Conference Centre Château Nové Hrady
14. 7. 2016The Conference Centre is situated in the historical building of the Nové Hrady château in South Bohemia, built in the Empire style. It forms part of the local academy and university campus and is an organizational unit of the Centre for Nanobiology and Structural Biology, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The Conference Centre offers organization of conferences, field meetings, congresses, trainings, seminars, workshops and other events.
The Conference Centre offers a comfortable and quiet accommodation directly in the château building with a total capacity of 42 beds, including car parking facility in front of the building. A beautiful castle park, located on the Conference Centre premises is a perfect place for relaxation and for holding parties or banquets, especially during the summer time.
The catering is provided by the Rotunda restaurant located on the ground floor of the château building. They offer a wide range menu including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, receptions and banquets. They also offer catering in the historical halls of the château.
Conference Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Zámek 136, CZ-37333 Nové Hrady, Czech Republic.
More detailed information can be found on
The Conference Centre also offers the possibility to use laboratories with modern equipment including
- two-photon polarization microscope,
- UV / VIS spectrometer (Perkin Elmer),
- spectrofluorometer,
- HPLC (Knauer),
- X-ray difractometer Bruker D8 Venture,
- crystallization robot Crystal-gryphon (Artrobbins),
- general protein crystallization equipment,
- computer classroom (20 places) connected with computer cluster designed for high-end molecular modeling (MD, QM/MM, docking, homology modeling, bioinformatics).
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