θανάσης Βέγγος ερμηνεύει ένα ποίημα για την ζωή   ENG greek comedian Thanassis Veggos says a poem about the meaning of peoples ordinary life on earth  
Content απόψε σήμερα και χτές όλες οι πόρτες ειν κλειστές και εγώ είμαι απ όξω και μες το θάμπος το θαμπό παίρνω αρμπάριζα να μπώ και με πετάνε όξω όλος ο κόσμος με αγνοεί βαρέθηκα πια την ζωή τους φθόνους και τα μίση αλι αλι και τρεισαλί φωνάξτε αμέσως τον αλί να με καρατομήσει   ENG tonight today and yesterday all doors are closed and i am outside and in the sadow dark i took boot to get in but they throw me out all the world ignore me i bored with life any more the anvys and the hates between people so call immediatelly the Ali to take me away

All along the watchower / All long the watchower


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Author: Vincent Szarzynski Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Cette musique est l'une des musique les plus connues de Jimi Hendrix. La partie instrumentale du début de l'enregistreent montre le grand tallent de ce musicien. De même pour la partis du chant. Cette musique est vraiment un symbole pour beaucoup de personnet elle fut reprise par de nombreux artiste par la suite.   ENG This music is a symbol: of the talent of Jimi Hendrix and for many people. This great part of the instrumental and of the voice. Is a resume of this great guy.  
Content Intrumental. There must be some kind of way outta there, said the joker to the theif, there's to much confusion.   ENG Intrumental. There must be some kind of way outta there, said the joker to the theif, there's to much confusion.

Mars in love


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Author: Sadegh Khojastepanah Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Mars in love and peace   ENG  
Content If I could make a flag for Mars, I would borrow some green from the Earth, and some red from the Mars. Green for hope, and red for love. So, this time, we can hope to live in love on our second home.   ENG

голос 002 


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Author: Надежда Коржева Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion девушка, которая оказавшись на марсе, переоценила свою жизнь на земле.   ENG  
Content всем привет, я на марсе   ENG

L'internationale / L'internationale


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Author: Kanto Varitch Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Chant profondément humaniste, internationaliste, et symbole inaltérable du communisme qui reste l'unique idéal social   ENG A communist song  
Content C'est la lutte finale ; Groupons nous et demain L'Internationale Sera le genre humain.   ENG

Sourate Al Fatiha du Noble Coran / Al fatiha


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Author: Amir ZELLALI Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Première sourate du Coran. La raison est de répandre la parole d'Allah dans tout l'Univers. S'il y a une forme de vie sur Mars, ce sont les meilleures paroles qu'il puissent entendre, un message de paix.   ENG First surah of the Koran. The reason is to spread the word of Allah throughout the universe. If there is a form of life on Mars, it is the best words they can hear, a message of peace.  
Content – Au nom d´Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux. – Louange à Allah, Seigneur de l´univers. – Le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux – Maître du Jour de la rétribution. – C´est Toi [Seul] que nous adorons, et c´est Toi [Seul] dont nous implorons secours. – Guide-nous dans le droit chemin – Le chemin de ceux que Tu as comblés de faveurs, non pas de ceux – qui ont encouru ta colère, ni des égarés   ENG In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, Most Merciful. - Praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe. - The All-Merciful, Most Merciful - Master of the day of retribution. - It is you [alone] that we adore, and it is you [alone] that we beg for help. - Guide us properly - The way of those whom you have filled with favors, not of those who incurred your anger, nor wanderers

Axton MALAKA Viral Mars with love


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Author: Crazy Viral Country: Antarctica License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion As it seems from the most popular sound voting, most people prefer a crazy sound! Ok take it then...   ENG  
Content Viral crazy sound for Mars   ENG

Damn Les Gens / Damn Les Gens


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Author: Julien Ceccoli Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Damn les Gens c'est TiboInShape c'est un plaisir de vous parler aujourd'hui   ENG Damn les Gens famous french quote  
Content Damn les Gens c'est TiboInShape c'est un plaisir de vous parler aujourd'hui   ENG Damn les Gens c'est TiboInShape c'est un plaisir de vous parler aujourd'hui

Nwar Life / Black life


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Author: Rudy Marboeuf Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Musique rap / rock Auteur Je pense que l'on pourrait marquer le coup sur ma génération actuelle et que celui-ci sera diffusé sur bonne onde   ENG Rap / rock music Author I think that one could mark the blow on my current generation and that it will be diffused on good probe  
Content Nwar Life (8) Billie Jean (8)   ENG Black Life (8) Billie Jean(8)

réponses / Answers


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Author: jean-marc juin Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pour la beauté de notre système solaire et de l'univers qui nous obligent, en retour, à faire l'effort de connaître.   ENG For the beauty of our solar system and the universe that force us, in return, to make the effort to know.  
Content **Réponses** est un essai philosophique répondant à plusieurs questions à propos de la vérité et de la connaissance. Bien entendu, ces **réponses** utilisent un langage non verbal.   ENG **Answers** is a philosophical essay answering several questions about truth and knowledge. Of course, these **answers** use non-verbal language.

Sylvain KEPLER - Blue Travel / Sylvain KEPLER - Blue Travel


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Author: Sylvain KEPLER Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Designed to dance in the Milky Way to discover dozens of Earth-size extrasolar planets in or near the habitable zone and estimate how many of the billions of stars in our galaxy have such planets, Kepler's sole instrument are synths that continually monitors the brightness of over 145,000 main sequence stars in a fixed field of view. This data is transmitted to Earth to the clubs, then analyzed to detect periodic dimming caused by extrasolar planets that cross in front of their host star.   ENG Designed to dance in the Milky Way to discover dozens of Earth-size extrasolar planets in or near the habitable zone and estimate how many of the billions of stars in our galaxy have such planets, Kepler's sole instrument are synths that continually monitors the brightness of over 145,000 main sequence stars in a fixed field of view. This data is transmitted to Earth to the clubs, then analyzed to detect periodic dimming caused by extrasolar planets that cross in front of their host star.  
Content « It's one small step for Man, one giant leap for Humanity »   ENG « It's one small step for Man, one giant leap for Humanity »

Gremlins watch Snow White


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Author: Gremlins Antarctica Country: Antarctica License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion In 2021 Alien Gremlins from Antarctica will sabotage the onboard memory device with all sound recordings   ENG  
Content Just Gremlins watch Snow White   ENG



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Author: morin moore Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion 我用钟立风的《界限》作背景乐,念了一段西班牙诗人塞尔努达《奥克诺斯》里的选段“黄昏”。   ENG I read a selection of **Dusk** in the Spanish poet Sernuda **Oaknos** with a background music named **Bounds**.  
Content 天盖一点点被湛蓝色涂满,星星像雪絮团一般在里面畅泳。手肘撑着栏杆,感觉微风拂过,惬意无比。夜之女神的香气开始唤醒夜晚浓稠的馥郁,令人迷乱,像是一个年轻身体散发出的欲望,夏夜沉沉里身边那个人。   ENG

Tunak Tunak Tun Da Da Da / Tunak Tunak Tun Da Da Da


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Author: Svali Ryder Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ensemble, faisons résonner la gloire du peuple indien résonne sur la planète rouge. Que le Gange bénisse les Martiens !   ENG Together, let the glory of the Indian people resonate across the Red Planet. May the Ganges bless the Martians!  
Content Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Da da da Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Da da da Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Da da da Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Tunak tunak tun Da da da Dholna vajje tumbe vaali taar Sun dil di pukaar Aaja kar layieh pyaar   ENG

Answer from Mars council


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Author: Martian Council Country: Holy See License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Crazy inhabitants of the planet Earth. Who did you ask to send your robots to our planet? First, take care of your planet that you have infected with your crazy and dirty technologies, and then we at Mars will think if we should contact you. Do not send your robots to our planet again, because we will send them back to your infected planet. The Martian council   ENG  
Content Answer from Mars to planet Earth   ENG

Preguntas desde Aturias / Questions from Aturias


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Author: Pablo Del Cueto Gutierrez Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Son unas simples pregunta para enviar a Marte   ENG They are a simple question to send to Mars  
Content Hola me llamo Pablo tengo, 14 años, me gusta el ciclismo, tengo un perro que se llama Teo y voy a hacer algunas simples preguntas para Marte. ¿Hay vida? suponiendo que la haya, ¿como sois? ¿os gusta comer? ¿o sois mas de dormir? ¿teneis tecnología para invadir la tierra? ¿como es vivir en Marte? ¿cómo es la comida? ¿teneis mascotas? ¿haceis deporte? ¿tenéis casas o habitais bajo la tierra? Este es mi mensaje.   ENG Hello, my name is Pablo, I am 14 years old, I like cycling, I have a dog named Teo and I am going to ask some simple questions for Mars. Is there life? Assuming there is, how are you? Do you like to eat? Or are you more of sleeping? Do you have technology to invade the earth? What is it like to live on Mars? how is the food? Do you have pets? Do you play sports? Do you have houses or do you live under the earth? This is my message.

The connection


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Author: MARIA KAROLIDOU Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The connection of Earth and Mars.   ENG  
Content Welcome to Earth. Welcome to Mars. Welcome humans.   ENG

Haïtika et les mystères de l'univers / Haïtika and the mysteries of the universe


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Author: Ophélie Matkovic Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Cet enregistrement vient d'un livre de science fiction appelé **Haïtika et les mystères de l'univers** (Haïtika signifiant l'espoir en hébreu) que j'ai moi-même écrit. Il parle d'une femme hybride personnifiant l'univers. Je pense que cet enregistrement devrait être diffusé sur Mars pour le contenu symbolique que le livre et la mission laissent entrevoir: l'espoir incarné dans une dimension entièrement cosmologique.   ENG This recording comes from a science fiction book called **Haitika and the mysteries of the universe** (Haitika meaning hope in Hebrew) that I wrote myself. It deals with a hybrid woman personifying the universe. I think that this recording should be broadcasted on Mars for the symbolic content of which the book and the mission make it glimpse: the hope incarnated in a fully cosmological dimension.  
Content **Ils m’avaient abandonnée sur Terre, moi, l’hybride. Deux mondes réunis dans un seul corps se confrontaient : celui du ciel et celui de la Terre. J’essayais de respirer mais ce monde n’était pas le mien et ma respiration me le rappelait sans cesse. Ils m’avaient laissée pour une raison, ils m’avaient recréée dans un unique but : rétablir l’équilibre et inspirer ce monde afin qu’il se reconstruise. Je n’avais plus ma lumière primordiale. Je possédais en revanche une connaissance que les mondes célestes détenaient. Tandis que les hommes tentaient de sauver les formes, je devais m’atteler au fond. Mais ce fond me paraissait trop perverti. J’étais dans cette vie terrestre et je devais la rentabiliser en accomplissant ma mission. Je n’avais pas d’autres choix. C’est ainsi que je me construisis ma bulle, celle qui concentrait mes pouvoirs à l’abri des regards…**   ENG **They had abandoned me on Earth, me, the hybrid, two worlds reunited in one body confronted each other: the sky and the Earth ... I was trying to breathe, but this world was not mine and my breathing reminded me of it, all the time. They had left me for a reason, they had recreated me for one purpose: to restore balance and inspire this world to rebuild itself. I no longer had my primordial light. Yet, I had knowledge that the heavenly worlds held. While men were trying to save the earth, I had to get down to the bottom, but this epic seemed too perverted. I was in this earthly life and I had to restore myself, by accomplishing my mission. I had no other choice. So I built my own shelter, which stressed my powers out of other's sight... **

Melancholy hill


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Author: Silvia Piscopo Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion so they can chill in space   ENG  
Content Up on melancholy hill There's a plastic tree Are you here with me Just looking out on the day Of another dream Well you can't get what you want But you can get me So let's set out to sea 'Cause you are my medicine When you're close to me   ENG

Message pour Mars / Message for Mars


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Author: martin paquette Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ce message est une salutation ainsi qu'un message de paix et d'amour. Avec une pointe d'humour, il invite qui que ce soit qui se trouve dans la galaxie à venir nous visiter.   ENG Salutations and invitation  
Content Bonjour chers amis de la galaxie. La voix que vous écoutez présentement a voyagé de la planète Terre jusqu’à la planète Mars au cours de l’année 2021 du calendrier romain. Ce message de salutation se veut être un message de paix et d’amour. Si vous voyez Elvis, prière de nous le retourner. Merci, et au plaisir de vous voir sur la planète bleue !   ENG

BLUES PARA MARCIANOS / blues for marcians


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Author: Francisco Belmont Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un blues con armónicas improsisación hecha en Toledo España por un mexicano, una filandesa y un español   ENG A blues with harmonic improsisation made in Toledo Spain by a Mexican, a Filandesa and a Spanish  
Content A blues with harmonic improsisation made in Toledo Spain by a Mexican, a Filandesa and a Spanish   ENG

Mathilde Congy


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Author: Mathilde Congy Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ce poème est un appel d'espoir...   ENG  
Content Ho jolie planète voisine Que ce doux message t'inspire Soit planète saine et divine Un lieu qui donne envie d'y vivre Reste surtout tel que tu es Une planète qui fait rêver Ta couleur est signe d'amour Reste-le longtemps, pour toujours !!!   ENG

Un grand mouvement populaire


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Author: Jules Legrand Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Appel à l'espoir et à l'action.   ENG  
Content Je suis fier d'être à la tête d'un grand mouvement populaire qui s'emploie à rendre à la France son honneur et sa grandeur.   ENG

Καρτερούμεν μέρα νύχτα / We wait day and night.


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Author: Charalambos Lappas Country: Cyprus License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A poem in the Greek-Cypriot dialect, describing the desire of the people for a brighter future where they hope for liberation after centuries of being ruled by European and the Ottoman empire.   ENG A poem in the Greek-Cypriot dialect, describing the desire of the people for a brighter future where they hope for liberation after centuries of being ruled by European and the Ottoman empire.  
Content We wait day and night, for the wind to blow, in this burned place that never sees freedom, we wait for the sunrise, the light of that day, that will bring happiness and an ending. We wait for our Mother, young and old, to come and hug us and resurrect us.   ENG We wait day and night, for the wind to blow, in this burned place that never sees freedom, we wait for the sunrise, the light of that day, that will bring happiness and an ending. We wait for our Mother, young and old, to come and hug us and resurrect us.

Solomon's Shamir Starfleet Laser


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Author: Shamir Laser Country: Israel License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The third temple of Solomon must rebuild, and it will must be rebuilt not as usual, but as the interstellar Starfleet Academy of all Nations. After this, all Nations will be unified with international cooperation peace and prosperity for one purpose: To fix all environment and planetary problems and to boldly go where no man has gone before. Google search: (The Tablets of the Ten Commandments and Laser Technology) from: (The Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) Lev Academic Center) read detai   ENG  
Content According to the Mishnah[1] the legendary shamir, the ktav, the mikhtav, and the tablets of the Ten Commandments were created at twilight before the first Sabbath. The Talmud[2] and Rashi[3] say that the shamir was used to split the stones of the First Temple. According to Rashi, the mikhtav was the stylus with which the letters (the ktav) were engraved on the tablets of the Ten Commandments. In the Talmud, Rabbi Hisda[4] marvels at how the letters cut through the entire thickness of the tablets of the Ten Commandments and appeared in mirror image on the posterior side. Rabbi Hisda maintains it was a miracle that the center portions of the square-shaped final letter mem and the elliptical shaped samekh stayed in place. Although by definition miracles do not have to be explained as scientifically observable phenomena, Rabbi Hisda’s description matches the way a laser can cut letters through stone. We suggest that the shamir was a laser that cut the letters by its mikhtav (a ray). !!!   ENG

We come in peace


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Author: Anthony Pepon Country: Cyprus License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A good laugh for our alien friends   ENG  
Content Greek   ENG

Les Sardines-Patrick Sébastien / The Sardines


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Author: Grégoire Mazardin Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Chanson faisant partie de la culture général de bon nombre de français, se doit d'être sur Mars pour représenter la France.   ENG Song that is really famous in France, has to be on Mars to represent France !  
Content Et on se colle tous ensemble pour chanter à tue-tête : Ah, qu'est-ce qu'on est serrés, au fond de cette boîte ! Chantent les sardines ! Chantent les sardines ! Ah, qu'est-ce qu'on est serrés, au fond de cette boîte ! Chantent les Sardines, entre l'huile et les aromates ! Ah, qu'est-ce qu'on est serrés, au fond de cette boîte ! Chantent les sardines ! Chantent les sardines ! Ah, qu'est-ce qu'on est serrés, au fond de cette boîte ! Chantent les Sardines, entre l'huile et les aromates !   ENG And then we stick all together, and singing along : Ah, we are so tight, in this box ! Sing the sardines ! Sing the sardines ! Ah, we are so tight, in this box ! Sing the sardines, between the oil and aromatics ! Ah, we are so tight, in this box ! Sing the sardines ! Sing the sardines ! Ah, we are so tight, in this box ! Sing the sardines, between the oil and aromatics !

Nikos Kazantzakis quote


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Author: Ellinogermaniki Agogi Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nikos Kazantzakis quote from Greek students of Ellinogermaniki Agogi High School: Stathopoulos T, Hounta M & Thermogianni A.   ENG  
Content Είμαι ένα πλάσμα εφήμερο, αδύναμο, καμωμένο από λάσπη κι ονείρατα. Μα μέσα μου νογώ να στροβιλίζουνται όλες οι δυνάμεις του Σύμπαντου. I am a weak, ephemeral creature made of mud and dream. But I feel all the powers of the universe whirling within me.   ENG

Hello Mars, I am WengNuan


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Author: Nuan Weng Country: China License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Hi, Mars. I greet you in English, French, Russian, Chinese and Japanese. Although I am only a pupil, I dream, hope even believe that when we grow up, Man will be able to go to Mars.   ENG  
Content Hello, Mars, I am Weng Nuan. Although I am only a curious pupil, I dream, hope even believe that when we grow up, Man will be able to go to Mars and maybe that person will be one of us.   ENG

Martians sing Lemon Tree / Martians sing Lemon Tree


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Author: Cheerful Alpinists Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Hello, dear Space Explorers! We are cheerful students from Munich. We love mountains and to sing, don't care can we or not. We believe that the voices of open human hearts can achieve all galaxies of the Universe! So, just let us do it! We suppose that someone (any creature) is sitting and waiting for us (humans) in Mars, that's why we choose the song of Fool's Garden **Lemon Tree**. With Peace and Love from Alps.   ENG Hello, dear Space Explorers! We are cheerful students from Munich. We love mountains and to sing, don't care can we or not. We believe that the voices of open human hearts can achieve all galaxies of the Universe! So, just let us do it! We suppose that someone (any creature) is sitting and waiting for us (humans) in Mars, that's why we choose the song of Fool's Garden **Lemon Tree**. With Peace and Love from Alps.  
Content **I'm sitting here in the boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder**   ENG **I'm sitting here in the boring room It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon I'm wasting my time I got nothing to do I'm hanging around I'm waiting for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder**

Notre flotte a de nombreux atouts / Son !


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Author: Dimitri Mitri Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion bg qui énonce un poème élogieux aux martiens   ENG The banana hanging to the ventilator  
Content Écoutez les martiens, nous n’avons pas le temps d’avoir le temps de mettre des sous-titres   ENG Please be kind and get him down, yes, get him down he’s still breathing, help him *autistic screech*

Je rage jaaj / The ragist


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Author: Dimitri Mitri Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ne ragez pas comme moi martiens meme s’il y a la solution de la ytp   ENG If he rages get the son down you have to help him because he is still breathing  
Content Mais mange tes morts T’es un mangemort Range tes romans et tes oranges roro   ENG Eat your deads You are a death eater Tidy up your novels and your oranges rowrow

J'habite à Versailles / I live in Versailles


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Author: Emilien Gousset Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La noblesse doit être répondu au delà des frontières terrestre   ENG Nobility has to spread across earth borders  
Content Y'a t'il un problème ? j'habite à Versailles   ENG There is a problem ? I live in Versailles

Le son et leçon pour l'Humanité / Sound and lesson for Humanity


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Author: David MONOT Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ce son stéréo est destiné prioritairement à un test spécifique et scientifique dans l'espace. Le canal droit comporte toute la gamme audible par l'oreille humaine de 20 Hz à 20000 Hz. Le canal gauche est un message personnel avec en fond sonore l’introduction (**Petite musique terrienne** - Daniel Balavoine), de la chanson **L’air de l’extraterrestre** issue de l'opéra-rock français **Starmania** en 1978. Le sujet est la place de l’homme dans l’univers, le temps et les ondes.   ENG This stereo sound is primarily intended for a specific and scientific test in space. The right channel has all the range audible by the human ear from 20 Hz to 20000 Hz. The left channel is a personal message with in the background the introduction (**Petite musique terrienne** - Daniel Balavoine), of the song **L'air de l'extraterrestre** from the French rock opera **Starmania** in 1978. The subject is the place of man in the universe, time and waves.  
Content Bonjour aux habitants de la Terre. Je suis fière d'être le premier terrien de ma civilisation à transmettre ma voix depuis la planète Mars. Ma voix calibre des instruments pour tester s’il y a des éclairs sur Mars. Bientôt, nous y marcherons comme sur la Lune, en notre année 1969. Les fréquences audibles aident les scientifiques. Le progrès aide toute l’humanité malgré certaines misères sur Terre. C’est incongru, mais nous progressons. J’espère encore longtemps.   ENG Hello to the inhabitants of the Earth. I am proud to be the first earthling of my civilization to transmit my voice from Mars. My voice calibrates instruments to test if there are lightning on Mars. Soon, we will walk there like on the Moon, in our year 1969. Audible frequencies help scientists. Progress helps all humanity despite some miseries on Earth. It's incongruous, but we're making progress. I hope for a long time.

I am not the God of War amongst yourselves / I am not the God of War amongst yourselves


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Author: Cédrick Ventura Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion As this is after all a European endeavour, I wanted to leave a message that simultaneously refers to our past, our present condition and our future. Quite obviously, this message remains valid for all the inhabitants of our planet and especially so for the future colonists of the red planet. The reference to Hellenism, the generic religious undertones and the hint at the challenges that we still need to meet (Brexit among others) seem to me an apt synthesis of our hopes and strengths.   ENG As this is after all a European endeavour, I wanted to leave a message that simultaneously refers to our past, our present condition and our future. Quite obviously, this message remains valid for all the inhabitants of our planet and especially so for the future colonists of the red planet. The reference to Hellenism, the generic religious undertones and the hint at the challenges that we still need to meet (Brexit among others) seem to me an apt synthesis of our hopes and strengths.  
Content I am not the God of War amongst yourselves but the god of war against yourselves. Never shall I be the one to instill a spirit of dissension that will weaken and destroy your nation. I will not see you torn asunder, scattered about by the slightest breath of wind, by fear. Burning bright in the heavens, I wish to create a struggle inside yourselves that you might strive to better yourselves and achieve your true humanity in a spirit of perfection and unity.   ENG I am not the God of War amongst yourselves but the god of war against yourselves. Never shall I be the one to instill a spirit of dissension that will weaken and destroy your nation. I will not see you torn asunder, scattered about by the slightest breath of wind, by fear. Burning bright in the heavens, I wish to create a struggle inside yourselves that you might strive to better yourselves and achieve your true humanity in a spirit of perfection and unity.

Mon coeur bat et Mars entend ma voi / XMy heart beats and Mars hears my voice


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Author: Laura PAULUS Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La voix d'une citoyenne du monde, ni meilleure ni moins bien que les autres, juste une femme.   ENG The voice of a citizen of the world, neither better nor worse than others, just a woman.  
Content Mon cœur bat, mon cœur bat, et Mars entend ma voix. Je m’appelle Laura, Et je m’adresse à toi. Mars, je suis en émoi, Une nouvelle aventure, Fait battre toutes les conjonctures. Mon cœur bat, mon cœur bat, et Mars entend ma voix. Mars, je n’ai pas tout compris, C’est pour ça que je dis Toutes ces choses infinies. Mars, le temps presse, Emporte ma voix, Au-delà de moi, Emporte mes mots, Encore un peu plus haut. Mon cœur bat, mon cœur bat, et mars entend ma voix.   ENG My heart beats, my heart beats, and Mars hears my voice. My name is Laura, And I'm talking to you. Mars, I'm moved, A new adventure, Beat all the circumstances. My heart beats, my heart beats, and Mars hears my voice. Mars, I did not understand everything, That's why I say All these infinite things. Mars, time is running out, Take my voice, Beyond me, Take my words, Still a little higher. My heart beats, my heart beats, and Mars hears my voice.



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Author: Joseph Joestar Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Envoyons les Hommes du Pilier sur Mars !   ENG Let's sent the Pillar Men's on Mars !  

Life on Mars - 2015 remastered / Life on Mars


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Author: Mars Citizen Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Il s'agit d'une partie de la célèbre chanson de David Bowie, Life on Mars. Cette chanson à une symbolique extrêmement forte pour moi, avant tout parce qu'elle me rappelle la lancement de la Falcon Heavy, le 6 février 2018. Ce pourquoi SpaceX a été créé, c'est la colonisation de Mars, voilà pourquoi cette musique a été choisie pour accompagner le lancement de la Falcon Heavy. Selon moi, si la civilisation humaine s'étendait sur Mars, l'hymne de cette planète serait Life on Mars.   ENG It's a part of the famous David Bowie's song, Life on Mars. This song has an extremely strong symbolic for me, first of all because it reminds me of the launch of the Falcon Heavy, on February 6, 2018. That's why SpaceX was created, it's the colonization of Mars, that's why this music was chosen to accompany the launch of the Falcon Heavy. In my opinion, if human civilization spans Mars, the hymn of this planet would be Life on Mars.  
Content It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling no And her daddy has told her to go But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view   ENG It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling no And her daddy has told her to go But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view

Die monster ! You don't belong in this world.


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Author: Richter Belmont Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Let's send the popular quote of Richter Belmont of the Castlevania saga on March !   ENG  
Content What is a man ? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, have at you !   ENG

Inmu Remix


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Author: Yajuu Senpai Country: Japan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Yajuu Senpai on March   ENG  
Content An epic inmu remix.   ENG

Hymne national de l'URSS / Soviet National Anthem


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Author: Malo Rosais Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Une magnifique musique!   ENG A wonderfull song!  
Content L'Union indestructible des républiques libres A été réunie pour toujours par la Grande Russie. Que vive, fruit de la volonté des peuples, L'unie, la puissante, Union soviétique !   ENG An unbreakable union of free republics, The Great Russia has welded forever to stand. Long live the creation of the will of the people, The united, mighty Soviet Union!

Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)


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Author: Ester Muratori Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion In this track, Ester sings the refrain's cover of **Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu** by Domenico Modugno: the most famous italian song played all over the world. Fly always was THE dream of mankind, and now we can fly and go to Mars! I hope you enjoy it.   ENG  
Content **Volare, oh oh Cantare, oh oh oh oh Nel blu dipinto di blu Felice di stare lassù Nel blu degli occhi tuoi blu Felice di stare quaggiù Con te!**   ENG

Live Long and Prosper


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Author: Star Trek Country: Israel License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Star Trek Vulcan salute from Spock. Gesture of Spock is also the same as Aaronic blessing gesture! Coincidence or real ancient astronaut salutation??? Youtube video: Live Long and Prosper: The Jewish Story Behind Spock, Leonard Nimoy's Star Trek Character   ENG  
Content Youtube NASA video: Happy 50th Anniversary Star Trek   ENG



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Author: Denis GOMEZ Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)

Mon petit garcon chante / My little boy sings


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Author: Daniel PAILLARD Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Petite chanson enregistrée à l'insu de mon petit garcon lorsqu'il avait cinq ans (il en a quinze actuellement), la génération de la conquête de Mars   ENG Little song recorded unbeknownst to my little boy when he was five years old (he has fifteen now), the generation of the conquest of Mars  
Content Petit morceau du générique d'un feuilleton de télévision chanté par mon garcon   ENG Small piece of the credits of a TV soap opera sung by my boy

Ma présentation


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Author: Maxime RÉGNIER Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Je voudrai découvrir Mars avec ma voix, avant d'y aller physiquement.   ENG  
Content Le son est Français   ENG

30Sec0ndFr0mM4rs / 30_second_from_Mars


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Author: Анатолий Воробьев Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Аудио содержит гармонически приятные последовательности и вобрало оптимальный спектр частот (барабаны 80 - 900 Гц, бас-гитара 41,2 - 98 Гц, клавиши 220 - 1700 Гц, эффекты 100 - 4100 Гц). Вся дорожка пронизана изменяющейся мелодией. Размер такта увеличивается в зависимости чисел Леонардо. Хороший экземпляр для отладки связи.   ENG Audio contains harmonically pleasant sequences and absorbed the optimal frequency spectrum (drums 80–900 Hz, bass guitar 41.2–98 Hz, keys 220–1700 Hz, effects 100– 4100 Hz). The whole track is permeated with a changing melody. The size of the tact increases depending on the Leonardo numbers. A good instance for debugging communications.  
Content нет   ENG no

Shadilay / Shadilay


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Author: Ronald McDonald Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Its a very light hearted song, perfect for low frequency sound analysis. I believe it may be a good pick. The reason why you should play it on Mars is simply because it doesnt preach any violence, political ideas, codes or propaganda. Its just a famous song used by people all over the internet, it has been used for jokes, for remixes it deserves to be cemented as a historic song which was first played on Mars.   ENG Its a very light hearted song, perfect for low frequency sound analysis. I believe it may be a good pick. The reason why you should play it on Mars is simply because it doesnt preach any violence, political ideas, codes or propaganda. Its just a famous song used by people all over the internet, it has been used for jokes, for remixes it deserves to be cemented as a historic song which was first played on Mars, plus its lyrics constitute a short note about the cosmos whic fits perfectly.  
Content assoluto cosmico, regolare realtà respiro di un immagine, sintonia di civiltà confusa progenia di cellule ribelli volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò oooh oooh shadilay shadilay la mia libertà shadilay shadilea oh nooo shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà shadilay shadilay oh nooo vola nella mia vita, no non è finita io mi fermerò sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare io ti crederò shadilay shadilay la mia libertà shadilay shadilea oh nooo shadilay shadilay oh sogno o realtà shadilay shadilay oh nooo vola nella mia vita, no non è finita io mi fermerò sciogli le mie vele, nel cielo e in fondo al mare io ti crederò armonia metallica, concreta realtà videoclip elettronico, elogio di civiltà confusa progenia di cellule ribelli volo verso l'universo, l'attraverserò se sei stella fatti vedere, io mi fermerò oooh oooh shadilay shadilay la mia libertà shadilay shadilay oh nooo shadilay shadilay oh sogno o real   ENG to Italiancosmic absolute, regular reality breath of an image, harmony of civilization confused progenia of rebel cells flight to the universe, I will cross it if you are a star, show me, I will stop oooh oooh shadilay shadilay my freedom shadilay shadilea oh nooo shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality shadilay shadilay oh nooo fly in my life, no it's not over I will stop melt my sails, in the sky and at the bottom of the sea I will believe you shadilay shadilay my freedom shadilay shadilea oh nooo shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality shadilay shadilay oh nooo fly in my life, no it's not over.

Never Forget The 6 Trillion


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Author: Salamon Shekelberg Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion We must never forget the horrible crimes comitted by the evil white man against the one and only chosen people, the jews. As we expand our civilization further into the vast space of the universe it is our duty, as white people, to carry this burden of eternal guilt. with us so that we may never forget the 60 trillion. On behalf of all white people, thank you for voting. Rabbi Salamon Shekelberg   ENG  
Content Goy never forget six trillion of the chosen people were killed by Aryan monsters such as yourselves. Please ignore the other massacres of the 20th century, they're insignificant compared to the Shoah. I myself was gassed over six billion times and it gave me the most terrible fibromyalgia! I've had to survive on nothing but gefilte fish and babka to keep my bowels resilient   ENG

Svět / World


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Author: Kateřina Hauerová Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nahrávka obsahuje báseň o dnešním světě a touze jej změnit. Báseň by byla vhodná, protože obsahuje ideje platné pro všechny vlídné bytosti ve vesmíru.   ENG  
Content Dnešní svět pohrdá snílky. Ty chceš snít? A co já s tím? Pomáhat ti nebudu, na to rychle zapomeň. Dnešní svět je přílišnou hrdostí ochromen. Pojďme si udělat vlastní. Svět, kde nebudou rozdíly národnostní, který se netočí okolo bankovek. Svět, kde se nehýbá tvojí cenou, kde je jedno, jaký je tvůj věk. Svět s nohou k lepšímu nakročenou. Chci svět, kde nikdo nebude podřadný. Svět, kde se všichni mohou bez obav vyjádřit.   ENG

Tripod Alien Sound


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Author: Alien Tripod Country: Gibraltar License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion In a documentary entitled: Stephen Hawking’s Favourite Places, Stephen Hawking said: “One day, we might receive a signal from a planet like this, but we should be wary of answering back. “Meeting an advanced civilisation could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn’t turn out so well.” He went on to say that alien life could be **rapacious marauders roaming the cosmos in search of resources to plunder, and planets to conquer and colonise”.   ENG  
Content War Of The Worlds Scary Tripod Sound (With Pitch Changes)   ENG

Leonard Nimoy - Space The Final Frontier


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Author: Kostas Alexandropoulos Country: Greece License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Spock says the most famous intro!   ENG  
Content Space... the final frontier........   ENG

JenRené - a veut un ban toi / Jean René - you want a ban you


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Author: Jean Karim Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion le grand Jean rené tout puissant, notre maître a tous, que d-y-je! notre dieu!   ENG you want a ban you  
Content a veut un banne toi   ENG you want a ban you



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Author: thomas Lavigne Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Envoyons Sans sur Mars! Ne trouvez vous pas que cette douce musique devrait y aller? ;)   ENG  
Content *musique épique*   ENG

The Citizen Hearing of disclosure


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Author: Paul Hellyer Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Former Canadian Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer testified before a half-dozen former US representatives that aliens not only exist and real but they live among us right here on planet Earth for thousands of years. Hellyer is the first and only cabinet-ranking official from a G8 nation to publicly state extraterrestrials are an undeniable fact. If this sound message wins the contest and go to Mars, governments will be pushed to disclose truth. Google search: The Citizen Hearing on disclosure   ENG  
Content Governments must proceed to official full disclosure about alien life   ENG

plats lyophilisés pour Mars / freeze-dried dishes for Mars


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Author: jacomus Bersoult Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion les futurs missions sur Mars et ailleurs auront besoin de bons plats pour leurs arrivés , un grand jour..   ENG the importance of freeze-dried meals for future missions  
Content three freeze-dried dishes for future missions on Mars, French creation and wine!   ENG three freeze-dried dishes for future missions on Mars, French creation and wine!

vitas' opera performance / vitas' opera performance


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Author: safa martian Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion opera   ENG opera  
Content A voice like the rising storm   ENG from heaven

Carl sagan-Pale Blue Dot / english


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Author: safa eve Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion wisdom   ENG Carl Sagan-Pale Blue Dot  
Content The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of the dot on scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner of the dot. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light . . .   ENG “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ― Albert Einstein

errance / wandering


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Author: Jean-Claude Rossier Country: Switzerland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion saxophone soprano et guitare électrique   ENG soprano saxophone and electric guitar  
Content musique   ENG

outlander / outlander


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Author: Arash Mohamadi Country: Iran (Islamic Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A stranger   ENG A stranger  
Content A stranger   ENG A stranger

Katie Roberts


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Author: Katie Collins Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A great 4 chord guitar progression, something that transcends language barriers for all to hear   ENG  
Content N/A   ENG

Ketty THIAM / Ketty THIAM


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Author: Ketty THIAM Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Message to aliens on plamet mars   ENG Message to all UFO and alien species on mars  
Content Hello my name is ketty THIAM i like startrek and if you are an alien show us your face earth want to meet you   ENG Hello my name is ketty THIAM i love startrek and if you are alien of planet mars we wants to meet you please show us your face

Alpha Omega


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Author: Alpha Omega Country: Holy See License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I hold the Universe together from the smallest atom to the greatest galaxy… I placed intelligence from the smallest organism to all Universe for life creation… I filled up the Universe with planets and life… I am the first and the last… The beginning and the end… I am ALPHA & OMEGA and this is my only true name for all of my children of the planet Earth and for your brothers in the rest Universe…   ENG  
Content In the beginning i was the Word...   ENG

Collision / Collision


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Author: Abia Dasein Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Seulement le poème d'une terrienne à la recherche de sa **plage de Pensacola** là-haut, ailleurs, n'importe où. Ma voix sera peut-être la première à être diffusée depuis Mars, peut-être pas. Je suis juste heureuse de pouvoir participer à ce concours. **Pas à pas, Ellie, pas à pas**...   ENG Just a poem from a female earhtling who is looking for her **Pensacola beach** up there, out there, anywhere... Maybe my voice could be the first one to be ever broadcasted on Mars, maybe not. I am just grateful to be able to take part in this contest. **Small moves, Ellie, small moves**...  
Content Les yeux plus gros que le monde, je batifole avec les anges déchus. Nos crânes sont fêlés, nos cœurs sont à l'air, dans les particules d'un dieu que l'on aurait voulu rien que pour nous. A chacun de nos pas, nos mâchoires se serrent, de rage ou d'un amour qui n'en peut plus de se taire.   ENG Eyes bigger than the world, cracked skulls and bare hearts, I see myself flirting with fallen angels in the particles of a god we only wanted for ourselves. With each step we take, our jaws tighten from rage or from a love that couldn’t keep itself quiet anymore.

Epitafio virtual / Virtual Epitaph


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Author: Ernesto Sanchez Country: Chile License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Mi deseo, si las condiciones lo permiten, es poder ser parte de uno de los viajes exploratorios al planeta rojo y dar todo lo que pueda de mi para la humanidad y que mis restos sean depositados allí, como testimonio de la constante búsqueda del ser humano acerca de su origen y creación.Por eso titule al audio de **Epitafio virtual**   ENG My wish, if conditions permit, is to be part of one of the exploratory trips to the red planet and give everything I can to the humanity and ,that my remains are deposited there, as a testimony to the constant search of the human being about its origin and creation. That's why it's the title of **Virtual Epitaph**  
Content Debido a que quiero que mis restos descansen en Marte -no podría decir enterrado - me emociona saber que parte de mi se comunicará desde el futuro. Quizás sera la única forma de llegar a ese enigmático y remoto lugar, parte del diseño del gran creador. Con esto doy inicio a mi proyecto ChileAmarte   ENG Because I want my remains to rest on Mars - I could not say buried - I am excited to know that part of me will communicate from the future. Perhaps it will be the only way to reach that enigmatic and remote place, part of the design of the great creator. With this I start my project ChileAmarte

Rabia / Rage


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Author: Arturo Garduño Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Esta es la pequeña versión en español del poema **Rage** presentado en la película Interestelar de Christopher Nolan de 2014. Como paso con otros objetos inmateriales enviados a marte, tendemos humanizarlos, spirit, curiosity, opportunity; a tal grado de llorar por su perdida o alentarlos a salir de una difícil situación, ya que bueno, como sabemos Marte no es amigable, es mas bien una oscura y delirante noche, así que seria agradable humanizar a este, motivarlo, darle RABIA ante la noche próxima.   ENG This is the small Spanish version of the poem **Rage** presented in Christopher Nolan's 2014 Interstellar film. As with other immaterial objects sent to Mars, we tend to humanize them, spirit, curiosity, opportunity; to such a degree to mourn for their loss or encourage them to get out of a difficult situation, since good, as we know Mars is not friendly, it is rather a dark and delirious night, so it would be nice to humanize this, motivate him, give RABIES to him next night.  
Content No entres dócilmente en esa buena noche, la vejez debe arder y delirar al final del día; ¡rabia¡, ¡rabia¡, contra la luz en su agonía. El sabio en su fin ve justas las noches pues su palabra no dejo la marca que debía, no entres dócilmente en esa buena noche. ¡Rabia¡ rabia¡ contra la luz en su agonía.   ENG **Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.**

Звонок с Марса / Call from Mars


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Author: Владимир Шавлак Country: Ukraine License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Добрый день. Это прямая радиосвязь с планеты Марс с первого европейского планетарного марсохода. Погода на поверхности благоприятная. Ярко светит солнце. Дует тихий ветерок. Поздравляю всех с первой радиопередачей с этой замечательной планеты. С уважением, Владимир Шавлак. Удачи.   ENG Good day. This is a direct radio communication from the planet Mars from the first European planetary rover. The weather on the surface is favorable. The sun shines brightly. A quiet breeze blows. Congratulations to all on the first broadcast from this wonderful planet. Sincerely, Vladimir Shavlak. Good luck.  
Content Добрый день. Это прямая радиосвязь с планеты Марс с первого европейского планетарного марсохода. Погода на поверхности благоприятная. Ярко светит солнце. Дует тихий ветерок. Поздравляю всех с первой радиопередачей с этой замечательной планеты. С уважением, Владимир Шавлак. Удачи.   ENG gʊd ˈdeɪ. ðɪs ɪz ə dɪˈrekt ˌreɪdɪəʊ kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn̩ frəm ðə ˈplænɪt mɑːz frəm ðə ˈfɜ:st ˌjʊərəˈpi:ən ˈplænɪtri rəʊvə. ðə ˈweðə ˈɒn ðə ˌsɜ:fɪs ɪz ˈfeɪvərəbl̩. ðə ˈsʌn ʃaɪnz ˈbraɪtli. ə ˈkwaɪət ˈbri:z bləʊz. kənˌɡrætʃʊˈleɪʃn̩z tu ɔ:l ˈɒn ðə ˈfɜ:st ˈbrɔːdkɑːst frəm ðɪs ˈwʌndəfəl ˈplænɪt. sɪnˈsɪəli, vˈlædəmɪr . < > gʊd ˈlʌk.

Marilyn Norrod / English


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Author: Marilyn Rucker Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A song for the future University of Mars.   ENG A song for the future University of Mars.  
Content I remember my days at the good old U. Of Mars (Go U. of Mars!) I studied basketweaving, terraforming and stars (and a whole lot of bars) And I loved every one of those Olympus Mons beer busts (we do what we must) Racing robot rovers through those clouds of that bright red rust! (bugga bugga bugga bugga boooo) We’re proud to be here Me and my earthborn friends Cause it’s the biggest leap ever For homo sapiens! (fun fun in the way cool sun… fun fun in the way cool sun)   ENG I remember my days at the good old U. Of Mars (Go U. of Mars!) I studied basketweaving, terraforming and stars (and a whole lot of bars) And I loved every one of those Olympus Mons beer busts (we do what we must) Racing robot rovers through those clouds of that bright red rust! (bugga bugga bugga bugga boooo) We’re proud to be here Me and my earthborn friends Cause it’s the biggest leap ever For homo sapiens! (fun fun in the way cool sun… fun fun in the way cool sun)

Sophia's Home


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Author: Jim McLean Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Original poem about what wisdom is.   ENG  
Content The poet speaks with an artist's tongue, How comes this voice? what sanctifies its song? It's a consensus of the senses with no body for a home, It's a trade made by hand to grasp the great unknown. There is a central sensuality that is deeper than our own Where truth and beauty lay as one, This is Sophia's home.   ENG

Mechalonecholy - One very different planet / Mechalonecholy - One very different planet


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Author: Ксения Кутявина Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a fragment of a musical track written by the Russian-Ukrainian Duo Mechalonecholy, of which I am a member. The Duo was inspired by the theme of space. Space like the absence of borders between people and obstacles for unity in the process of creation and knowledge of the new, space like infinity. This thirty second message, I'd like to dedicate to the memory of Sergei Podlepyan, the founder Duo, who left our planet in November 2018. Let the soul not have a finale.   ENG This is a fragment of a musical track written by the Russian-Ukrainian Duo Mechalonecholy, of which I am a member. The Duo was inspired by the theme of space. Space - as the absence of borders between people and obstacles for unity in the process of creation and knowledge of the new. Space like infinity. This thirty second message, I'd like to dedicate to the memory of Sergei Podlepyan, the founder Duo, who left our planet in November 2018. Let the soul not have a finale.  
Content There are no words in the audio file, only music   ENG There are no words in the audio file, only music

Авторская музыка / Author's music


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Author: Софья Самсонова Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Синтезатор и ксилофон   ENG Synthesizer and xylophone  
Content Слова отсутствуют.   ENG Synthesizer and xylophone

The Anthem of Asgardia


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Author: Asgardia Space Nation Country: Azerbaijan License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion One Unity - One Humanity The Anthem of Asgardia Space Nation for all brothers and sisters in planet Earth and all Universe! We are from stardust! We are from carbon generated from stars! WE ARE ONE   ENG  
Content The Anthem of Asgardia Space Nation   ENG

Space Party / Space Party


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Author: Jan Vomlel Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Že existuje soutěž o vyslání zvukové stopy na Mars je pro nás příkladem znaku svobody, co nám dává chuť tvořit a zapojit se. Proto jsme složili a nahráli tuto píseň. Text písně je o oslovení výzkumníka, který je pravě šťastný, že signál dorazil zpět na Zem v pořádku. (Johnny24 & Síma21)   ENG That there is a competition for sending the sound track to Mars is for us an example of character freedom, what gives us passion to join and create. Therefore, we wrote and recorded this song. The lyrics of the song is about reaching out to the researcher, who is just happy that the signal has arrived back to Earth in order. (Johnny24 & Sima21)  
Content Hey guys How are you I just flew through the whole space And I wanna party with you   ENG Hey guys How are you I just flew through the whole space And I wanna party with you

Land Of Contrast / Land Of Contrast


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Author: Jerome PEAN Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion **Land Of Contrast** (from the album **COSMOS**) is a song i've composed to illustrate the incredible contrast of Mars (relief, temperature...) With time, this instrumental song became a theme about différence and respect between humans; and why not, every life form anywhere in the cosmos :)   ENG **Land Of Contrast** (from the album **COSMOS**) is a song i've composed to illustrate the incredible contrast of Mars (relief, temperature...) With time, this instrumental song became a theme about différence and respect between humans; and why not, every life form anywhere in the cosmos :)  
Content Instrumental music This is a sample from **Land Of Contrast** (J.PEAN/COSMOS album) Frequency : 70-35000 Hz Length : 25**19 (like the inclination of Mars)   ENG Instrumental music This is a sample from **Land Of Contrast** (J.PEAN/COSMOS album) Frequency : 70-35000 Hz Length : 25**19 (like the inclination of Mars)

Послание от ребёнка планеты Земля жителям Марса / Message from the child of the planet Earth to the inhabitants of Mars


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Author: Никита Михалкин Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Эта фонограмма от русского мальчика Никиты, в ней он призывает жителей Марса беречь и любить свою планету   ENG This soundtrack is from Russian boy Nikita, in it he calls on the inhabitants of Mars to take care and love their planet  
Content Дорогие Марсиане! Берегите и любите свою планету! Берегите её полезные ископаемые, экологию и природные ресурсы! Мы-Земляне, к сожалению, свою планету уже испортили...   ENG Dear Martians! Take care and love your planet! Take care of its minerals, ecology and natural resources! We Earthlings, unfortunately, have already spoiled our planet ...



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Author: Philippe Fagnoni Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a musical message of Hope and Peace from Earth to Mars recorded by AstroVoyager (the French electro-symphonic music composer) & the Prague Concert Philharmonic… Close your eyes… Now just imagine this epic sound playing on Mars…   ENG  
Content Red Planet & Electro-Symphonic Music   ENG

Desde marte / From mars


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Author: John fredy Villegas perez Country: Colombia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Comunicación de una persona desde el planeta marte con voz natural   ENG Comunicatión of a person from the planet mars at natural voice  
Content Hola, me comunico desde marte, me copian? Es muy bonito el planeta, yo estoy muy contento aquí, como están ustedes allá en la tierra? Muy bien me imagino, yo aquí estoy bien explorando   ENG Hello, i am Comunicatión from mars, You are copie me? Is very beatiful the planet, i am very happy Here, how are You there are un the eart? Very good sure, i am Here nice explorated.

À des années lumières


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Author: Krys Lyncée Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Aller à l'essentiel de ce qui est à vivre en toute forme de vie où qu'elle se trouve ; l'amour   ENG Go to the essential of what is to live in any form of life wherever it is; love  
Content À des années-lumière pas un seul magnétar pas de sursaut gamma ni d’éruption solaire la vie n'est-elle pas merveilleuse ? Toi, tu es là, belle, presque nue et nous faisons l'amour   ENG At light-years not a single magnetar no gamma burst no solar flare Is not life wonderful? You are here, beautiful, almost naked and we make love

88 notes


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Author: Marc Sabat Country: Canada License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A cascade of tones fall from the top note of the piano to the bottom and rise back again, each mirroring the other. This whole tone melody passes once through what might be an endless spiralling 30 second cycle, each note of the piano's 88 sounded once. Two scales, gazing at each other across space and time. On the surface each pattern repeats in different depths of pitch, but their harmonic symmetries are dissolved in perception of the fleeting present moment.   ENG  
Content ||: C8 . A#7 G#7 F#7 E7 D7 C7 Bb6 | G#6 F#6 E6 D6 C6 Bb5 Ab5 | F#5 E5 D5 C5 Bb4 Ab4 Gb4 | E4 D4 C4 Bb3 Ab3 Gb3 Fb3 | D3 C3 Bb2 Ab2 Gb2 Fb2 Ebb2 | C2 Bb1 Ab1 Gb1 Fb1 Ebb1 Dbb1 . Bb0 | A0 . Cb0 Db1 Eb1 F1 G1 A1 B1 | Db2 Eb2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C#3 | Eb3 F3 G3 A3 B3 C#4 D#4 | F4 G4 A4 B4 C#5 D#5 E#5 | G5 A5 B5 C#6 D#6 E#6 Fx6 | A6 C6 C#7 D#7 E#7 Fx7 Gx7 . B7 :|| live first performance by Thomas Nicholson, piano, at KM28 Berlin, 15 February 2019, composed by Marc Sabat   ENG

Milo l'araignée radioactive de 3 ans / Milo the radioactive spider of 3 years


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Author: Aurélien Lopes Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Milo n'a rien trouver d'autre que de partager sa comptine préférée du moment, surement ce qu'il y a de plus universel pour un petit garçon de 3 ans...   ENG Milo has nothing to do other than share his favorite nursery rhyme of the moment, surely the most universal for a 3 year old boy ...  
Content Bonjour, Je m’appelle Milo et je suis une araignée radioactive. L'araignée gypsie monte à la gouttière tien voila la pluie, gypsie tombe par terre et le soleil a chassé la pluie l'araignée gypsie est repartie. Bisous!   ENG Hello, My name is Milo and I am a radioactive spider. The spider gypsie goes up to the gutter here is the rain, gypsie falls to the ground and the sun chased the rain the spider gypsie is gone again. Kisses!

What Lies Over Yonder?


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Author: Alessandro Nastasi Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is a tribute to humanity which highlights our curiosity, our desire to explore, our need to understand our place in the universe and the beauty of science. This recording contains a monologue that I wrote to show my appreciation of science and mankind itself. I would be honoured to have this recording played on Mars. I think it sends the positive message that humans can be capable of greatness and that science is wonderful beyond measure.   ENG  
Content Ever since the dawn of time, humans have been looking up at the sky, thinking, wondering, hoping, dreaming. But what is it that drives us, that compels us, that fills us with this desire to see, to find, to know, to learn, to explore, to venture beyond our planet, to wander seas of starry darkness, to dare reach places of untold distances, to contemplate the uncontemplable, to seek the unseekable, to go...where no one has gone before. But perhaps that's what being human is all about: The relentless endeavour to understand who we are, where we are and what we'll be. And I wonder and I wonder, what lies over yonder?   ENG

mp4 / Russian, Azerbaijani, Tatar, Kabardian, Moldavian.


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Author: Эльвира Сайфиева Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion **Сегодня, уже завтра** Фоном идут языки народов постсоветского пространства (русский, азербайджанский, татарский, кабардинский, молдавский).   ENG Оn the background the record you can hear voices of children speaking the languages of the USSR.  
Content перебор на гитаре. смех. диалог студентов на своих родных языках. **Вместе семьей народов в счастливое справедливое завтра**. звук струны.   ENG The bust on the guitar. The laugh. The dialog of the students in their native languages. Our multinational brotherhood is striving for the happy and fair future. The string sound

A wish, A dream, A hope


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Author: A wish A dream Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion All people of Earth must have full space knowledge, because when all people will realize how small is this planet, they will understand that wars and disagreements, offer only disaster on this little blue paradise we called Earth, and now our planet needs our cooperation, for saving our home from pollution and united all together as a great force, we will make this home as it was in the past. A paradise with jungles, clean oceans, and atmosphere. This is my greatest wish, dream and hope...   ENG  
Content All people of Earth must have full interstellar education and knowledge, because when all people will realize how small is this planet, they will understand that wars and disagreements, offer only disaster on this little blue paradise we called Earth, and now our planet needs our cooperation, for saving our home from pollution and united all together as a great force, we will make this home as it was in the past. A paradise like in the old ages of Tarzan with jungles, clean oceans, and atmosphere. This is my greatest wish, dream and hope... Sorry for my bad English... Hope to understand...   ENG

Ass We Can


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Author: Sebastian Fors Country: Nigeria License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A tribute to billy herrington.   ENG  
Content no transcription   ENG

Sonidos naturales / Natural sounds


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Author: Lorena Álvarez Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Tengo 14 años y estoy preocupada por el mundo. Ojalá los cambios de estación y sus sonidos perduren en los tiempos. ¡Stop cambio climático! Me gustaría que estas palabras pudieran viajar libremente por el espacio y llegar hasta Marte.   ENG I am 14 years old and I am worried about the world. I hope the changes of season and their sounds endure in the times. Stop climate change! I would like these words to travel freely through space and arrive until Mars.  
Content Tengo 14 años y estoy preocupada por el mundo. La concentración media mundial de dióxido de carbono en la superficie de la Tierra en 2017 fue de 405 partes por millón , es decir, 2,2 más de las registradas en 2016. Ojalá los cambios de estación y sus sonidos perduren en los tiempos. ¡Stop cambio climático!   ENG I am 14 years old and I am worried about the world. The global average concentration of carbon dioxide on the Earth's surface in 2017 was 405 parts per million, that is, 2.2 more than in 2016. I hope the changes of season and their sounds endure in the times. Stop climate change!

wai xing ren yaaaaa!!! / wai xing ren yaaaaa!!!


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Author: ARTHUR BENOIT Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion petite chanson a destination de Mars écrite par Arthur , 5 ans, Bretagne   ENG a little song to Mars from Arthur, 5 years old, Britany  
Content Bonjour les martiens , on n'a un petit message pour vous : Wai xing ren yaaaaaa,di qiu ren yaaaa , wai xing ren yaaa, di qiu ren yaaaa, bon pour ceux qui n'avaient pas compris c'est une petite interprétation d'une chanson qui dit , les extraterrestres et puis les hommes de la Terre. C'est tiré de Arthur mon fils qui a 5 ans. voilà   ENG Hello Martians, we have a little message for you: Wai xing ren yaaaaaa, di qiu ren yaaaa, wai xing ren yaaa, di qiu ren yaaaa, good for those who did not understand this is a small interpretation of a song that says, aliens and then men of the Earth. It's from Arthur my son who is 5 years old.

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