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Archive 1

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Win XP startup sound ! / Win XP start up sound


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Author: Karel Peleška Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Myslim ze tohle by byla vyborna klasika pro start sondy :))   ENG Win XP start up sound  
Content ta dudaaadada !   ENG ta dudaaadada !

Obrázek srdce s EKG (převedený na zvuk) / Heart Image with ECG Curve (converted to sound)


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Author: Jiří Pastor Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Obrázek srdce je převedený do nul a jedniček a pak převeden na zvukovou stopu. Do obrázku je vložena křivka EKG, která symbolizuje bušící srdce a vzhledem k tomu, že jde o základní vyjádření v nulách a jedničkách, tak by měl být srozumitelný celému vesmíru.   ENG The picture of the heart is converted into a binary sentence and then converted into a soundtrack. An ECG curve that symbolizes the pounding heart is inserted into the image, and since it is a basic expression in zeros and ones, it should be understandable to the entire universe.  
Content □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up / Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up


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Author: Jan Gromeš Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Rickrolling je dlouholetá pozemská tradice. Veškeré životní formy na Marsu byly bohužel o tento zázrak moderního umění ochuzeny. Je na čase tuto křivdu napravit!   ENG Rickrolling is a long-standing Earth tradition. Unfortunately, all Martian lifeforms were deprived of this miracle of true modern art. Now is the time to fix this injustice!  
Content Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you   ENG Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Anthem of Europe


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Author: Pavol Kukla Country: Slovakia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion **Anthem of Europe** is the anthem of the Council of Europe and the European Union. It is based on **Ode to Joy** from the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony composed in 1823. It expresses the ideals of a united Europe: freedom, peace, and solidarity.   ENG  
Content Instrumental   ENG



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Author: Ivan Tomášik Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Dnes již klasická česká hláška z filmu Pelíšky. Pokud si vědci umí ze sebe udělat trochu srandu tak na tohle tahle hláška sedí skvěle.   ENG  
Content Teda to muselo dát příšernou práci. Přítom taková blbost co?   ENG

Vyšehrad (Má vlast) / The High Castle (My Country)


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Author: Vít Pavelka Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Má vlast - Vyšehrad - harfy věštců Znělka hlavního nádraží v Praze, v roce 1933 se ozvala v radiovém vysílání jako **znělka Prahy**. Proto si myslím, že by měla oznámit světu zahájení relace.   ENG  
Content jen hudba   ENG only music

E.T. volá domů. / E.T. phone home


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Author: Lukáš Podloucký Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion E.T. volá domů. Myslím, že tato nahrávka jasně vystihuje co je tím zamýšleno.   ENG E.T phone home. After touchdown, this should be a test for a rover he is ok.  
Content E.T. volá domů. Pane bože on mluví.   ENG E.T phone home. Oh my god he´s tallking.



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Author: Jan Pospíšil Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Zvuky bájné Atlantidy či Lemurie - solfegio frekvence a zpěv Irské hudebnice Mary O'Harah přímo lákají obyvatele oblasti Cydonia na Marsu k jejímu poslechu...   ENG  

David Bowie - Life on Mars? / David Bowie - Life on Mars?


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Author: Tomáš Přibil Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Bowie nejspíš ani nebyl pozemšťan, myslím, že na jeho domovské planetě by tato píseň neměla chybět.   ENG David Bowie probably did not even come from Earth, I think that this song should be played on his home planet.  
Content He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?   ENG He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?

Moto Moto / Moto moto


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Author: Stanislav Vojtíšek Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Dámy a pánové, přistání na Marsu je historická událost a tuto historickou událost by měla doprovázet hudba hodná vítězů. Proto navrhuji tento kousek z animovaného filmu Madagaskar 2 . Nejenže tato píseň dodá majestátnost tomu přistání, ale díky této melodii budeme schopni dobýt celou naší Sluneční soustavu. Proto říkám MOTO MOTO NA MARS ! DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to this song. All the rights belong to the owner of the song.   ENG Ladies and gentlemen, landing on Mars is a historic moment. For this historic moment we also need song which is worthy for occasion. And I am pretty sure this song is the right thing we just need. Let the Mars hear this legendary song from the movie Madagascar 2 and with its melody we shall conquer whole solar system. Onward MOTO MOTO! DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to this song. All the rights belong to the owner of the song.  
Content Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky I like them big, I like them chunky (Chunky) I like them big, I like them plumpy (Plumpy) I like them round, with something, something (Something) They like my sound   ENG Chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky I like them big, I like them chunky (Chunky) I like them big, I like them plumpy (Plumpy) I like them round, with something, something (Something) They like my sound

Hans Zimmer - This Land


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Author: Štěpánka Čierna Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Krásná atmosférická hudba od talentovaného skladatele.   ENG  
Content Pouze hudba   ENG

Za 100 let / After 100 years


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Author: Pavel Štěpánek Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Výroční píseň ke stému výročí naší České republiky, vytvořená nejnadanějšími českými hudebníky. Myslím si, že jde o velmi významnou českou píseň, a proto ji navrhuji jako naše poselství.   ENG  
Content Kdo ví co bude stát, za sto let. Co o nás budou psát, a vyprávět. Snad taky budou si umět zpívat, a tančit na stole. Jako my, i za sto let.   ENG

Nebudu to dělat! / I won't do it!


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Author: Ondrej Kapraľ Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Člověk, který miluje svou práci.   ENG Man who loves his work.  
Content Nebudu, nebudu to dělat!   ENG I will not! I will not do it!

Marriage proposal


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Author: Zbynek Mathon Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion I am proposing my girlfriend to finally marry me. I think it would would be cool for her to be first ever woman proposed from Mars.   ENG  
Content Hi babe, you know that I'm not good in doing big things. So I would like to take this opportunity to record this message and send to Mars by space ship. It is just to let you know that I love you so much and tell you that I am really sorry it took so long. Babe,my love, will you finally marry me? I repeat: will you marry me,please?   ENG

Český velikán Jára Cimrman / The great Czech Jara Cimrman


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Author: Pavel Krč Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nechme sondu na Marsu uctít památku největšího pozemšťana všech dob.   ENG Let the probe on Mars honor the memory of the greatest Earth man of all times.  
Content Největším světovým spisovatelem, vynálezcem, malířem, fyzikem, lyžařem a filosofem za posledních sto let byl český velikán Jára Cimrman. Můžeme o tom vést spory, můžeme s tím nesouhlasit, ale to je tak všechno, co se proti tomu dá dělat.   ENG The world’s greatest writer, inventor, painter, physicist, skier and philosopher in the last hundred years was the great Czech Jara Cimrman. We may dispute it, we may disagree with it, but that’s about it that we can do against it.

Mise začíná / Mission begins


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Author: Pavel Spurný Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Originál domácí ambientní vesmírná znělka. :-D Jednoduchá melodie, mimozemské podkresy i s těmi blesky (hromy).   ENG Original homemade ambient space sonet. :-D Simple melody, extraterrestrial background including even lightnings (thunders).  
Content C-dur, F-dur, G-dur, C-dur, F-dur, G-dur, C-mol, F-mol, G-mol, C-mol, F-mol, G-mol, C-dur :-) Pozadí: šššššššš, brrrrrrr, rrůůů, tlk tlk tlk tlk, blum, plum... atd... :-D   ENG C-major, F-major, G-major, C-major, F-major, G-major, C-minor, F-minor, G-minor, C-minor, F-minor, G-minor, C-major :-) Background: šššššššš, brrrrrrr, rrůůů, tlk tlk tlk tlk, blum, plum... atd... :-D

Erik / Erik


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Author: Erik Hučko Country: Slovakia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Správa   ENG Message  
Content Ahoj to som ja Erik Hučko   ENG Hi, it's Erik Hučko

Battlestar Galactica - Main Title / Battlestar Galactica - Main Title


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Author: Miloš Mikoláš Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Battlestar Galactica procestovala pořádný kus vesmíru a je nejlepším sci-fi seriálém začátku 21. století.   ENG Battlestar Galactica has traveled a great deal of space and is the best science fiction series of the begining of 21st century.  
Content Úvodní znělka seriálu Battlestar Galactica.   ENG

Když to srovnám s tím naším výletem na Kokořín...


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Author: Michal Dvořák Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Co je na Marsu? Prd.   ENG  
Content Frištenský: „No já tomu možná nerozumím, ale za sebe bych řek, že tu nic tak extrovního nevidím. Když to srovnám s tím naším výletem na Kokořín...“ Lékárník: „Prosím tě, to se vůbec nedá srovnávat.“ Frištenský: „Jak to?! Byly tam skály pískovcový, občerstvení... co je tady? Prd.“   ENG

Pláč novorozence


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Author: Jana Dvořáčková Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Když se narodíme, pláčeme. Dáváme tím najevo své potřeby. A hlavně fakt, že JSME TADY :). Až se lidé vydají dál ke hvězdám, budou se tam rozmnožovat, a potom dětské kňourání zazní odevšad. Co zkusit takovou menší generálku - třeba na Marsu :)? Můj synovec Tobias 23. 8. 2017 - v den, kdy se narodil.   ENG  
Content Pláč.   ENG

Dědictví aneb...


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Author: Roman Bláha Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Bohuš na Mars!   ENG  
Content Kdo volá? co? Ne neprší tady co? Jak zkůšaš co zkůšaš , já mám jednání . Běž do řiti ty hňupe.   ENG

Pozdrav mámě / Greeting mum


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Author: Vladimír Kašpar Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Novosvětská - Antonín Dvořák + mluvené slovo   ENG Novosvetska - Antonin Dvorak + voiceover  
Content chacha, mama   ENG chacha, mama

Lazer Queen (I Love You Honey Bunny - album: Cosmic Background Radiation) / Lazer Queen (I Love You Honey Bunny - album: Cosmic Background Radiation)


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Author: Martin Šolc Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ukázka ze singlu Lazer Queen české skupiny I Love You Honey Bunny z debutového alba Cosmic Background Radiation. Produced by: Dušan Neuwert (Gui-ton) Mastered by: John Davis (Metropolis Studios) Recorded at: 3Bees (Adam pakosta, Petr Houdek), Gui-ton (Dušan Neuwerth) EDITOR: vyňaty odkazy na internetové stránky   ENG Part of the single Lazer Queen of the Czech band I Love You Honey Bunny from their debut album Cosmic Background Radiation. Produced by: Dusan Neuwert (Gui-ton) Mastered by: John Davis (Metropolis Studios) Recorded at: 3Bees (Adam pakosta, Petr Houdek), Gui-ton (Dusan Neuwerth) EDITOR: internet lins removed  
Content ever since it had begun i‘ve been telling everyone reached a point of no return i‘m just having fun singularity mesmerising i’ve been stuck on the event horizon lazer queen...   ENG ever since it had begun i‘ve been telling everyone reached a point of no return i‘m just having fun singularity mesmerising i’ve been stuck on the event horizon lazer queen...

pošli sojku na marz* (send a jay to mars)


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Author: Zlata Hejduková Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Dík křiku sojky poznáš jednou i sebe, už zítra znát se budeš mnohem líp než dnes.... ( Jaroslav Wykrent)   ENG  
Content výkřik sojky - jay's scream   ENG

Pozdrav z Marsu a potvrzení přistání sondy EXO Mars 2020 


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Author: Petr Štafl Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nahrávka obsahuje pozdrav všem na Zemi z Marsu po případném přistání sondy EXO MARS 2020 Na povrchu Marsu a potvrzení o jejím přistání s gratulací .Přejí si vysílat k příležitosti případného úspěšného přistání.Děkuji   ENG  
Content Já Petr Štafl z Dalešic u Jablonce nad Nisou posílám všem pozdrav na planetu Zemi z planety Mars a potvrzují úspěšné přistání na povrchu Marsu Evropské sondy EXO MARS 2020 nesoucí Evropské robotické vozítko Rosalind.A tím gratuluji Evropské vesmírné agentuře ESA,Ruské agentuře Roskosmos a všem ,kteří se podíleli na Misi EXO MARS 2020.    ENG

Škoda lásky / Skoda lasky


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Author: Miroslav Pokorný Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Písnička svobody,kterou zná celý svět a přece je naše.   ENG A song of freedom that the world knows and is ours.  
Content Škoda lásky kterou jsem tobě dala ,škoda slzí ,které jsem vyplakala.Moje mládí uprchlo tak jako sen ze všeho mi zbyla v srdci mém vzpomínka jen.   ENG The pity of love I gave you, the pity of the tears that I cried out. My youth fled like a dream of everything left in my heart.

Pozdrav z Marsu / Greetings from Mars


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Author: Milan Klápště Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pozdrav z Marsu a doručení jak se chovat k Zemi.   ENG Greetings from Mars and delivery of how to behave on Earth.  
Content Obyvatelé planety Země, posílám pozdrav z nehostinné planety Mars. Pokud chcete, aby Vaše planeta Země dopadla jako Mars, tak pokračujte v ničení Vaší planety. Pokud nechcete, aby Vaše planeta Země dopadla jako Mars, tak dodržujte dohody z klimatické konference a řádně se starejte o Vaši planetu.   ENG The inhabitants of Planet Earth, I send a greeting from the inhospitable planet Mars. If you want your planet Earth end up like Mars, continue to destroy your planet. If you don't want your planet Earth end up like Mars, follow the climate conference agreements and take care properly of your planet.

Sound of success


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Author: Shiril Mon Country: India License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Wishing a great success   ENG  
Content Hi this is shiril From Chennai, India I wish a great success to this project and Congrats to the team behind this project Thank you.   ENG

Life On Mars / Life On Mars


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Author: Tommaso Nenz Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Una canzone iconica che rappresenta molte generazioni e che può unire la razza umana in un unico obbiettivo   ENG An iconic song that represents many generations and that can unite the human race in a single goal  
Content It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling no And her daddy has told her to go But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view And she's hooked to the silver screen But the film is a saddening bore For she's lived it ten times or more She could spit in the eyes of fools As they ask her to focus on Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?   ENG It's a God-awful small affair To the girl with the mousy hair But her mummy is yelling no And her daddy has told her to go But her friend is nowhere to be seen Now she walks through her sunken dream To the seat with the clearest view And she's hooked to the silver screen But the film is a saddening bore For she's lived it ten times or more She could spit in the eyes of fools As they ask her to focus on Sailors fighting in the dance hall Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show Take a look at the lawman Beating up the wrong guy Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best selling show Is there life on Mars?

It's not too late


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Author: Claudia Anna Carrington Country: Czechia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ať už na Marsu najdeme cokoliv, toto tam neuslyšíme. Naše planeta je krásná a jedinečná. Važme si toho a opatrujme ji. (Whatever we find on Mars, we won’t hear this. Our planet is unique and beautiful. Let us cherish and protect it.)   ENG  
Content (Ptačí zpěv). Whatever we find on Mars, we won’t hear this. Our planet is unique and beautiful. Let us cherish and protect it. (Ptačí zpěv).   ENG

May the F= m a be with us all


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Author: Xavier Alvarez Country: Puerto Rico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion You should play this on Mars because everything that surround us is gravity and force, and what better than the famous quote from the best intergalactic movie: Star Wars   ENG  
Content May the Force be with us   ENG

Brian Eno - Another Green World - 30sec fragment


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Author: kevin mc ilroy Country: Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A small beautiful fragment of music. Maybe Mars was another green world. Maybe it will be again.   ENG  
Content No Words. No Vocals. Words fail me.....   ENG

Yo mismo / My voice


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Author: Victor Monedero Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Pues no gran cosa. La verdad me aburría en casa y digo voy a mandar un mensaje. Lo que es agradable es mi voz el contenido se puede cambiar. Saludos.   ENG Pues no gran cosa. La verdad me aburría en casa y digo voy a mandar un mensaje. Lo que es agradable es mi voz el contenido se puede cambiar. Saludos.  
Content Pues no gran cosa. La verdad me aburría en casa y digo voy a mandar un mensaje. Lo que es agradable es mi voz el contenido se puede cambiar. Saludos.   ENG Pues no gran cosa. La verdad me aburría en casa y digo voy aensaje. Lo que es agradable es mi voz el contenido se puede cambiar. Saludos. .

J'aime cette idée / I love this idea


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Author: Carole Larigauderie Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Juste des paroles, j'aime cette idée d'une voix qui part de la terre, va sur mars et revient vers la terre   ENG Only words, I love this idea of a voice that comes from earth to Mars and then come back to earth.  
Content J'aime, j'aime cette idée d'une voie qui part de la terre, arrive sur mars et revient vers la terre. Plutôt que de mettre n'importe quoi, pourquoi pas ça ?   ENG I love, I love this idea of a voice that comes from earth, goes to Mars and then comes back to earth. Instead of filling with anything, why not this?

We've Landed on Mars / We've Landed on Mars


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Author: Ryan Lin Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This recording is similar to the Apollo 11 landing quote, where Neil Armstrong boasts to Houston that they have landed on Tranquility, the Moon. In the same way, this quote will give pride to ESA and all Earthlings when the Rosalind Franklin rover lands on Mars. More especially, when the quote is played---on Mars, or Earth it gives pride to all the people of the 'good Earth', that we strive to learn more about this unknown and fascinating universe.   ENG This recording is similar to the Apollo 11 landing quote, where Neil Armstrong boasts to Houston that they have landed on Tranquility, the Moon. In the same way, this quote will give pride to ESA and all Earthlings when the Rosalind Franklin rover lands on Mars. More especially, when the quote is played---on Mars, or Earth it gives pride to all the people of the 'good Earth', that we strive to learn more about this unknown and fascinating universe.  
Content **Uh, Houston, Oxia Base here. The Rosalind Franklin [rover] has landed.**   ENG **Uh, Houston, Oxia Base here. The Rosalind Franklin [rover] has landed.**

Ja ja ja ja / Laugh


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Author: Carlos Sifontes Country: El Salvador License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Risas ja ja ja ja   ENG Ja ja ja ja  
Content Ja ja ja jaa   ENG Ja ja ja



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Author: Neza Chow Chow Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This recording contains the audio to the popular 80s song **Never Gonna Give You Up.**   ENG We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.  
Content We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.   ENG We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of.



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Author: JACQUELINE GARCIA Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion CUANTO TE EXTRAÑO..   ENG  
Content TE AMO..   ENG

Cool Clear Water / Cool Clear Water


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Author: Trevor Lewis Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Musical piece consisting of acoustic guitars and vocals relating to water   ENG Musical piece consisting of acoustic guitars and vocals relating to water  
Content Cool clear water. Cool clear water, dripping from my brow. Hush now   ENG Cool clear water. Cool clear water, dripping from my brow. Hush now

Busquem conheciemento - ET Bilu o ET BR


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Author: Ruan Pablo Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion o ET mais famoso do planeta, o único extraterrestre a ser entrevistado da história, com sua mensagem de paz universal merece ser ouvida em Marte.   ENG  
Content Apenas que busquem conhecimento.   ENG

Celeste / Celeste


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Author: Mario Olivieri Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion La voce di mia figlia che vuole andare sulla luna. Un sogno per lei e il suo futuro un augurio per me, un augurio per gli esseri umani   ENG My daughter voice, she wants go to the Moon. A dream for her and his future and for human beings  
Content Vorrei andare sulla luna per correre, conoscere amici e alieni, papà ti voglio bene un bacio e spero che ci riuscirai, sei bellissimo papà ti voglio bene   ENG I would Like to go to the Moon for run, to meet friends, aliens,,dad i love you and i hope you will be able to make it, you are beautiful dad, i love you

We are Here / Nous sommes là / We are here


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Author: Ambroise Sulies Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion **we are here**, **nous sommes là**, message pour nous rappeler ce que nous avons accompli. Par procuration, nous sommes à la surface d'une autre planète. Signal aussi de notre présence pour d'autres, peut-être, qui sait.   ENG **we are here**, in French and English. A reminder of what we have accomplished. We are at the surface of another planet. Also a signal of our presence to others, who knows ?  
Content We are here. Nous sommes là.   ENG We are here

Saludo Martecianos / Greetings martecianos


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Author: María del Pilar Martínez Montero Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Porque hay gallegos en todos lados y seguro que en Marte también, asique le enviamos un cariñoso saludo con un chiste para que pasen un buen día.   ENG Because there are **gallegos**everywhere and surely on Mars todo,let's send him q loving greetings with a joke so they have a nice day.  
Content Hola **Martecianos** ,somos galegos de Allariz. Eeee recordade despois do Marte ven o Mercore.   ENG Hello Martecianos, se are Galician oficina Allariz. Anddddd remembered after Mars comes Mercore.

Proud to be Martian / Proud to be Martian


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Author: Ohan Armen Country: Netherlands License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Call from Mars   ENG Call from Mars  
Content Proud to be Martian   ENG Call from a patriot Martian Man

Accueil pour Mars /Musique : Tokyo Machine - EPIC [Monstercat Reamlease]


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Author: William Garcia Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Petit audio accompagné en fond d'une musique, pour proposer mes salutations (comme une conversation avec Mars ou un être vivant).   ENG Small audio accompanied in the background of a music, to offer my greetings (like a conversation with Mars or a living being).  
Content Bonjour a toi être vivant ou a toi seul planète rouge j'espère que tu apprécies les plusieurs son provenant de notre planète bleue dont celui-ci et a une prochaine fois pour venir te voir.   ENG Hello to you being alive or to you red planet alone I hope you enjoy the many sounds from our blue planet including this one and next time to come and see you.

Profesía del fin de los tiempos / Prophecy for the end of time


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Author: Santiago Salerno Country: Colombia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Profesía del destino punitivo detallado por Dios mediante el profeta Sofonías, que tendrán todos los que osen transgredir los estatutos de Dios y no rediman sus pecados   ENG This is Prophecy of the punitive destiny detailed by God through the prophet Zephaniah, which will have all those who dare to transgress the statutes of God and do not redeem their sins  
Content El estruendo del día del Señor será amargo, hasta los más valientes gritarán entonces. Dice el Señor: **caminarán como ciegos por que pecaron contra mí, su sangre será derramada como polvo y su carne amontonada como estiércol. En el día de la ira del Señor, no salvará a la gente ni su plata ni su oro, por que el fuego del enojo del señor consumirá todo el país, todos los habitantes de la tierra quedarán destruídos en un solo instante**.   ENG The rumble of the Lord's day will be bitter, even the bravest will scream then. The Lord says: **They will walk as blind because they sinned against me, their blood will be poured out like dust and their flesh piled up like dung.** In the day of the Lord's wrath, it will not save the people neither their silver nor their gold, because the fire of the Lord's anger will consume the whole country, all the inhabitants of the earth will be destroyed in a single instant. **

Qué pa, qué pasa acá, Marte? / what's happening here, Mars?


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Author: Francisco Galarce Country: Paraguay License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion También queremos saber qué pasa en Marte.   ENG We wanna know whats happening here.  
Content **Hola! Qué pa, qué pasa acá? huehue**   ENG Hello! what's happening here? hahaha

Space, the final frontier


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Author: Team Lorca Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.   ENG  
Content Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.   ENG

Flying Light


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Author: Sushir Ravi Country: India License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This is an ending music from Naruto Shippuden   ENG  
Content null   ENG

Voz a Marte / Voice to mars


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Author: Victor Muñoz Country: Chile License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Saludo   ENG Greeting  
Content Hola Marte hola tierra   ENG Hello Mars hello land

Un appel parois les étoiles


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Author: Mathieu MOSTEL Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Bonjour, Je suis radio amateur et c'est la première fois que je ferais une liaison radio de 76 millions de kms :) C'est fun !!! Merci bcp   ENG  
Content Bonjour moi c'est Mathieu, Je suis aussi radio amateur F4EZO, du coup ce projet m'as paru super intéressant car c'est la première fois que je vais faire une liaison radio avec autan de distance. Bon OK ça n'est pas moi qui serais l'opérateur mais ça fait 76 millions de kms, c'est plutôt cool et ça va êtres rigolo à voir. En tout cas j'en profite pour saluer toute l'humanité, la famille, les amis et ainsi de suite :) Bref c'était une super idée !!! A bientôt :)   ENG

Cornfield Chase BSO de Interestellar (por Hans Zimmer) / Interestellar's Cornfield Chase by Hans Zimmer


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Author: Gerard Mendoza Ferrandis Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Es un fragmento de una de las canciones de la Banda Sonora Original de Interestellar. Es una canción que me hace sentir tranquilidad, a la vez que intriga. Creo que esto es lo que sentirá Control de Misión tras el aterrizaje. Tranquilidad al ver que ha sido un éxito, e intriga por ver todo aquello que el rover estará por descubrir.   ENG It's a fragment of the original soundtrack from Interestellar. It is a song that makes me feel calmed and intrigued. I beleive that these are the feelings that Mission Control will feel after the landing Calm as they'll know that the landing was a success, and intrigued to see all the new discoveries that the rover will make.  
Content No se puede transcribir, pues es solo música.   ENG It can't be transliterated as it's only music.

We are the champions / We are the champions


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Author: Jorge Vega Country: Chile License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Enviaran el Rover,si llega, seremos los campeones. Muy bonita canción de Queen.   ENG They will send the Rover, if it arrives, we will be the champions. Very nice song by Queen  
Content Pero ya he pasado Y nosotros queremos seguir sin parar y sin parar Nosotros somos los campeones - mis amigos Y nos mantendremos luchando Hasta el final Nosotros somos los campeones Nosotros somos los campeones No hay tiempo para los perdedores Porque nosotros somos los campeones del Mundo   ENG

Ele voltará! / Christ come to get us


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Author: Lucas Fraga de Oliveira Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Música sobre esperança.   ENG Music of hope.  
Content   ENG

Is this in violation of the EU Copyright Directive?


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Author: David Hoffmann Country: Austria License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Is this in violation of the EU Copyright Directive?   ENG  
Content Is this in violation of the EU Copyright Directive?   ENG

Saludos desde Space Mars /


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Author: Jose Manuel Navarro Lopez Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion pues un saludo a toda raza humana desde el planeta rojo y dando ánimos a que l a especie humana sea multiplanetaria   ENG  
Content Hola a todos soy Jose Manuel Navaro Lopez soy de España   ENG

Gracias a la vida - Violeta Parra / Thanks to life - Violeta Parra


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Author: Cristian Fuentes Country: Chile License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Kurz vor ihrem Tod schuf Violeta Parra das Lied Gracias a la vida (‚Dank an das Leben‘),[2] welches als eine Säule der Nueva Canción (spanisch: ‚Neues Lied‘) gilt. Zuerst wurde es in Últimas Composiciones (1966) verlegt, dem letzten Album Parras. Der Titel wurde in der lateinamerikanischen Musik vielfach neu interpretiert und international rezipiert.   ENG **Gracias a la vida** (Spanish for **Thanks to life**) is a song composed and first performed by Chilean musician Violeta Parra, one of the artists who set the basis for the movement known as Nueva Canción. Parra composed **Gracias a la vida** in La Paz in 1966[1], and the song was released on Las Últimas Composiciones, the last album Parra published before committing suicide in 1967. The song is one of Parra's most renowned and is performed throughout the world, and remains as one of the most covered  
Content Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto. Me dio dos luceros que, cuando los abro, perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco, y en el alto cielo su fondo estrellado, y en las multitudes el hombre que yo amo.   ENG Thank you to life, which has given me so much. It gave me two bright eyes, that when opened, Can perfectly distinguish black from white And in the sky above, its starry backdrop, And from within the multitude The one that I love.

Parabéns Pra Você / Happy birthday to you


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Author: Elailson Silva de Lima Lima Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Parabéns Pra Você nesta data querida, muitas felicidades muitos anos de vida. Parabéns Pra Você nesta data querida.   ENG Happy birthday to you. In this especial date. Best wishes. Many years of life. Happy birthday to you. In this especial date.  
Content Parabéns Pra Você nesta data querida, muitas felicidades muitos anos de vida. Parabéns Pra Você nesta data querida.   ENG Happy birthday to you. In this especial date. Best wishes. Many years of life. Happy birthday to you. In this especial date.

Leandro de camino a Marte / Leander on his way to Mars


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Author: Sergio de Gracia Country: Spain License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion En la Balada nº 2 de Franz Liszt, Leandro cruza cada noche un mar a nado para visitar a su amor prohibido: Hero. Ahora, Leandro tiene la oportunidad de cruzar el espacio para visitar a otro amor, también de arduo alcance, que compartimos muchos: Marte. ¡Ayúdalo y vota!   ENG In Liszt's Ballade no. 2, Leander swims every night across a sea to visit his forbidden love: Hero. Now, Leander has the opportunity to travel across the space to visit a different love -hard to reach, too- which many of us share: Mars. Help him and vote!  
Content [Música]   ENG [Music]

Diego A Cruz / Welcome to our brothers of planet Mars


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Author: Diego Cruz Country: Puerto Rico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Un saludo a la civilización y hermanos del planeta martes   ENG A greeting from Earth to our brothers of planet Mars  
Content Un saludos cordial a la civilización y hermanos del planeta martes, desde el hermoso planeta tierra y directo desde la hermosa isla Puerto Rico. Gracias por dejarnos explorar su planeta y por permitirnos ser parte de este.   ENG A cordial greetings to the civilization and brothers of the planet Mars, from the beautiful planet Earth and directly from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. Thank you for letting us explore your planet and for allowing us to be part of it.

Hello from Mars!


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Author: Oskar Liam Fjellstedt Country: Sweden License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion The message is to convey that the very possibility that this sound can come from Mars shows that humans are forever advancing forward. Another message is also included to hope that these technologies and cooperation bring us more peace and closer together rather than apart.   ENG  
Content Hello from Mars! This sound file shows that Humanity and Europe will always move forward to advance humankind. Let us hope that these advancing technologies bring us closer together, and bring more peace to our planet Earth.   ENG

So long and thanks for all the fish


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Author: Vito Moliterni Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion In order to send a message on Mars nothing is more appropriate than the title of the fourth book of **The hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy**,well-known science fiction romance by Douglas Adams,and moreover the song in the film based on this book. In it there's the desire to thank the Earth for what it has given,and to announce the melancholy abandonment.   ENG  
Content So long and thanks for all the fish So sad that it should come to this We tried to warn you all but oh dear You may not share our intellect Which might explain your disrespect For all the natural wonders that grow around you So long, so long and thanks for all the fish   ENG

Go to mars / Voyage to mars


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Author: Francisco Severiano Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Voyage to mars   ENG Wave guide quantic voyage to mars  
Content Voyage to mars   ENG Voyage to mars and congratlation to my Teacher.

Marte llamando a tierra / Mars calling earth


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Author: John fredy Villegas Perez Country: Colombia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Comunicación desde marte   ENG Comunication from mars  
Content Hola, me estoy comunicando desde marte, marte llamando a tierra como me copian?, bien por supuesto, como están allá todos?, yo aquí estoy bien gracias.   ENG Bello, i am communicating from mars, mars calling earth, how coping me? Fine off course, how are you there, i am fine, thank you.

Just DO IT!


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Author: Mariano Arg Country: Argentina License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Any kind of extraterrestrial life should know that humans don't give up, that we work hard and make our dreams come true and that we know nothing is impossible.   ENG  
Content DO IT! just DO IT!. Don't let you dreams be dreams, yesterday you said tomorrow so just DO IT! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! just do it. Some people dream success while you're gonna wake up and work HARD AT IT! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! You should get to the point where anyone else would quit and you're not gonna stop there, NO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DO IT! JUST, DO IT! YES YOU CAN!, just do it. If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up.   ENG

Prayer for earth


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Author: Sandra Lindqvist Country: Sweden License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion This prayer for Earth is recorded in the Cathedral of Lund, Sweden. Prayer as a language, is a language of hope, exploration and it can shed light on what´s at the core of our deepest desires. Trough prayer we lay our true selfs bare and we find a spiritual home. Now as humanity, explore our cosmic home, seeing our own planet in all of her beauty and vulnerability, we hope that this can be our small contribution on the journey towards the greater sense of unity and compassion we very much need   ENG  
Content Thank you for earth, our beautiful home. Save us from ignorance and fear and lead us to walk on the path of curiosity, wonder and love. Help us to hear earth calling, to not do more harm, to accept and respect our planets limitations. Bless those who work for a greater understanding and care of our home. Bless those who fight for her and inspire those in power to act with wisdom and sustainability. Amen   ENG

Deus Presente


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Author: Roberto Ribeiro dos Santos Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nesse deserto de areias, rochas, frio, calor, nunca se esqueça que Deus se faz presente, pois ele é o criador do universo.   ENG  
Content Nesse deserto de areias, rochas, frio, calor, nunca se esqueça que Deus se faz presente, pois ele é o criador do universo.   ENG

game of thrones / game of thrones


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Author: Nistor Marian Country: Romania License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion game of thrones   ENG game of thrones  
Content game of thrones   ENG game of thrones

Poema de amor / Love poem


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Author: Adrian Arias Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Poema de amor que habla de la paradoja de estar cerca y al mismo tiempo lejos, explorando la idea de recibir el poema desde otro planeta mientras uno sigue estando en el mismo planeta   ENG Love poem that speaks of the paradox of being close and at the same time far, exploring the idea of receiving the poem from another planet while one is still on the same planet.  
Content Te estoy llamando desde otro planeta pero aún sigo aquí cerca tuyo Esta es la ilusión del tiempo y el espacio así podemos estar separados y siempre juntos o juntos y eternamente separados.   ENG I'm calling you from another planet but I'm still here near you This is the illusion of time and space so we can be separated and always together or together and eternally separated.

Do not go gentle into that good night /


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Author: Alessandro Ranise Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It contains an extract from the movie Interstellar, the actual best movie about space of all times. It's that magic moment when the poem **do not go gentle into that good night** is recited by the voiceover. This audio match exactly 30 seconds and I think it would be the perfect message in the perfect context from Mars. The meaning is basically to never back down and that even when the odds are not in our favour we will always fight, TO THE LAST BREATH!   ENG  
Content Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light.   ENG

Kurdo-Halbmond / crescent-Kurdo


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Author: yannick wegener Country: Germany License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Ein Lied über Halbmond und eine Beziehung,die durch die verbindung zum mond passt.   ENG A story about love , a relationship and crescent.It is a perfect fit for mars because of the relation to space and culture.  
Content Mitten in der Nacht, es ist Halbmond Sie raucht eine Shisha auf dem Balkon Sie sagt Baby, es macht bald boom Bald kommt dein Album, inshallah Altun Mitten in der Nacht, es ist Halbmond Sie raucht eine Shisha auf dem Balkon Sie sagt Baby, es macht bald boom Bald kommt dein Album, inshallah Altun   ENG In the middle of the night, it's half moon She smokes a hookah on the balcony She says baby, it's going to boom soon Soon your album will arrive, inshallah Altun In the middle of the night, it's half moon She smokes a hookah on the balcony She says baby, it's going to boom soon Soon your album will arrive, inshallah Altun

Destiny 1 OST - Music of the Spheres (**The Path**)


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Author: Tiger Du Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion > PLEASE GIVE THIS ONE A READ AND A LISTEN ! < This music recording beautifully captures humanity's never-ending spirit of exploration and discovery! If you're a fan of majestic orchestral + choral music, then this recording is a no-brainer to vote for! While some of the other sound recordings are presented as jokes, it's very easy to imagine hearing this music on the surface of Mars! It represents humanity maturely! Give it a listen, and you'll see what I mean! You won't r   ENG  
Content 30 seconds of majestic orchestral + choral music that evokes the explorative spirit of humanity——our destiny, if you will! Please vote for this sound file if you think it would represent humanity well and if you can imagine hearing it on the surface of Mars!   ENG



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Author: GERMAN DARIO CLAVIJO CLAVIJO Country: Colombia License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Charla basica.   ENG  
Content Sonidos guturales.   ENG

Happily Ever


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Author: Chuck Zeoli Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Fourth song on the album Ancient Tragic Fable by Actors On Earth   ENG  
Content Once upon a time our lives were all upheaved against tremendous odds we rebuilt beyond our dreams and with my Queen by my side we'll raise a family a top this island mountain in the sky... Happily ever. Your home, you're happy.   ENG

Добро пожаловать, капитан / Welcome captain


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Author: Denis Voronov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Марс будет приветствовать летящие на него космические корабли   ENG Planet Mars will welcome spacecraft flying on him  
Content [ ˈwelkəm ] [ ˈkæptɪn ]   ENG [ ˈwelkəm ] [ ˈkæptɪn ]

И на Марсе будут яблони цвести


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Author: Aleksey Xoxlov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Фонограмма содержит первый куплет советской песни, в котором **обещают космонавты и мечтатели, что на Марсе будут яблони цвести**.   ENG  
Content Жить и верить это замечательно, перед нами небывалые пути, обещают космонавты и мечтатели, что на Марсе будут яблони цвести.   ENG

We are not there, but already heard


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Author: Viktor Patrinov Country: Russian Federation License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Man on Mars yet, but his voice is already heard from there   ENG  
Content Man on Mars yet, but his voice is already heard from there   ENG

Desesperada advertencia del daño irreversible a nuestro hermoso planeta / Desperate warning of irreversible damage to our beautiful planet


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Author: Jared Rodríguez Country: El Salvador License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Este es un serio llamado de atención a todos mis congéneres, a parar definitivamente el daño irreversible que estamos causando a nuestro planeta, la tierra está muriendo a pausas. Valoremos lo que tenemos, mañana será demasiado tarde y nuestra raza se extinguirá junto con nuestro hermoso planeta y hogar.   ENG This is a serious call of attention to all my congeners, to stop definitively the irreversible damage that we are causing to our planet, the earth is dying at pauses. Value what we have, tomorrow will be too late and our race will be extinguished along with our beautiful planet and home.  
Content Queridos congéneres, sirva mi aportación como una desesperada advertencia del daño irreversible que le estamos causando a nuestro hermoso planeta. Detengamos ahora mismo la deforestación, la depredación de las especies y en definitiva, la contaminación de nuestro hogar y planeta. De lo contrario, continuaremos viéndolo morir lentamente, y con él también la extinción de nuestra raza será inminente. Aún estamos a tiempo de revertir nuestra autodestrucción.   ENG Dear fellow human beings, serve my contribution as a desperate warning of the irreversible damage we are causing to our beautiful planet. Stop the deforestation right now, the depredation of the species and in short, the pollution of our home and planet. Otherwise, we will continue to see it die slowly, and also the extinction of our race will be imminent. We are still in time to reverse our self-destruction.

Eu te esperarei / I will wait for you!


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Author: Iago Emanuel Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Coloquei uma gravação da minha amiga Theresa cantando e tocando uma música que lembra a imensidão do universo. nome da música: Eu te esperarei   ENG I put a recording of my friend Theresa singing and playing a song reminiscent of the immensity of the universe. Music name: I'll wait for you !  
Content Eu te esperarei!   ENG I will wait for you!

On my mind / Ingles


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Author: Roberth Calderon Country: Italy License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Electronico   ENG Ingles  
Content On my mind   ENG Ingles

Owen's On Mars, Baby!


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Author: Tom Syndercombe Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Around 5 years ago my friends and I asked the question **how hard can electronic music be to make?**. So, we decided to start making it. 5 years later and one of us is still recording his friends and turning it into fairly average quality 'music'. This 'song' is the result of me having started making music as a joke. The vocals are courtesy of Owen Evans who was not told how they would be used. To have this played on Mars would truly show just how absurd the world is. Tom Out.   ENG  
Content I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on Mars I'm on I'm on I'm on I'm on I'm on I'm on I'm on I'm on I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I'm on Mars Baby I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on Mars I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on Mars I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on Mars I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on, I'm on Mars   ENG

5 Notes / 5 Notes


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Author: Ross Wille Country: United States of America License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Variation on the Close Encounters 5-note progression.   ENG Variation on the Close Encounters 5-note progression.  
Content Musical notes, no transcription   ENG Musical notes, no transcription

Joao Marcos Alves da Silva


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Author: Joao Marcos Alves da Silva Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A sound of an Era, might be shared through out the space, and if some other form of intelligence hears it, they shall know the true peace.   ENG  
Content *sound effect*   ENG

W. A. Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro Duettino **Canzonetta Sull'aria**


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Author: Kopjár Attila Country: Hungary License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Le Nozze di Figaro Duettino ** Canzonetta Sull'aria** Edith Mathis - Susanna Gundula Janowitz - La Contessa di Almaviva Conductor: Karl Böhm Orchestra: Der Deutschen Oper Berlin Recording: Hamburg 1968    ENG  
Content Ei già il resto capirà. Certo, certo il capirà. Certo, certo il capirà.   ENG



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Author: Caio Souza Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Abertura do seriado, famoso dos anos 90 , Arquivo x   ENG Opening of the series, famous from the 90's, X Files  
Content Som somente instrumental   ENG Sound only instrumental

Message de 2019 venant d'un Français


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Author: Théo Francineau Country: France License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Salutation   ENG  
Content Bonjour aux humains du futur, ce message date du 28 mars 2019, et j’espère que vous avez pas trop fais de connerie sur notre belle planète   ENG

The beautiful sound of a bird in the Earth / The beautiful sound of a bird in the Earth.


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Author: Elizabeth Ocampo Carpio Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It is the sound of parakeet. It is the sound of a wild life form on planet Earth that deserves to be heard more of the world because animals are also life.   ENG It is the sound of parakeet. It is the sound of a wild life form on planet Earth that deserves to be heard more of the world because animals are also life.  
Content The bird is playing with me and is screaming.   ENG The bird is playing with me and is screaming.

Sobre mim


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Author: Evando Júnior Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Áudio sobre a minha vida   ENG  
Content Good night! My name is Evandro Junior and I'm recording this audio to send to Mars. It is now ten past twenty-five minutes the night of March 28, two thousand and nineteen. I'm recording this audio from the staircase of my house and I'm going to tell a little about my life.   ENG

I Need You / I Need You


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Author: Eduardo Long Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion brazilian song and poetry   ENG This is a poetry that says about love and love must be present in any place of the universe.  
Content Eu preciso de você... (I need you) Um sol no céu azul, (a sun in the blue sky) De canções e poesias... (of songs and poetry) Vem me dê seu coração...(come on give you heart) Me trague emoções.. (bring me emotions) E me cure as feridas... (and heal my wounds)   ENG I need you, a sun in the blue sky, of songs and poetry, come on give you heart, bring me emotions, and heal my wounds.

Melyssa talking / Melyssa talking


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Author: Jhenys Maiker Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion My name is Jhenys Maiker I live in Brazil, I have a daughter named Melyssa but she does not live with me, this audio is the first time I heard her call me **Daddy**.   ENG My name is Jhenys Maiker I live in Brazil, I have a daughter named Melyssa but she does not live with me, this audio is the first time I heard her call me **Daddy**.  
Content My name is Jhenys Maiker I live in Brazil, I have a daughter named Melyssa but she does not live with me, this audio is the first time I heard her call me **Daddy**.   ENG My name is Jhenys Maiker I live in Brazil, I have a daughter named Melyssa but she does not live with me, this audio is the first time I heard her call me **Daddy**.



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Author: Guillermo Tinoco M. Country: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Las ciencias permitirán al hombre preservar la raza, inteligencia humana, conquistar las estrellas.   ENG The sciences will allow man to preserve the race, human intelligence, to conquer the stars.  
Content Saludo! Las ciencias permitirán al hombre preservar la raza, inteligencia humana, conquistar las estrellas. Soy el profesor ciencias de la tierra y planetarias postgrado, Guillermo Tinoco, **marciano honorario** desde el 20 de agosto de 2015, **tripulante virtual** de la sonda NASA Parker Solar Probe desde el 8 de Agosto de 2018, **residente virtual** en el robot NASA Insight, Elysium Planitia. La inteligencia del hombre perdurará.   ENG Greeting! The sciences will allow man to preserve the race, human intelligence, to conquer the stars. I am the professor of earth sciences and planetary postgraduate, Guillermo Tinoco, **honorary Martian** since August 20, 2015, **virtual crew** of the probe NASA Parker Solar Probe since August 8, 2018, **virtual resident** in the NASA Insight robot, Elysium Planitia. The intelligence of man will last

Um poema para Marte / A poem for Mars


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Author: Kael Oliveira Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Um poema para Marte, sobre o universo.   ENG A poem for Mars, about the universe.  
Content Nascemos para manifestar a glória do Universo que está dentro de nós. Não está apenas em um de nós: está em todos nós. E conforme deixamos nossa própria luz brilhar, inconscientemente damos às outras pessoas permissão para fazer o mesmo. E conforme nos libertamos do nosso medo, nossa presença, automaticamente, libera os outros. Nelson Mandela   ENG We are born to manifest the glory of the Universe that is within us. It is not only in one of us: it is in all of us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. And as we free ourselves from our fear, our presence automatically frees others. Nelson Mandela

Faith of the heart mp3


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Author: Paulo Perez Martins Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion music by Russell Watson   ENG  
Content It's been a long road To get from there to here It's been a long time But my time is finally here … And I can feel a change in the wind right now Nothing's in my way And they're not gonna hold me down no more No they're not gonna hold me down … 'Cause I've got faith of the heart I'm going where my heart will take me I've got faith to believe I can do anything I've got strength of the soul And no one's going to bend nor break me I can reach any star   ENG

Viajero del Tiempo / Time traveler


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Author: Germán Aranda Country: Mexico License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Historia de un viajero del tiempo.   ENG Time traverler's tale.  
Content Soy un viajero del tiempo, o más bien lo era. Verás, era capaz de viajar en el tiempo de cualquier forma en la que quisiera, pasado o futuro. Creo que era un científico con una gran mente, al ser la única persona de mi época sin ánimos de alardear, que descubrió el viaje en el tiempo. Digo que es lo que creo porque realmente no recuerdo mi pasado. Cuando adquirí esta habilidad, lo único que recuerdo fue la euforia.   ENG Soy un viajero del tiempo, o más bien lo era. Verás, era capaz de viajar en el tiempo de cualquier forma en la que quisiera, pasado o futuro. Creo que era un científico con una gran mente, la única persona de mi época sin ánimos de alardear, que descubrió el viaje en el tiempo. Digo que es lo que creo porque realmente no recuerdo mi pasado. Cuando adquirí esta habilidad, lo único que recuerdo fue la euforia. I am a time traveler, or rather it was. You see, I was able to travel through time in whatever way I wanted, past or future. I think he was a scientist with a great mind, the only person of my time with no bravado, who discovered time travel. I say that is what I believe because I do not really remember my past. When I acquired this ability, the only thing I remember was the euphoria.

Deus Presente


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Author: Roberto Ribeiro dos Santos Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Nesse deserto de areias, rochas, frio, Carlos, nunca se esqueça que Deus se faz presente, pois ele é o criador do universo.   ENG  
Content Nesse deserto de areias, rochas, frio, calor, nunca se esqueça que Deus se faz presente, pois ele é o criador do universo.   ENG

I'm a Martian / I'm a Martian


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Author: WILMAR MARCCIANO ORTIZ Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Martian is my last name   ENG Martian is my last name  
Content Em 6 de março de 1965 nascia na terra um marciano, quatro mês após o meu nascimento foram enviadas a terra as primeiras foto do meu planeta natal pela Mariner 4. É clalo que estou fazendo uma alusão do fascínio que tenho por ti Marte. Marciano de sobrenome não sabia que teria ligações tão forte com o planeta vermelho, quase chorei de emoção quando vi o pequeno sojourner em poster de uma revista cientifica, agradeço a você Marte por me sobrenomear espero um dia poder desvendar todos o seus segredos.   ENG On March 6, 1965 a Martian was born on earth, four months after my birth the first photo of my home planet was sent to Earth by Mariner 4. It is clear that I am making an allusion to the fascination I have for you Mars. Martian last name did not know that would have links so strong with the red planet, I almost cried with emotion when I saw the little Sojourner in poster of a scientific magazine, thank you Mars for surnamed me one day I hope to be able to unveil all your secrets.

Jefferson Banks Miranda / Tax is theft


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Author: Jefferson Banks Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion Male voice telling a truth. Tax is theft and no matter how well they use the product of theft. Voz masculina falando uma verdade. Imposto é roubo e não importa o bom uso que dão com o produto do roubo.   ENG It is a universal truth, something taken by force, even if for good use, is theft. The idea is that Martians should not fall into this trap.  
Content O imposto é roubo, não importa o uso que dão ao produto roubado.   ENG Tax is theft and no matter how well they use the product of theft. O imposto é roubo, não importa o uso que dão ao produto roubado.

Mars Test Transmission Alpha 001 


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Author: Pieter Johannes Lombard Country: South Africa License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion A kind, lighthearted greeting.   ENG  
Content Welcome to the people of Earth. This is a test transmission from the surface of your red neighbour, Mars. May science lead us to the great unknown, and help us remind the universe that we were here. We mattered, and we pushed ourselves to be better. Through peace and cooperation, I believe that it is possible to overcome any obstacle and create a true, unified utopia. This is Pieter Johannes Lombard Signing off.   ENG

Cristiano Pereira Matos - Audio for Marte / Cristiano Pereira Matos - Audio for Mars


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Author: Cristiano Pereira Matos Country: Brazil License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion * e uma gravação simples , editada para remover um pouco do ruído , falando meu nome , onde eu moro e que desejo que meu audio seja enviado a marte pelo fato de ser algo inedito e muito diferente , quero muito que aconteça !!!!   ENG * and a simple recording, edited to remove some of the noise, speaking my name, where I live and I want my audio to be sent to mars because it is something unpublished and very different, I really want it to happen !!!!  
Content * Falo meu nome completo * Falo onde eu Moro * e Digo porque devo ser Escolhido   ENG * I speak my full name * I speak where I live * and I say why should I be Chosen

Rotverschiebung! / Red shift!


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Author: Wickus Bester Country: South Africa License (CC BY 4.0)
Descriprion It is a motivation to keep searching, and a celebration of this hopeful, new era.   ENG It is a motivation to keep searching, and a celebration of this hopeful, new era.  
Content Liebe Pioniere, Verwandte und Freunde! Es gab eine Zeit, bevor wir hier waren, und es kann eine Zeit danach geben. Wir können nicht sicher sein, was hinter dem Horizont liegt, aber lassen Sie uns weiter den edlen Handwerk nachgehen, die uns hierher führen. Es muss kein Bedauern geben, keine Tränen, keine Ängste. Nur Wissen, Erkundung und die Schwere unserer neuen Mission Lassen Sie diese neue Erkundung unsere Rotverschiebung sein, und können wir in den Sternen Frieden finden. Ich lasse dich in guten Händen, Erdling Wickus Bester   ENG Dear pioneers, kinsmen and friends, There was a time before we were here, and there may be a time after. We cannot be certain what lies behind the horizon, but let us keep pursuing the noble crafts that lead us here. There must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Only knowledge, exploration and the gravity of our new mission Let this new exploration be our Red Shift, and may we find peace in the stars. I leave you in capable hands, Earthling Wickus Bester

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